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EIU B.S. in Public Health

Department of Public Health Honors Program

The honors program offers an advanced specialization within the Department of Public Health including courses with honors level expectations, research independent study and thesis options.

Want to add a more in-depth experience to your degree in Public Health, Health Administration or Health Communication?

This honors program allows students to customize their experiences by following areas of personal interest through more intense and comprehensive exploration.

All students in our majors may be considered by qualifying for the program through EITHER the Overall GPA OR the Major pathway.

  • Overall GPA – 12 semester hours completed at EIU, GPA 3.50 or higher
  • Major GPA – 12 semester hours completed at EIU (9 in HPR/HCM courses), Major GPA 3.75 or higher

Four courses are required, all of which count toward graduation requirements and may substitute for other courses in your degree plan.

Why Choose Public Health Honors?

  • Research
  • Internships/
    Study Abroad
  • Scholarships/
  • Faculty


Several opportunities to participate in Department Honors program research are available through two required courses:

  • Honors Research (PUBH 4555) – replaces HST 3800
  • Honors Thesis/Capstone (PUBH 4644) – work one on one with a faculty member

Two electives are also required to complete the departmental honors program. Students may choose to extend their undergraduate research through an independent study or an internship. Additional opportunities include graduate courses, other honors courses or study abroad. All departmental honors students will be expected to give presentation of their work.

Study Abroad

In addition to the 8 semester hour internship required by their majors, Department Honors students may select a supplemental 3 semester hour/120 clock hour Honors Internship experience as one of their electives to provide the opportunity to explore another area in health.

During study abroad programs, students study other countries’ approaches to health promotion and health care. Understanding other cultures’ approaches to health gives students a better understand their own!


Several scholarships are available for honors students to support research and travel to present research. Click here for our current scholarships.

Local, state and national conferences are available for honors programs and for discipline specific topics (SOPHE, IPHA, IAPHERD)


Our faculty have a wide range of health expertise which ensures students to find a faculty mentor for your thesis/capstone experience to match the topic! Click here to meet the faculty of the Department of Public Health.

Contact Dr. Lauri J DeRuiter-Willems, Honors Coordinator, for more information. Click on this link to meet the faculty of the Department of Public Health.

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Contact Information

Department of Public Health

Klehm Hall 4303

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