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EIU Office of Research and Sponsored Programs

Council on Faculty Research

Fall CFR Applications are due by noon, Wednesday, September 4, 2024.

Summer Research and Creative Activity Award Applications are due by noon, February 6, 2025.

Proposals should be submitted via the Online CFR Application Site by noon on the due date. Late proposals will not be reviewed.


Program Guidelines and Application Instructions

Council on Faculty Research (CFR) Fall Competition:

This internal grant competition funds projects for research and creative activity. CFR’s goal is to fund the best quality research and creative activity at EIU regardless of discipline.

Amount: Up to $5,000 per grant
Eligibility: All tenured/tenure track University faculty in Bargaining Unit A and department chairs and associate chairs are eligible to submit a CFR proposal.
  • An Individual may receive only two consecutive fall awards, after which the individual will be ineligible for an award in the third fall competition. 

Duration: Each grant will carry an expiration date that coincides with the end of the fiscal year in which it is awarded. Funds must be spent by the end of the fiscal year or the dates listed in the end of year financial closure procedures.

Allowable Expenses:
CFR funds may be used for commodities, contractual services, equipment, travel, and student help related to the project.  No personal services dollars are available. 
CFR funds may not be used for:
  • Expenses for curriculum development solely for one’s own classes;
  • Completing a dissertation;
  • Classroom/office equipment;
  • Typing and copying of finished manuscripts;
  • Publishing expenses, e.g., page charges assessed by journals and publishing subventions;
  • Travel to present results of research;
  • Shipment of property for the purpose of performance, exhibit, etc.
Required Reporting:
The awardee will be required to submit a final report detailing the results of the research/creative activity project by September 15 immediately following the end of the grant term. The report should be completed using the Fall CFR Final Report Form.
  • Failure to complete this requirement may prohibit the researcher from future funding.  
Application Process:

Proposals should be submitted via the Online CFR Application Site. Instructions and further guidance are provided at the application website.

Review Criteria:

Proposals will be reviewed based on responses to the questions, budget, and credentials of the applicant. 


For more information regarding the Fall CFR application process and guidelines visit the CFR Application Site or call the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs at 581-2711 or email

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Summer Research and Creative Activity Awards:

The Summer Research/Creative Activity Awards provide personal services dollars for research and creative activity projects performed during the summer months. 

Amount: Up to $5,000 per grant
Eligibility: All tenured/tenure track University faculty in Bargaining Unit A are eligible.  Members of the Council on Faculty Research are not eligible for the awards.
  • Potential applicants who are being paid for doing sponsored research from outside sources for two or more summer months are ineligible to apply for a Summer Research/Creative Activity Award.
  • A researcher may submit only one proposal in which he or she is the principal investigator. 

Timeframe: The money is scheduled to be paid by the end of June in the year in which is is awarded.

Required Reporting:
A final report detailing the results of the research/creative activity is due by October 15 of the year in which the grant is awarded. The report should be completed using the Summer CFR Final Report Form.
  • Failure to complete this requirement may prohibit the researcher from future funding.  
Review Criteria:

Proposals will be reviewed based on responses to the questions and credentials of the applicant. 


For Further Information regarding the Summer Research and Creative Activity Award application process and guidelines, visit the CFR Application Site or call the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs at 581-2711 or email

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About the Council on Faculty Research

Council Bylaws

2023-2024 Council on Faculty Research Members
and the Colleges Represented

College of Liberal Arts & Sciences  
Ronan Bernas Psychology
Christopher Wixson English
Lumpkin College of Business & Technology  
Toqeer Israr School of Technology
College of Education  
Carole Collins Ayanlaja Educational Leadership
College of Health & Human Services  
Hasan Mavi Kinesiology, Sport, & Recreation
Laurel Teller Communication Disorders & Sciences
Library Services  
Kirstin Duffin Booth Library
Ryan Hendrickson  Ex-Officio
Robert Chesnut Ex-Officio

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FY2023 Fall CFR Award Winners

Last Name First Name Department Title
Beck Michael Chemistry & Biochemistry Ester specificity of human drug metabolizing carboxylesterase enzymes
Canam, Periyannan Tom, Gopal Biological Sciences/Chemistry & Biochemistry  Exploring the potential of a medicinal co-product from fungal-treated biomass used for biofuel production
Ha Donghoen Physics Scanning probe microscope-based nanoscale imaging system for semiconductor materials 
Johnson Rebecca Music  Creating a body of diverse repertoire for flute, oboe, piano trio
Patterson Lee History The Roman Presence in Armenia


2023 Summer Research and Creative Activity Awards and Projects


Last Name

First Name



Anderson/Wiles Rick/Peter Mathematics & Computer Science Developing a Tool for Evaluating Geometry Tasks
Barcus Lynne Communication Disorders and Sciences Novel Telepractice Oral Care Education Program for Patients with Head and Neck Cancer
Beck Michael Chemistry and Biochemistry Identifying Potentially Dangerous Drug Interactions in Living Cells using Fluorogenic Chemical Tools
Bickford John Teaching, Learning, & Foundations The Interdisciplinary Anti-Racist Curriculum Website
Burd Camden History “Searching for the Soul of the North Country: Work, Nature, and the Meaning of Place in the Upper Midwest, 1945-1980.”
Caldwell Melissa English Reading and Writing the Iraq War
Canivez Gary Psychology Independent Assessment of the Structure of the Brazilian Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children–Fourth Edition with the Standardization Sample 
Ha Dongheon Physics, Electrical Engineering Development of a macroscale optical property measurement system using a two-port measurement technique
Kang Sanghoon Biological Sciences Triclosan-degrading bacterial populations in wasterwater treatment plants from communities of central Illinois
Kerins Andrew Kinesiolgy, Sport, and Recreation Why on Earth do they do it: Exploring the social experiences of ultramarathon runners
Lee Simon School of Business Price Fairness of Online Auction
Nathan Britto Biological Sciences Can Mushrooms Protect Neuronal Network to Prevent Dementia?
Periyannan Gopal Chemistry and Biochemistry Ferulic Acid and Caulobacter crescentus: Partners in Fighting Bacterial Infections
Semeniuc Radu Chemistry and Biochemistry Synthesis and Characterization of Rotaxane Architectures  with a New Starburst Topology
Thibault Anne Theatre Theatre for Young Audiences adaptation - Life Lessons by Stefan Merrill Block
Wahl Carly Kinesiolgy, Sport, and Recreation Psychological and Physiological Exploration of Recovery Activities Used By Firefighters
Ward Alonzo History Relegated to the Bottom: Illinois African American Workers and their Struggle against Systematic Oppression during the Early Jim Crow Era 
Wehrle Edmund History The “Revolt of the Black Athlete” at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1967-1971
Welch Amanda Mathematics & Computer Science Toggling Interval Closed Sets and Generalizing POD and PED Partitions
Yordanov Yordan Biological Sciences Construction of gene expression roadmap across sunflower development and response



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Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP)

1102 Blair Hall

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