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EIU Department of Music

Piano Placement Examination:


To test out of one semester of class piano (MUS 2203) please prepare the following:

  • Major scales and arpeggios in the keys of C, G, D, A, E, B, F, F#, and C#.  Hands separately, two octaves up and down.
  • Solo repertoire selection, at the minimum level of a Moonlit Shores.
  • Harmonize 6-31 and 6-32 on P. 164 of Alfred Group Piano for Adults.  Use the I—IV64—V65—I chord progressions in the left hand harmonization.  

To test out of two semesters of class piano (MUS 2203 and 2204) please prepare the following:

  • All Major and harmonic minor scales and arpeggios.  Hands separately, two octaves up and down.
  • Solo repertoire selection at a level comparable to pp. 340-346 in Alfred Group Piano for Adults.  
  • One sight reading example at the difficulty level of p. 311 in Alfred Group Piano for Adults.  
  • Choral warm-up pattern, ascending and descending through all major keys.  The linked scores provides an example of an appropriate warm-up pattern.
  • One harmonization on p. 280 of Alfred Group Piano for Adults in any two keys and in two versions: RH melody/LH accompaniment, RH accompaniment/LH melody.  Choose appropriate triads for your harmonization.
  • One improvised harmonization of a familiar tune upon request (Mary Had a Little Lamb, Happy Birthday, etc.)

To test out of three semesters of class piano (MUS 2203, 2204, and 2205) please prepare the following:  

  • All major scales and arpeggios, hands together, two octaves up and down. Piano faculty to select 4 or 5 Major scales/arpeggios during the test.   
  • Solo repertoire selection at a level comparable to Giga on pp. 174-175 of  Alfred Group Piano for Adults, Book 2.
  • One sight reading example at the difficulty level of p. 98 in  Alfred Group Piano for Adults, Book 2.
  • Tranpose example #6-5 from p. 80 of  Alfred Group Piano for Adults, Book 2.  Prepare it in the key as written and also tranpose to G Major.
  • Harmonize melody #6-6 from p. 80 of  Alfred Group Piano for Adults, Book 2.   Use the suggested chords and a block chord accompaniment pattern.

To test out of all four semesters of class piano (MUS 2203, 2204, 2205, and 2206) please prepare the following:  

  • All major and harmonic minor scales and arpeggios. Hands together, two octaves up and down. Piano faculty to select 3 Major and 3 Minor scales/arpeggios during the exam.   
  • Solo repertoire selection at a level comparable to Bach’s Minuet in G, BWV Anh. 114 or Clementi Sonatina in C Major, Opus 36 No. 1, First Movement: Allegro.
  • Harmonize "Tell Me Why" from p. 124 of Alfred Group Piano for Adults.  Use the waltz style accommpaniment and chords suggested by the authors.
  • Choral warm-up pattern involving arpeggiation, ascending and descending through all major keys. The linked score provides an example of an appropriate warm-up pattern.
  • Perform the three part open score from "Die Himmel Erzahlen Die Ehre Gottes" from Alfred Group Piano for Adults, Book 2.
  • Prepare example 21-9 from Alfred Group Piano for Adults, Book 2 and tranpose (without writing it out) to five additional major keys.

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