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EIU Department of Music

Student Information & Forms

Advising/Registration/Course Sequences

  • All students must meet with their academic advisor at least once per semester prior to registration.
  • Please print out a copy of the Music Programming Sheet (Course Selection Form) and complete your list of courses prior to your advising meeting.
  • To find your advisor, click here.
  • Each student should follow the course sequence (linked below) that corresponds to their catalog year. 
  • Changing Ones Major/Minor:  Students who are advised in Department of Music and wish to change their major and/or declare a minor should refer to the process outlined here.
Teacher Licensure: Instrumental 18-19 19-20 20-21 21-22 22-23 23-24 24-25
Teacher Licensure: Vocal 18-19 19-20 20-21 21-22 22-23 23-24 24-25
Teacher Licensure: General Music 18-19 19-20 20-21 21-22 22-23 23-24 24-25
Performance: Instrumental 18-19 19-20 20-21 21-22 22-23 23-24 24-25
Performance: Keyboard 18-19 19-20 20-21 21-22 22-23 23-24 24-25
Performance: Vocal 18-19 19-20 20-21 21-22 22-23 23-24 24-25
Performance: Composition 18-19 19-20 20-21 21-22 22-23 23-24 24-25
Performance: Jazz Studies 18-19 19-20 20-21 21-22 22-23 23-24 24-25
BA in Music: Open Studies 18-19 19-20 20-21 21-22 22-23 23-24 24-25
BA in Music: Music Theory/Comp. 18-19 19-20 20-21 21-22 22-23 23-24 24-25
BA in Music: Audio Recording Tech.  NA  NA 20-21 21-22 22-23 23-24 24-25

Accompanist Information

Please observe the following Accompanist Request instructions and deadlines. All scores may be turned in to the Music Office or directly to Dr. Zhang.

  • Degree Recitals
    • Fall Semester: Piano scores, schedule, and repertoire list due no later than noon on September 5, 2024.
    • Spring Semester: Piano scores due no later than noon on Monday, January 27, 2025.
  • General Recitals
    • Students requesting accompaniment for a General Recital should submit their piano scores at least three weeks before the recital.
  • Advanced Study & Voice Jury Accompaniment
    • Fall Semester: Students requesting accompaniment for an Advanced Study Jury or Voice Jury should submit their scores no later than noon on Friday, November 8, 2024.
    • Spring Semester: Students requesting accompaniment for an Advanced Study Jury or Voice Jury should submit their scores no later than noon on Friday, April 4, 2025.

Advanced Study Jury Information

All B.Mus. students must demonstrate performance skills sufficient to allow study at the advanced level. A satisfactory assessment in the advanced study jury will allow continued pursuit of the degree and must be achieved to enroll in Advanced Applied Study (MUS 3310 - 3363) and to schedule junior and senior recitals. The advanced study jury is generally completed after the fourth semester, but must be completed by the end of the sixth semester. Two attempts are permitted. Students who fail to achieve advanced standing after two attempts will not be permitted to continue in a B.Mus. program, but may change their major to the Bachelor of Arts in Music.

Advanced study juries are scheduled during final exam week. All students must perform repertoire that meets requirements set by the division of their enrollment. All students must sight read and play or sing scales. The examining committee consists of at least three faculty members of the Division (Instrumental, Voice, Keyboard, Jazz Studies). If the area is comprised of less than three faculty, other faculty will serve on the examining committee. All aspects of the exam (repertoire, scales, sight reading, etc.) must be performed satisfactorily. In addition, minimum academic standards set by the department must be maintained.  

Campus Safety

Degree Recital Scheduling

If you are planning to present a recital in the next semester, make sure you register for the appropriate recital course on PAWS. In order to reserve a recital date, complete the appropriate Recital Request Form linked below. Recitals will be scheduled according to student seniority. All required degree recitals will be scheduled before any non-degree recital. 

Recital Scheduling for Spring 2025 recitals will begin in September following the schedule below. 

  • Required Graduate Recitals and Senior Recitals:
  • Friday, September 13, 2024     
  • Required Junior Recitals: 
  • Friday, September 20, 2024
  • Required Sophomore Recitals: 
  • Friday, September 27, 2024
  • Non-Degree Recitals:
  • Friday, October 4, 2024


Degree Recital Jury and Program Procedures

No fewer than two weeks prior to the recital, a recital jury must be performed. The piano technician must receive notification of time and place for the recital jury so that the piano to be used can be properly prepared. A committee of three faculty members, which must include the applied teacher, will hear the recital jury. Students must perform all recital material. During the recital jury, committee members provide written comments, assign letter grades, and authorize the performance of the recital. The approval of the committee is required for a public performance to take place and the recital requirement to be fulfilled. Those who perform degree recitals after midterm may be exempt from Juries at the discretion of the applied teacher.

Program notes are also required for all degree recitals. These notes are submitted to and printed by the students’ applied teacher. The Departmnet of Music Style Guide can provide information on proper formatting of titles for your program notes.  Program notes must be submitted to the studio teacher and filed with the music department office. 

Upon successful completion of the Recital Jury, please complete the Recital Program Online Submission Form.  Please complete the form once per recital.  In the case of a joint recital, all performers should collaborate on the completion of the Recital Program Form.

Department Events

The Music Department's Events Calendar is now maintained online in the Concerts and Events Menu.

Division and General Recitals for 2024-2025

All student enrolled in B.Mus programs (Teacher Licensure or Performance) are required to demonstrate performance skills in a public forum each semester of their enrollment. All B.Mus students enrolled in applied study must perform on a division or general recital each semester of their enrollment unless exempted by the applied instructor. This requirement is waived in the semester a degree recital is given. 

    • Musical selections performed on General Recital should be 7 minutes in length or less.
    • Students should expect to perform at no more than one General Recital per semester in order to allow all students time to perform for one another.
    • The deadline to submit piano scores is three weeks prior to the recital. Scores may be submitted to the Music Office or directly to Dr. Zhang.

ESO Concerto Auditions: Tuesday, Nov. 19, 2024


Students who feel they have legitimate grievances concerning policies or persons connected with the Department of Music should follow the steps listed below. If the grievance lies in the area of a grade appeal, please consult the EIU Grade Appeal website.

  • Schedule an appointment with the faculty member and talk with him or her directly about the issue.
  • If the issue remains unresolved, bring your complaint to the department chair.
  • If not satisfied with the outcome at the departmental level, you may address your complaint with the Associate Dean of the College of Arts and Humanities.

Health and Safety for Music Students

As musicians, it is important to consider how life choices can impact our own health and musical performance. The information provided below is intended to provide a broad introduction to health concerns of musicians, but is not intended to substitute for the expertise of health care professionals.

The Department of Communication Disorders and Sciences (CDS) can schedule a fitting for custom-made musician ear plugs for a fee of $52 each.  You could choose one or two.  To schedule an appointment, please contact Dr. Heidi Ramrattan, the audiologist in CDS, to schedule an appointment.

Honors Recital Auditions - Spring 2024

Honors Recital Auditions will be held on Monday, March 4, 2024 beginning at 6:00 pm in the DFAC Recital Hall. Audition winners will be featured on the Honors Recital that will be held on Sunday, April 7, 2024 at 6:00 pm. Please download the following document for further information and the entry form. Entries are due to the Music Office no later than noon on Friday, February 2, 2024.

Independent Study

All students interested in completing an Independent Study project should complete this online form no later than the first three days of the semester. Please discuss your Independent Study proposal with your faculty sponsor prior to completing the form.

Internship Information for BA in Music:  Audio Recording Technology Program

  • Students in the Audio Recording Technology program will complete 6 credits of internship (MUS 4275).
  • Please see the Internship website for information on this degree requirement.
  • The EIU Career Services Office may assist in securing an internship.

Instrument Check-Out Procedure

  • Step One:  Initiate Request  
    • If your ensemble director or applied teacher needs you to check out a university-owned instrument, start by completing this short form.  After you complete this form, you will be contacted by the Instrument GA or David Boggs to identify an instrument that will meet your needs. 
    • This form is only for ensemble and applied lesson needs.  Do not complete this form for instruments checked out for music ed methods classes.  Your professor will have their own procedure.
  • Step Two:  Complete Instrument Check out Form
    • Once an appropriate instrument has been identified, you will complete this form with the assistance of the Instrument GA or David Boggs.

    • Please note that all university owned instruments must be stored in their assigned locker, not your personal locker.

  • Step Three:  Instrument Check in
    • When you are ready to check in your university-owned instrument, please complete this form.  Although there are scheduled check-in days at the end of the semester, you may request a check in any time before once your need for the instrument has passed.

  • For more information see:

If you wish to take your university-owen instrument home with you over school holidays or for a gig, you must complete this form.

Note: School owned instruments must be in their assigned lockers (not a personal locker) immediately following juries in the spring semester so a full inventory sweep may be completed.

Accessory Check Out

Instrument Rental

The Department of Music has a limited number of wind and brass instruments available for rental to students interested in participating in music ensembles. The non-refundable fee for rental of the instrument will be as follows:

  • $225 per year for Music Majors renting their primary instrument.
  • $60 per semester for Music Minors renting their primary instrument
  • $60 per semester for Music Majors renting a secondary instrument.
  • $40 per semester for Non-Music Majors/Minors or for all Athletic Bands.

The rental fees cover the cost of routine maintenance and repairs due to wear-and-tear on the instrument. If an instrument is damaged due to negligence or carelessness on the part of the renter, the renter will be responsible for covering the repair cost. 

Payment for instrumental rental will occur online using the EIU Cash Net system.  The payment link will be made available on August 1st and will be open until October 1st of each academic year. Payment must be received prior to October 1st for fall semester rentals and February 1st for spring semester rentals. If not received, the student will no longer be permitted to use the instrument. Please contact Prof. Boggs for additional information.  

Instrument Repair

  • Please complete this form if your EIU or classroom instrument needs repair.
  • You may also use this form if you would a representative from the Music Shoppe to pick up your instrument for repair work.

Locker Check-Out Procedure

  • Find a locker without a lock on it that will fit your instrument(s) appropriately.
  • Put a lock on it. The lock must be a combination lock, not a keyed lock.
  • Complete this online form.

If you put a lock on a locker and do not fill out the online form, the lock will be cut and your belongings will be confiscated. The first locker inventory sweep will begin on Monday morning of the second week of classes.

Portfolio Assessment

All students will submit a portfolio of their work at EIU during their final semester in residence on the EIU campus. Click here for additional information.

Satisfactory Course Completion

A failed music course may be repeated once to receive a passing grade as required by the degree program. Permission for a third attempt to pass the course may be granted upon approval of the instructor, advisor, and the department chair.

Sexual Harassment and Misconduct:

Eastern Illinois University prohibits relationship violence, stalking, sexual assault, sexual harassment, and other forms of sexual misconduct in any of its employment situations or educational programs and activities (see It is the responsibility of faculty chairpersons, administrators, and supervisors to inform the appropriate offices about potential instances of sexual harassment. All other faculty and staff are expected to report these incidents as well. Employees who are not required to report include those who work in the Counseling Clinic and Medical Clinic. Students are encouraged to contact the confidential advisor, located in the Counseling Clinic, who is able to provide support and advocacy, and explore options.

Students who need to file a complaint have multiple options:

  • The University Police Department (UPD) Phone: (217) 581-3212 (911 if an emergency). UPD office is open daily until 4:30 p.m.; officers are on duty 24 hours.
  • The Office of Civil Rights and Diversity -Title IX Coordinator 1011 Old Main Phone: 581-5020 Hours: Open M-F from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., and by appointment.
  • The Office of Student Accountability and Support: University Union –Lower Level Phone: 581-3827 Hours: Open M-F from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  • SACIS (Sexual Assault Counseling and Information Services) is our community sexual assault services provider. Webpage: Phone hotline: 1-888-345-2846; office phone (217) 348-5033.
  • Charleston City Police (for incidents occuring off campus): 614 6th Street Phone: (217) 348-5221 (911 if an emergency).

The Interpersonal Violence Awareness Team’s website has more helpful resources and information: .

EIU has an incident reporting form here

Teacher Licensure Students

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Contact Information

Music Department

Doudna Fine Arts Center
600 Lincoln Ave.
Charleston, IL 61920

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