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EIU Health Education Resource Center

AlcoholEdu, Sexual Assault, and Mental Well-Being for Parents

Information for Parents/Guardians 

Your involvement in our ongoing education and prevention initiatives is welcomed! Students are required to complete AlcoholEdu, Sexual Assault Prevention, and Sexual Assault Prevention after arriving on campus in order to help them make well-informed decisions as they transition to EIU. We encourage talking with your students about what they have learned and how they will use this information in the future.

While we are committed to making a difference with our students, we also understand that parents are the first line of defense against alcohol misuse and abuse and other harmful activities. We encourage parents to have those discussions with their students and to check in on their course progression.

We are confident that AlcoholEdu and our addtional mandatory health courses for students will help ensure your child’s success at Eastern Illinois University and in the future. If you have any questions on the substance abuse prevention programming that we at Eastern Illinois University offer, please feel free to contact Matthew Warner at or 217-581-7786.    


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Contact Information

Health Education Resource Center

2201 Blair Hall
600 Lincoln Ave.
Charleston, IL 61920

Academic Year Hours

8am – 4:30 pm

Summer Hours

8am – 4:30 Monday – Thursday, 8am – 12pm Friday

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