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EIU Office of Research and Sponsored Programs

Composition of the IRB and Appointment of Members

Federal regulations require that the IRB must be composed of at least five members (45 CFR 46.107). At EIU, the IRB shall be composed of nine (9) members, up to nine (9) alternates, and one prisoner representative member, if needed.  The IRB administrator may serve as an ex-officio member without vote.  Representation will include: (a) at least two members whose primary concerns are in scientific areas, such that both social and behavioral research are represented; both the Psychology Department and the Department of Communication Studies are guaranteed one representative on the IRB.  (b) at least one member from each of the four colleges at EIU; (c) at least one member whose primary concerns are in non-scientific areas; (d) both a community representative and a community alternate who are neither affiliated with EIU nor a member of the immediate family of an EIU employee, and (e) a prisoner representative, if needed, who will only count towards quorum when he or she is in attendance and reviewing studies covered by 45 CFR 46 Subpart C.  Special consideration shall be given to the inclusion of one or more individuals who are knowledgeable about and experienced in working with vulnerable categories of subjects, (such as children, prisoners, pregnant women, or handicapped or mentally disabled persons) if the IRB regularly reviews such research.


In addition, the membership shall include men and women, as well as representation of racial and ethnic minority groups to the fullest extent possible. 


IRB members are appointed by the CRO.  Each year, the CRO will issue a university-wide call for

nominations to the available positions on the IRB.  Prospective IRB members may submit their reasons for interest in membership on the IRB.  Prior to the conclusion of the Spring semester, the CRO will appoint the required number of members.


All IRB members and alternates shall serve three-year terms, which are staggered, and they may be re-appointed for consecutive terms. The current membership list is kept on file by the compliance coordinator, and is open to inspection by any employee or student of EIU.  Additionally, a current membership list is posted on the IRB website.


The IRB chairperson will be appointed by the CRO.  They will serve a three-year term with each year being a renewable contract between the individual and the CRO, and they may be reappointed for consecutive terms.  Similarly, the IRB vice chairperson will be appointed by the CRO with input from the chairperson.  They will serve a three-year term with each year being a renewable contract between the individual and the CRO, and they may be reappointed for consecutive terms. 


If a member goes on sabbatical or other leave for a semester, then an alternate will take their place. If a member or alternate leaves the university or goes on leave for one year or more, then the CRO will appoint a replacement for the period of leave or for the remainder of the member or alternate’s term, whichever is applicable. If either the IRB chairperson or vice chairperson takes a sabbatical, other leave of absence, or leaves the university, the CRO may appoint a replacement for the period of leave or for the remainder of the chairperson’s or vice chairperson’s term, or appoint a new chairperson or vice chairperson for a three-year term. 

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