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EIU Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

Past Colloquia

Colloquium Schedule for Spring 2024 

Colloquium Schedule for Fall 2023 

  • Friday, December 1 at 4:00 (OM 2231)
    Speaker: Dr. Gregory Galperin (EIU emeritus)
    Title: The Strong Law of Small Numbers

  • Tuesday, November 14 at 3:30 (OM 2231)
    Speaker: Dr. Amanda Welch (EIU)
    Title: PED and POD Partitions and their Generalizations

  • Friday, October 27 at 4:00 pm (OM 2231) 
    Speaker: Dr. Bruce Reznick (UIUC)
    Perry Lecture: What Does '>' Really Mean?

  • Thursday, October 26 at 6:00 pm (Booth Library) 
    Speaker: Dr. Bruce Reznick (UIUC)
    Perry Lecture: What Does 2023 Really Mean? 

Colloquium Schedule for Spring 2023 

Colloquium Schedule for Fall 2022 

Fall 2021

Date Speaker(s) Title
Oct. 29 Grant Lakeland
Systoles of hyperbolic surfaces via graph theory
Dec. 3 Andrew Mertz (EIU) Capturing Flags for Fun and Profit

Spring 2021

Date Speaker(s) Title
Mar. 12 Kurt Heckman
(President, vCalc LLC)
Department of Energy's Missions for America
Apr. 1 William Worden (Rice Univ.) Hyperbolic 3-manifolds and polyhedral decompositions
Apr. 2 Nickolas Castro
(Univ. of Arkansas)
Making Sense of smooth 4-manifolds via lower dimensions
 Apr. 5 Amanda Welch
(College of the Holy Cross)
Integer Partitions
 Apr. 9 Liem Nguyen
(Louisiana State University
Weil sum, Helleseth Conjectures, and Applications


Fall 2020

Date Speaker(s) Title
Nov. 20 Chad Kelterborn
(UNC - Chapel Hill)
Machine Learning: How to train programs to recognize data?


Spring 2020

Date Speaker(s) Title
Feb. 7 Bogdan Petrenko (EIU) On the Rate of Convergence of Our Methods of Gradient Descent
May 1 Andrew Schwartz (SEMO) Zero Forcing Sets in H-matchable graphs and a few other infinite classes of

Fall 2019

Date Speaker(s) Title
Sept. 13 Bogdan Petrenko (EIU) The Maximum Principle for an Analytic Function of Several Complex Variables
Oct. 4 Andrew Wrobel (formerly of the London School of Economics) Optimization and Economic Equilibrium in Commodity Spaces of
Bounded Functions
Oct. 18 Gregory Galperin (EIU) A Hidden Symmetry in the Sequences' First Digits of 2n, 3n, 4n5n,..
Oct. 24 Andrew Wrobel (formerly of the London School of Economics) Operation and valuation of an energy storage plant 
Oct. 31 David Lyons (Lebanon Valley College) Perry Lecture: Scientific and Philosophical Challenges in the Era of Quantum Technology
to be held in Doudna Lecture Hall, 5:30 pm
Nov. 1 David Lyons (Lebanon Valley College) Perry Lecture: Mathematical Symmetries in Quantum Information Science
Nov. 15 Richard Koss (EIU) Descent Approaches to Finding Roots
Dec. 4 Richard Koss (EIU) Complex Varieties as Minima
Dec. 6 Mohsin Md Abdul Karim (EIU) Hidden Symmetries in Classical Mechanics and Related Number Theory Dynamical Systems

Spring 2019

Date Speaker(s) Title
Jan. 25 Gregory Galperin (EIU) Two Remarkable Constructions in Hyperbolic Plane  and Their Justification in the Klein Model
 Feb. 8 Ghaith Husari (UNC Charlotte) TTP Mining Fom The Unstructured Text of Cyber Threat Intelligence
Feb. 11  Abdul Moh’d (EIU)  Using Data Science to Create Solutions for Industry & Tools for Natural Language Processing and Social
Media Analysis
Feb. 13  Yi Li (UT Dallas) Social Network Analysis - Algorithmic Foundation and Practical Uses
Feb. 22 Peter Andrews (EIU) How A Chebyshev Polynomial Can Save Your Picture
Mar. 22 Andrew Parrish (EIU) From Khinchine's Conjecture to Erdös' Similarity Conjecture
Apr. 12 Kamleh Parwani (EIU) Pathological Foliations of the square
Apr. 19 Seth Yeakel Billiards with Pockets: Some structural observations
Apr. 19 Joseph Melberg An Examination of Database Solutions

Fall 2018

Date Speaker(s) Title
Sept. 7  Bogdan Petrenko (EIU) Some Conjectural Properties of Coefficients of Cyclotomic Polynomials
Sept. 14 Charles Delman (EIU) An Informal Primer on the Alexander Polynomial
Sept. 21 Peter Andrews (EIU) A Proof of Morley’s Theorem Using Complex Analytic Geometry
Oct. 1 (Mon) Konstantin Slutsky (nuTonomy) Autonomous vehicles in a nutshell 
Oct. 5 Grant Lakeland (EIU) An introduction to the Cheeger constant
Oct. 26 Gregory Galperin (EIU) Non-Convex Polyhedra inscribed in a sphere, and a New 
Intriguing 4-dimensional Polytope
Nov. 2 Gregory Galperin (EIU) Projections of Lines in Hyperbolic Geometry
Nov. 8 Benson Farb (UC) Perry Lecture: The Power of X (held in the Doudna Fine Arts Center @ 6:00)
Nov. 9 Benson Farb (UC) Perry Lecture: Braids, Polynomials, and Hilbert's 13th Problem
Nov. 30 Amin Bahmanian (ISU) Fair Detachments of Hypergraphs



Spring 2018

Date Speaker(s) Title
Jan. 28    Rick Anderson (EIU) & Peter Wiles (EIU) Changing Fourth Graders' Discourse on Parallelograms
Feb. 9 Claire Merriman (UIUC) Coding geodesic flows and various continued fractions
Feb. 23 Anush Tserunyan (UIUC) Orbit equivalence, cost, and decompositions
Mar. 2 Gloriana Gonzalez (UIUC) Hybridity in Mathematics Teacher Professional Development
Mar. 23 Evgeny Gordon (EIU) On Teaching Calculus on the Base of Nonstandard Analysis I
Apr. 13 Nathan Dunfield (UIUC) Fun with finite covers of 3-manifolds: connections between 
topology, geometry, and arithmetic
Apr. 20 Joseph Melberg and Bogdan Petrenko (EIU) The Surprising Computational Utility of Implicit Function Theorem

Fall 2017

Date Speaker(s) Title
Sept. 8        Charles Delman (EIU) Music of the Dandelin Spheres
Sept. 22 Gregory Galperin (EIU) Jumping Electrons and Jumping Spheres - First Talk
Sept. 29 Gregory Galperin (EIU) Jumping Electrons and Jumping Spheres - Second Talk
Oct. 6 Joseph Vandehey (OSU) Normaility vs. Determinism
Oct. 17 Peter Andrews (EIU) What If Your Directrix Were a Circle?
Oct. 26 Bruce C. Berndt (UIUC) Perry Lecture: Ramanujan's Life and Earlier Notebooks
Oct. 27 Bruce C. Berndt (UIUC) Perry Lecture: Ramanujan's Lost Notebook: History and Content
Nov. 3 Grethe Hystad (PNW) A Bayesian Approach to Estimating Earth’s Undiscovered, Mineralogical Diversity
Nov. 10 Scott Ahlgren (UIUC) Partitions, smallest parts, and modular forms
Nov. 16 Jay Tamburrino (EIU) Some New Planar Fractions (talk will be at 3:00 in OM 3413)
Dec. 1 Alejandra Alvarado (EIU) The Collatz Conjecture over the Gaussian Integers

Spring 2017

Date Speaker(s) Title
Feb. 3 Chris Leininger (UIUC) Word-hyperbolic surface bundles
Feb. 10 Hal Schenck (UIUC) Hyperplane Arrangements: Algebra, Combinatorics, Geometry, Topology

Feb. 24

Gregory Galperin (EIU)

The "Look and Say Sequence", Conway's constant, the 92 Audio-active elements, and the Cosmological Theorem

Mar. 3

Lars Ott (EIU) Hamming and BCH error correcting codes

Mar. 24

Rick Anderson (EIU) & Peter Wiles (EIU) Geometry Chats

Mar. 31

Joel Moreira (Northwestern) Monochromatic sums and products - a brief journey through Ramsey theory
Apr. 7 - 9   Eastern Illinois Integrated Conference in Geometry, Dynamic, and Topology
Apr. 14 Mark Bell (UIUC) Manifolds of Dimensions 1, 2, and 3
Apr. 21 Grant Lakeland (EIU) & Corinne Barnett (EIU) One-cupsed Hyperbolic Prisms and Reflection Groups 
Apr. 25 Andy Janes (EIU) The Multistep Friendshp Paradox
Apr. 25 Brianna Lytle (EIU) Using Graph Theory to Establish Bounds on a Game of Sprouts

Fall 2016

Date Speaker(s) Title
Sept. 9 Charles Delman (EIU) Foliations and Heegaard-Floer Homology
Sept. 16 Susan Brooks (WIU) Knots Connected by Wide Ribbons
Sept. 29-30 Paul Schupp (UIUC) Perry Lecture: Reflections on the Theory of Computability
Oct. 7 Vadim Zharnitsky (UIUC) Cyclic evasion in the three and four bug problem
Oct. 17 Max Alekseyev (GWU) Transfer-Matrix Method as a Combinatorial Hammer: Enumeration of 
Silent Circles, Graph Cycles, and Seating Arrangements
Oct. 21 A.J. Hildebrand (UIUC) Benford's Law
Nov. 4 Evgeny Gordon (EIU) What Is Nonstandard  Analysis and Why It Can Become the Analysis of the Future
Nov. 11  Andy Parrish (EIU) Pointwise convergence of ergodic averages and perturbation
Dec. 2 Brianna Lytle (EIU) The Constrained Art Gallery Theorem
Dec. 2  Andy Janes (EIU) The LEGO Counting Problem
Dec. 7 Alejandra Alvarado (EIU) Arithmetic Progressions on Conic Sections


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Contact Information

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

Eastern Illinois University
600 Lincoln Avenue
Charleston, IL 61920-3099
(217) 581-2028

Andrew Mertz, Chair

(217) 581-2028

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