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EIU Office of Research and Sponsored Programs

Pre-Award Information

Per the University's Internal Governing Policies, all proposals must be properly approved before submission. To ensure the proper approvals are obtained by the established deadlines, please do the following:

  1. Contact the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP) as soon as you know you plan to submit a proposal. Alert the office if your proposal will include matching, human subjects, animals, or anything out of the ordinary.
  2. Obtain the Internal Proposal Transmittal Form from the ORSP website.
  3. Complete proposals accompanied by the Proposal Transmittal Form should be brought to the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs at least five (5) working days prior to the time they are to be mailed to the funding agency to allow adequate time for the required signature process. The proposal will then be returned to the principal investigator for copying and mailing to the agency.

If your proposal/program includes an EIU Cost Share Commitment (Item G), you must obtain the signature of the fiscal agent providing the funding and indicate the source of funding and account number.

If your project/program will involve building renovations and/or modifications, you must work with the Facilities Planning and Management (FPM) staff to develop the plans and to get a cost estimate before the proposal is submitted, this a copy of this quote must be attached to the Proposal Transmittal Form. You will also need the signature of the FPM representative and the representative from the responsible unit on the Proposal Transmittal Form as well. If needed, the ORSP can facilitate the discussions with FPM for you. Just let us know as far in advance as possible so plans and estimates can be developed prior to proposal submission.

If your proposal involves the purchase of computers or the use of Information Technology Services (ITS) equipment you will need to take the proposal and approval forms to ITS for their approval signature on the routing forms.

If your proposal involves the School of Adult and Continuing Education, you will need to take the proposal and routing form to them for their approval signature on the form.

If your project/program will involve the use of human subjects or vertebrate animals, you will need the signature of the Compliance Coordinator from the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs.

You should sign the proposal as PI,obtain the signatures of your chairperson and dean and bring the forms, along with a final copy of the proposal, to ORSP.

We will review the proposal, budget, and Approval Signatures. Then ORSP will sent it on for review by:

  1. Accounting
  2. Vice President for Academic Affairs or respective VP; if required
  3. Vice President for Business Affairs; if required
  4. President, if required by agency

Indirect Cost Recovery

The University requires all individuals and academic units to seek full reimbursement for indirect costs when applying for outside funding. Information and assistance in determining indirect costs may be obtained from the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs.

Waiver of the policy may be permitted when the sponsor has limitations imposed by federal law or by established policy.

Request for waivers should be directed to the Director, Research and Sponsored Programs, who is authorized to consider and approve exceptions.

Pre-Award Requirements

All grant and contract proposals submitted for outside funding require the prior approval of the areas listed on the ORSP Protocol Transmittal Form. The Accounting Office shall review all grants and contract proposal budgets to determine that the following items are in order:

  1. Salaries must be consistent with University regulations.
  2. Fringe benefits must be included as a direct cost of the budget.
  3. Budgets are mathematically correct.

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Contact Information

Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP)

1102 Blair Hall

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