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PeerMark Assignments in D2L Brightspace

Instructor Guide

PeerMark is a peer review assignment tool. Instructors can create and manage PeerMark assignments that allow students to read, review, and evaluate one or many papers submitted by their classmates. With the advanced options in PeerMark instructors can choose whether the reviews are anonymous or attributed.

The basic stages of the peer review process:

  • Instructor creates a Turnitin paper assignment using the Turnitin for Peermark external learning tool in D2L.
  • Instructor creates the PeerMark portion of the assignment and sets the number of papers students will be required to review, and creates free response and scale questions for students to respond to while reviewing papers.
  • Students submit their papers to the assignment.
  • On the PeerMark start date, students begin writing peer reviews.
  • For each assigned paper, students write reviews by responding to the free response and scale questions.
  • Students receive reviews when other students complete them.
  • Once the PeerMark assignment due date passes, no more reviews can be written, completed, or edited by the writer

On this page:


PeerMark Video Demonstration from Turnitin  

Demonstration of creating a Turnitin PeerMark assignment in D2L Brightspace.  Demonstration conducted by Chris Vescovi, Implementation Consultant, Professional & Educational Services (HED), Turnitin.



Creating a PeerMark Assignment in D2L Brightspace


Video Guide Guide: Creating a PeerMark Assignment in D2L Brightspace


Written Guide Guide: Creating a PeerMark Assignment in D2L Brightspace

PeerMark assignments are created in a Content module in D2L Brightspace as an external learning tool.  PeerMark assignments are NOT created in an assignment dropbox as with a traditional Turnitin assignment.

Creating the assignment is a two-part process.

Step 1:  Create the Assignment

  1. Log in to D2L Brightspace at using your EIU net ID and password.
  2. Enter the D2L course in which you want to create the PeerMark assignment.
  3. Select Content in the course navigation.
  4. Select an existing content module or create a new content module in which you want the PeerMark assignment to be linked.
  5. Add an existing activity:

    If using the Classic Content Experience in D2L,

    • select Add Existing Activities
    • then Turnitin for Peermark.
      Add Existing Actitities in D2L Classic Content Experience

    If using the New Content Experience in D2L,

    • select Add Existing
    • then Turnitin for Peermark.
      Add Existing in D2L New Content Experience
  6. In the Turnitin for Peermark pop-up window, complete the form fields for the assignment.  These settings are for the initial assignment submission. (i.e. Students submitting their written paper)
    • Title:  Provide a title for your assignment.
    • Instructions:  Provide instructions for completing and submitting the assignment.
    • Max grade: Set a maximum point value for the assignment to allow a grade to be sent to the grade book if the paper is to be graded. (The grade item will be created automatically.)
    • Start date:  The start date is the date and time students can begin submitting to the assignment.
    • Due date:  The due date is the date and time students' papers are due for the assignment.
    • Feedback release date:  The feedback release date is the date and time students can begin viewing the comments and grades after you have graded their papers.
      Create Peermark assignment
  7. Select the checkbox to Enable PeerMark.
  8. Select Optional Settings if you want to edit any of the default Turnitin settings. 
  9. Select Submit.  (If you opened the Optional Settings, you will need to scroll to the bottom of the Turnitin for Peermark pop-up window to see "Submit".)

Step 2:  Set Up Peermark

  1. Open the link for the assignment you created to access the assignment inbox.  
  2. Select the PeerMark tab then select PeerMark Setup.
    PeerMark setup
  3. Use the guidance below to set up the PeerMark portion of the assignment.
    • Maximum points available: This is the maximum points available to your students for completing the review if points are to be awarded.  NOTE:  The students will see this score for the review in the assignment but the score does not transfer to the grade book.  If you want points posted in the grade book for the review, you will need to add the scores manually to the grade book.
    • Students can review from: The start date of the Peermark review. Students can begin their peer review on this date and work on them until the "Students can review until" date.
    • Students can review until: This is the date and time students' reviews are due.
    • Peer feedback available from: This is the date and time students can begin viewing the comments and marks left by their peers. Feedback can only be released after the 'Students can review until' date has passed.
      PeerMark settings
  4. Select Additional Settings to view and modify advanced PeerMark assignment settings. The information below will help you to understand the settings available and customize the assignment.
    • First three additional settings
    • Award maximum points on review: This relates to the point value you've set for the review. If you choose Yes, your students will receive the full point value for reviewing their peer's paper.
    • Students can view the names of their peers during review: By choosing Yes, students will see the name of the author whose paper they are reviewing, as well as the names of the students who wrote the reviews for their papers. Choose No to make this information unavailable to your students.
    • Students without a submission can review: This is the non-submitter participation option. By choosing Yes, students who have not submitted papers to the paper assignment on which your PeerMark assignment is based can still write reviews for other students' papers. Choose No to disallow non-submitter participation.
    • Last three additional settings
    • Automatically distribute papers for review: PeerMark can automatically assign papers to the students in your class. Enter a value to distribute a specific number of papers to each student. Enter 1 as a minimum. You can force pair your students' papers via the Distribution tab.
    • Students can self-select papers for review: Enter a value to allow a specific number of papers to be selected by each student. If you prefer that students do not have this option, enter 0.
    • Students must review their own paper: By choosing Yes, students will be required to write a review on their own paper after they complete all other assigned reviews.
  5. Select Save & Continue
  6. Select the PeerMark Questions tab to add or create questions for the PeerMark review.
  7. Select the Distribution tab to begin assigning papers to students for review or to view how papers have been distributed or to exclude students from pairing. 


Editing a PeerMark Assignment


Video Guide Guide: Editing a PeerMark Assignment


Written Guide Guide: Editing a PeerMark Assignment

To edit the assignment Title, Instructions, Start Date or Due Date:

If using the Classic Content Experience in D2L:

  1. Select the Action Menu (down arrow) to the right of the assignment title in D2L, then select Edit Properties in Place.
    Edit Properties
  2. Click on the Assignment title to edit the title then click outside the title box.
  3. Click on the dates to change the start date, due date, or end date.
  4. Click on the instructions to edit the assignment instructions then select Update.

If using the New Content Experience in D2L:

  1. Select the assignment in the left navigation in your course in D2L.
  2. Select the Options Menu (three dots) in the upper right corner then select Edit.
    Edit assignment new content experience
  3. Make any necessary changes to the assignment Title, Start Date, Due Date, or End Date.
  4. Select Save and Close.


To edit the Max Grade or Feedback Release Date:

  1. Open the link for the assignment to access the assignment inbox.
  2. Select the Settings Menu (gear icon) in the upper right corner of the assignment inbox.
    Assignment settings menu
  3. Make any necessary changes to the Max Grade for the assignment or the Feedback Release Date.
  4. Select Submit.
  5. Select the Assignment Inbox tab to return to the assignment inbox.


Deleting a PeerMark Assignment


Video Guide Guide: Deleting a PeerMark Assignment


Written Guide Guide: Deleting a PeerMark Assignment

  1. Open the link for the assignment to access the assignment inbox.
  2. Select the PeerMark tab then select PeerMark Setup.
    PeerMark setup
  3. Select the Delete button then select Confirm.
  4. After you have deleted the assignment, you will want to delete the assignment link from your course.


The PeerMark Assignment Inbox


Written Guide Guide: The PeerMark Assignment Inbox


Written Guide Guide: The PeerMark Assignment Inbox

The PeerMark assignment inbox lists all of the students within the course and displays the number of reviews received or submitted.

To access the PeerMark assignment inbox

  1. Select the PeerMark drop-down menu
  2. then select PeerMark Reviews.
    PeerMark Reviews


Elements of the PeerMark Assignment Inbox:

  • Student: The name of the student included in the PeerMark assignment (if you have excluded any students from the PeerMark assignment during PeerMark setup, the student will not appear in the PeerMark assignment inbox).
  • Grade: A PeerMark review can automatically receive the maximum points available upon submission of a review (set in PeerMark settings), or you can manually provide a grade in PeerMark.
  • Submitted: If a student has submitted a review, their number of reviews will become clickable with a gray background. Click this number to view the student's submitted reviews.
  • Received: If a student has received a review, the number of reviews received will become clickable with a gray background. Click this number to view the student's received reviews.
  • Review: As an instructor, you can leave a review on your student's paper. Click the blue pencil button to start a new review or click the green pencil and paper button to resume a saved review.


Additional Tutorials:


D2L Brightspace LTI 1.3 Instructor


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