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EIU Office of Research and Sponsored Programs

Post-Award Information

Post-Award Requirements per the University's Internal Governing Policies:

All contracts, amendments, final reports and other official documents related to a grant are required to be processed through the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs. ORSP will obtain the appropriate University signatures on the documents and return them to the principal investigator for submission to the agency.

Upon receipt of a contract award, signed by the grantor and approved by the appropriate Vice President and the President or designee (with proper authorization), the Accounting Office shall set up a new account.

The Accounting Office is responsible for monitoring expenditures according to University regulations. The fiscal agent of the grant or contract is responsible for making valid expenditures against the project. This distinction is made between the responsibility of the Accounting Office and the fiscal agent because it is possible that an expenditure would meet University regulations but not be a valid expenditure against the project.

The Accounting Office is responsible for all reimbursement claims, financial reports and audits in connection with the account. Unofficial financial reports prepared outside the Accounting Office must receive clearance from the Accounting Office before being released.

The fiscal agent or project director is responsible for progress reports or technical reports on the project. A copy of the progress and final reports should be sent to the Director of Research and Sponsored Programs.

Personnel may be assigned to grants and contract projects only through the regular University employment procedures. The Director of Research and Sponsored Programs, through the Accounting Office, shall ensure that the appointment is a valid charge against the grant or contract, that funds are available, and that the appointment is not outside the termination date of the project.

The Director of Research and Sponsored Programs shall be responsible for ensuring that persons engaged in grant or contract-funded activities do not have conflicts of interest that could compromise the integrity of the activities and of the University as a consequence.

The Director of Research and Sponsored Programs shall be responsible for determining that appropriate provisions are made to safeguard human subjects involved in any sponsored research activity.

The Director of Research and Sponsored Programs shall work with the Director of Human Resources in implementing the requirements of the Federal Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988.

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Contact Information

Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP)

1102 Blair Hall

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