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EIU Dean of Students


Eastern Illinois University

Student Conduct Code

Effective Fall 2024



Attendance at a tax-supported institution of higher education is not compulsory. It is optional and voluntary. By voluntary attendance at such an institution, the student assumes obligations for performance and behavior reasonably imposed by the institution, and which are relevant to its lawful missions, processes, and functions. The obligations are much higher than those imposed on all citizens by the civil and criminal law, and the institution may discipline students to secure compliance with these higher obligations as a teaching method or to remove the student from the academic community.

Eastern Illinois University is an academic community in which learning and scholarship flourish. While members of this community contribute a diverse mix of ideas and backgrounds, we hold in common those standards of conduct which exemplify personal integrity and ethical behavior and which advance the mission of the university, its traditions and values. Upon enrollment at Eastern Illinois University, every student is held to the standards of conduct contained in this code.

PDF version of 2024-2025 Code of Conduct


Standards of Student Conduct

Words defined in this section are in italics.

Standard I. Eastern students observe the highest principles of academic integrity and support a campus environment conducive to scholarship.

Violations of this standard:

  1. Conduct in subversion of academic standards, such as cheating on examinations, plagiarism, collusion, misrepresentation, or falsification of data regardless of source on any course assignment.
  2. Plagiarism is the use, without adequate attribution, of another person’s words or thoughts as if they were ones’ own (i.e., Artificial Intelligence, ChatGPT, Grammarly), failing to cite outside sources used in completion of the work, improperly citing sources, and submitting work that was previously completed for another class without prior approval from the instructor.
  3. Theft or the unauthorized possession of examinations; alteration, theft, or destruction of the academic work of others, or academic records, library materials, laboratory materials, or other university equipment or property related to instructional matters or research.


c. Submitting work previously submitted in another course unless specifically permitted by the instructor.

  1. Conduct which disrupts the academic environment, which includes disruption in a classroom, faculty office, lab, studio, library or learning environment (including an online learning system) The Disruptive Behavior in the Classroom policy can be viewed at .
  2. Complicity with others in violations of this standard.
Standard II. Eastern students respect the health, safety, welfare and rights of all persons.


Violations of this standard:

a. Threatened, attempted or actual physical harm, or other conduct that threatens the health or safety of the student themselves or any other person.

  1. Intimidation, stalking, harassment, coercion, verbal abuse, domestic violence, dating violence or any other conduct which has a direct and substantial disruptive influence on the life or educational endeavors of any person.
  2. Sexual misconduct.
  3. Conduct which is lewd, indecent, obscene, or disorderly.
  4. Incapacitation due to the abuse of alcohol or a controlled or other intoxicating substance or appearing in a public place manifestly under the influence of such, particularly when there is danger to self, others, or property or there is unreasonable annoyance to others.
  5. Making, possessing, or using any controlled substances or paraphernalia or providing them to other persons.
  6. Possessing or using alcohol if underage or providing it to those who are underage.
  7. Weapons are prohibited on university property, in university buildings, and in university vehicles. The term weapons includes but is not limited to all types of firearms or handguns, whether operational or inoperative and whether loaded or unloaded. Stun gun, taser, BB gun, pellet gun, paintball gun, airsoft gun, Orbeez gun, switchblade knife with a blade of at least 3 inches in length, dagger, dirk, stiletto, ax, hatchet, bludgeon, blackjack, slingshot, bow and arrow, sandbag, sand club, metal knuckles, billy club, throwing star, nunchaku, or other deadly or dangerous weapon or instrument of similar type as classified by state statute. Military items such as projectiles, grenades, fireworks, explosives, and noxious gas or acid are also prohibited. The term also includes objects possessed or carried by a person with intent to use such objects unlawfully.
  8. Hazing.
  9. The intentional false report of a bomb, fire, or other emergency, or the unauthorized alteration or misuse of any fire alarm, firefighting equipment, safety or other emergency device.
  10. Complicity with others in violations of this standard.
  11. Retaliation against any individual who reports, serves as a witness, or is a victim of an incident.
Standard III. Eastern students respect the property of others, and the property, facilities, and resources of the university.

Violations of this standard:

a. The unauthorized possession, taking, use, destruction, or defacing of university, private, or public property.

b. Forcible or unauthorized entry onto any property or into any building structure, facility, room, or motor vehicle of the university or of any members of the university community or its guests.

c. Violation of the Booth Library Users Code of Conduct. [The Booth Library Users Code of Conduct is at]

d. Misuse or abuse of university computers, network access, related equipment, telephones, telecommunications, or laboratory equipment.

  1. Violations of the university’s computer Acceptable Use Policies. [The Acceptable Use Policies can be found at]
  2. Repeated or willful failure to meet financial obligations to the university.
  3. Complicity with others in violations of this standard.
Standard IV. Eastern students comply with the policies, procedures, and academic programs of the university.

Violations of this standard:

a. Conduct which by itself, or in conjunction with the conduct of others, disrupts, or impairs the carrying on of normal university functions. The Disruption of Academic or Operational Functions policy can be found at .

  1. Refusal to cooperate with, or failure to carry out the reasonable directive, written or verbal, of faculty, staff members, or public officials acting in the performance of their duties in support of the institution.
  2. Misrepresenting or falsifying any university record, forms or procedure; making knowingly false oral or written statements to any university official.
  3. Violations by students and/or their guests of policies governing university Housing facilities in which they reside or visit, or dining facilities. [Policies governing residential facilities are available in the Housing & Dining Calendar Handbook and at
  4. Misuse of bicycles, roller blades, hover boards, skateboards, etc. in violation of university policy. [The policy regarding those items is at
  5. Failure to satisfy the terms of a disciplinary sanction.
  6. Possessing alcohol on campus except as permitted by university policy. [The policies on the use and possession of alcohol on campus are at,, and]
  7. Violation of building hours or usage policies [,,,, ]; smoking in locations other than where permitted [The policy regarding smoking is at].


i. Failure to show a Panther card, key, or other requested identification when requested to do so by faculty or staff members acting in the performance of their duties.

  1. Unauthorized possession, use, transfer, or alteration of a state or university identification card, Panther card, key, key card, personal identification number, or password.
  2. Failure to have a current local and permanent address on file with the university.
  3. Unauthorized solicitation or canvassing.
  4. Gambling, if not permissible by law and campus policy.
  5. Posting on university property without permission or in unauthorized locations. [The university’s posting policy is at]
  6. Violating study abroad or domestic study travel program standards or policies.
  7. Complicity with others in violations of this standard.
  8. Providing false testimony at a disciplinary hearing or disregarding disciplinary procedures.
Standard V. Eastern students uphold the mission of the university by being responsible citizens.

Violations of this standard:

  1. Ongoing disruption to the peace of the local community or to the campus as evidenced by more than one ordinance or misdemeanor conviction related to noise, alcohol, marijuana or controlled substances, disorderly conduct, or nuisances.
  2. Conduct which poses a hazard to the community or to the campus, such as assault, driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or riotous conduct.


c. Egregious or flagrant instances of conduct in the community or on campus which violates the Student Conduct Code and/or is prohibited by statute or local ordinance.

  1. Felonious conduct, regardless of where it occurs.
  2. Complicity with others in violations of this standard.
  3. The university will consider as an aggravating factor in determining sanctions, any violation of law or of this code in which the accused student intentionally selected the person or target of the violation based on gender, race, religion, color, disability, sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, age, marital status, veteran’s status (as protected by law), or other basis of discrimination precluded by federal and state statues. IGP 173, IGP 175, IGP 175.1, IGP 175.2

Complicity is being present during the planning or commission of any violation of the Student Conduct Code in such a way as to condone, support, or encourage that violation. Students who anticipate or observe a violation of the Student Conduct Code are expected to remove themselves from association or participation and are encouraged to report the violation.

Controlled substances include, but is not limited to, cannabis, cocaine, ecstasy, heroin, LSD, methamphetamines, prescription medications (for which there is no prescription or that is being abused), other natural or synthetic intoxicants, and any substances prohibited by state statute, Federal statute or regulation.

Domestic violence and dating violence are harmful behaviors that occur between individuals who are or have been in a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature. Domestic violence is when those individuals are in a shared living arrangement or who have a child in common, and dating violence is when those individuals are not in a shared living arrangement or have a child in common.

Harassment is any repeated or continuing uninvited contact that serves no purpose beyond creating alarm, annoyance or distress.

Hazing is any action or situation that recklessly or intentionally endangers the health, safety or welfare of, causes a risk of bodily injury to an individual for the purpose of initiation, participation, admission into or affiliation with any group, team or organization. Hazing includes but is not limited to any abuse of a mental or physical degradation, consumption of any substances, physical activity that could adversely affect the health or safety, any activity that would subject embarrassment or humiliation or any violation of university policy, and/or local, sate or federal law. The willingness of the participant in such behaviors and activities are not withstanding.

Incapacitation is the impairment of one’s faculties where physical or mental control is markedly diminished.

Intimidation is an intentional action that tries to limit another person from participating in an activity and/or process.

Retaliation is any materially adverse action or threat of a materially adverse action taken by the university, an employee, or student thereof, against a student, faculty or staff member for (1) making a good faith report of misconduct, (2) reasonably participating in the investigation of a report of misconduct, (3) reasonably objecting to or resisting misconduct, or (4) being a close associate of someone who makes or may make a good faith report of misconduct.

Plagiarism is the use, without adequate attribution, of another person’s words or thoughts as if they were ones’ own, failing to cite outside sources used in completion of the work, improperly citing sources, and submitting work that was previously completed for another class without prior approval from the instructor.

Sexual misconduct is any physical act of a sexual nature without the consent of the individuals involved. Behaviors include, but are not limited to:

  1. any form of sexual penetration without consent
  2. intentional or knowingly touching of another person, either directly or through the clothing, of sex organs, buttocks, or breasts for the purpose of sexual gratification or arousal without consent of the other person
  3. indecent exposure with sexual intent
  4. use of email, text, phone, or any other form of communication to send sexually explicit materials that are unwelcomed by the recipient


Consent is defined as a freely given agreement to sexual activity. Lack of verbal or physical resistance or submission by the victim resulting from the use of force or threat of force does not constitute consent. Consent must be given each time parties engage in sexual activity. Consent given on a prior occasion does not indicate future consent. The manner of dress of the victim at the time of the offense shall not constitute consent.

A person who initially consents to sexual conduct is not deemed to have consented to any sexual conduct that occurs after the individual withdraws consent during the course of that sexual conduct. A person’s consent to engage in sexual activity with one person does not constitute consent to engage in activity with another. Consent can be withdrawn at any time. Consent cannot be given when a person is unable to understand the nature of the activity or cannot consent based on circumstances including, but not limited to:

  1. Incapacitation due to the influence of drugs or alcohol;
  2. The person is asleep or unconscious;
  3. The person is not of legal age to consent; or
  4. The person is incapacitated due to a mental disability.


Stalking is a repeated and unwanted behavior that threatens or endangers another person’s ability to safely be part of our community, or causes another person to fear for their safety, health, or well-being. This behavior may be in person, in writing, phone, or through electronic media.

Student means any person registered for and/or taking courses at or through the university, both full-time and part-time, or one accepted for enrollment. Persons who are not enrolled for a particular academic term but who have a continuing relationship with the university are also considered students. Also subject to the behavioral standards of this Code are those students from other post-secondary institutions who may be housed on the campus. The university reserves jurisdiction to adjudicate an allegation of a Student Conduct Code violation, including significant academic fraud, occurring during a student’s enrollment which may arise subsequent to a student’s leaving or graduation from the university.



This Code applies to student conduct which occurs on campus, off campus, at university programs, or events by university organizations, or elsewhere when the nature of the alleged misconduct, as determined by the Vice President for Student Affairs or designee, adversely affects the university, including its reputation with its constituents and the local community, or the pursuit of its mission, or which otherwise indicates that the student may pose a danger to the academic community.

The university reserves the right to deny admission or readmission to any person because of previous misconduct which may substantially affect the interest of the university, or to admit or readmit such persons in an appropriate disciplinary status. The university reserves the right to change these behavioral standards and disciplinary procedures at any time upon general notice to the university community.


Registered Student Organizations

In lieu of a formal hearing, the Dean of Students, or such other university staff members may be authorized to informally resolve alleged misconduct, may confer with the student to obtain their response to the alleged misconduct and to determine whether the allegations have merit and if they may be resolved by mutual consent of the student charged and the staff member.

Authority for the Administration of this Code

The Dean of Students is responsible for the administration of this Code. The Dean of Students or designee retains authority to appoint or dismiss hearing officers, advisors, board, or panel members as may be needed. The Vice President will review a hearing decision in the event of an appeal from the accused student, the complainant, or a request from the Dean of Students. Any question of interpretation regarding the Student Conduct Code shall be referred to the Dean of Students.

The University Student Standards Board
  1. The Dean of Students shall appoint a University Student Standards Board from among current students, faculty, and staff members to provide a sufficient pool of qualified persons to serve on hearing panels. Board members shall also serve as resource persons for advocating the Student Conduct Code and evaluating its effectiveness, the Dean of Students Office, and the student disciplinary system.

    The Dean of Students shall appoint student, faculty, and staff representatives to the University Student Standards Board to comprise a pool of qualified members sufficient to fulfill their responsibilities. Student members may be appointed by the Student Senate or apply through the Dean of Students Office. Faculty members may be appointed by Faculty Senate or may apply through the Dean of Students Office. While additional faculty and administrative/professional members may be appointed directly by the Dean of Students. Faculty and administrative/professional appointments are normally for two-year terms, with half of the Board being appointed in alternate years, and student appointments are made annually. The Dean of Students shall determine qualifications for appointment and eligibility for continued service on the Board.

University Conduct Standards and Violations of Law

Student Conduct Code disciplinary proceedings may be instituted without regard to pending civil litigation or criminal arrest and prosecution arising from the same factual situation. Disciplinary action may be deferred at the discretion of the Dean of Students or designee until after civil or criminal proceedings are completed, reduced, or dismissed.

Allegations of Code Violations

The Dean of Students, or designee, will determine if there is reasonable cause to believe that a violation of the Student Conduct Code occurred and, if so, how such allegations are to be resolved in accordance with the provisions of this Code. Staff members to whom informal resolution of cases may be referred may include staff in the Dean of Students Office; Associate and Assistant Directors of Housing, Complex Directors and Resident or Associate Resident Directors in the case of violations occurring in on-campus housing; the Director of Student Life in the case of a Registered Student Organization; the Director of Leadership and Engagement in the case of Greek Letter Organizations; and faculty members in the case of academic misconduct occurring in their classes.

Students charged with Conduct Code violations must meet with the designated staff person to resolve the allegation. Failure to meet with the designated staff person may result in an additional charge of violating Standard IV(f) of this code. Registration for subsequent terms or the conferral of academic degrees may be withheld pending the resolution of allegations of student misconduct.

In cases of Title IX allegations, see IGP (Internal Governing Policy) 175.2 for procedures. (


Resolution in lieu of a hearing

In lieu of a formal hearing, the Dean of Students, or such other university staff members may be authorized to informally resolve alleged misconduct, may confer with the student to obtain their response to the alleged misconduct and to determine whether the allegations have merit and if they may be resolved by mutual consent of the student charged and the staff member.


The accused student may request, or the Dean of Students may require, that the allegation be resolved at a formal administrative hearing provided by a hearing officer, or by the University Student Standards Board. The Dean of Students shall consider the preference of the accused student, the nature of the allegation, and the availability of board members when assigning the case for an individual or board hearing. The Dean of Students may appoint themself as the advisor to a hearing or may delegate that role to another appropriately trained staff member. Hearing boards will be selected from qualified members of the University Student Standards Board, based on schedule availability and potential conflicts of interest. A Board will be scheduled with at least three but not more than seven members. All boards must include at least two students and at least one faculty or staff member unless it is a case of interpersonal violence and in that case no students will serve. The Dean of Students, or designee, shall serve as the presiding officer and advisor to the Board and, as such, shall be a full non-voting participant.

The advisor to the Board may establish a format consistent with this Code for the hearing's conduct in a fair and reasonable manner. The advisor to the Board may place a reasonable limit on the length of time permitted for statements. They may also determine that a statement, or portion of, is not relevant to the alleged violations and stop the participant. In cases involving more than one accused student, the Dean of Students or designee will determine if hearings concerning each student will be conducted jointly or separately.

Notice—The accused student shall have not less than 3 calendar days’ notice prior to the hearing. Notice shall be considered documented communication between the university and the student in person, by phone, delivery by U.S. mail, campus mail, e-mail, or hand delivery to the student's current local address as maintained by the university, or to the student’s permanent address if no local address is on file. Failure by the student to have his or her current local address on record with the university shall not be construed to invalidate proper notice. Notification refers to the delivery of the notice and is considered complete regardless of an individual’s choice to access, read, or respond to the communication. The student may waive the notice required in consideration of a more immediate disposition of the case. A continuance will be considered if just cause for delay can be substantiated. The written notice shall include:

a. The time and place of the hearing.

b. The university conduct standard(s) alleged to have been violated, and sufficient details of the complaint for the basis of the allegation to be understood.

c. A statement of the respondent student’s rights as stated in this section of the Code.

d. The name of the person(s), group, or university office filing the charges.

Should the accused student choose not to appear, the hearing will be held in the student’s absence. No recommendation for the imposition of sanctions will be based solely upon the failure of the accused student to answer questions or to appear at the hearing.

Participants—The hearing will be closed to all except the parties to the proceedings unless the accused student requests, and the Dean of Students or designee and Board approve that the hearing be open, or to specified other parties.

The accused student may be accompanied by one advisor of their choice. The advisor may attend the hearing with the student to counsel them, but not act as spokesperson or vocal advocate. The accused student and advisor may be present during the entire time of the hearing, except during the deliberations of a hearing panel.

The complainant may be accompanied by a support person of their choosing. They may counsel and assist them, but not act as spokesperson or vocal advocate.

The hearing officer or panel may exclude from advising or accompanying the accused student or victim any person who will be called as a witness. If the accused student or other parties to the allegation are unable to locate or receive compliance from any member of the university community asked to testify, they may seek the assistance of the Dean of Students Office; however, the university will not compel the person to testify against his or her will.

If, at any time during the hearing proceedings, any participant or advisor is disruptive to the proceedings, the Dean of Students or their designee may ask for that individual to remove themselves from the hearing. If they do not do so, the hearing will be stopped until it can be resumed without disruption.

Evidence—Both the accused student and the complaining parties may present evidence, including witnesses and written statements. The hearing officer or board will determine the hearing format and the admissibility of witnesses or written statements and may elect not to hear such testimony if deemed redundant or irrelevant. The accused student is not required to answer questions of an incriminating nature.

The hearing officer or panel retains authority to question witnesses and parties to the alleged violations and will determine the appropriateness of questions posed by the parties.

Decision—Determination of violations shall be made based on the preponderance of evidence. Decisions by the hearing board or panel shall be by majority vote. The hearing officer shall notify the accused student of its findings within three business days beginning after the date of the hearing. In cases where multiple students are accused of violations, the outcome may be communicated after the last hearing. The decision shall be in writing and will include the resolution of the allegations and, in the case of violations, the sanctions that are to be imposed. Previous disciplinary and relevant academic records of a student found in violation of the Code will be considered in determining the sanctions to be imposed.

In cases where notification to a complainant is permitted, simultaneous notification will be made in writing or electronically within three business days.

Recording—An audio recording will be made of all hearings. The recording is the university's property and will be retained as part of the student conduct file. The accused student may review the recording after making a request to the Dean of Students Office. Personal transcripts or recordings may not be made at any hearing.


A written appeal of the formal hearing process decision or sanction may be submitted by the student to the Vice president for Student Affairs. An appeal will be accepted only if it is submitted within seven calendar days from the date of the decision letter and is based on one or more of the following issues:

a. A substantial procedural error,

b. New information of a substantive nature not reasonably available to presenters at the original hearing,

c. Substantiated bias on the part of a hearing officer or panel member, or

d. The sanction imposed is substantially disproportionate to the severity of the violation.

In considering the request the Vice President, or a reviewing authority of their choosing, may deny the appeal for lack of adequate grounds or may accept the appeal and, following a review of the case: 

a. Sustain the decision of the hearing authority,

b. Dismiss one or all the violations,

c. Concur in the determination of violations, but alter (including increasing or decreasing the severity) the sanctions to be imposed, or

d. Remand the case for a rehearing.

Interim Suspension

An interim suspension from the university, or lesser restrictions, may be imposed prior to the resolution of a disciplinary case if, in the judgment of the Dean of Students or designee such measures are necessary (a) to ensure the safety and well-being of members of the university community or preservation of university property; or (b) to ensure the student’s own physical or emotional safety and well-being; or (c) if the student poses a likely threat of disruption of or interference with the normal operations of the university. During the interim suspension, the student shall be denied access to the campus, and/or to classes, university Housing, and/or all other university activities or privileges for which the student might otherwise be eligible as the Dean of Students may determine to be appropriate.

A letter of Interim Suspension will include an appeal date seven (7) calendar days from the date of the letter for the student to request a meeting with the Dean of Students or designee to review the reason for the imposition of the interim suspension and request a hearing in the matter. If no appeal is received by this date, the Interim Suspension will become an indefinite suspension from the institution, which will be converted to an expulsion after four (4) years.


The following sanctions may be imposed upon any student found to have violated the Student Conduct Code. More than one of the sanctions may be imposed for any single violation.

Academic Penalties—Upon a finding that academic misconduct occurred, the instructor may impose a reduced or failing grade for the assignment or course in addition to such sanctions as may be imposed by a hearing officer or panel. Academic misconduct may also affect a student’s continuation in certain degree programs.

Revocation of conferred degrees may be recommended to the Board of Trustees in instances where conferral of the degree preceded the determination of significant misconduct or academic fraud.

University Reprimand—A warning to a student that they have violated institutional regulations.

University Censure—A written notification to the student that they have engaged in behavior that is not acceptable in our community and that future violations will likely result in more serious sanctioning.

Fine—A fine may be assessed in an amount not to exceed $200 per violation. Fines will normally be due within 30 days of imposition. Upon request of the student at the time of imposition, and with the concurrence of the hearing officer, a reasonable community service assignment may be substituted for all or part of the fine.

Restitution—Compensation for loss, damage or injury. This may take the form of appropriate service and/or monetary or material replacement.

Discretionary Sanctions—Educational papers or projects, mandated attendance at seminars or classes, service to the university or community, or other related discretionary sanctions may be assigned. Where the abuse of alcohol or drugs is a factor in the violation, the university may require satisfactory evidence of assessment and/or treatment at the student’s expense as a condition of enrollment.

Registered student organizations found in violation of this Code may have their university recognition revoked, suspended, or subject to appropriate probationary conditions.

Conduct Supervision—A requirement that the student meet with a designated university staff member for one or more meetings following resolution of the case, for the purpose of assuring a continued understanding of and compliance with the Student Conduct Code.

Housing Probation—A specified period of observation during which the student must show clear evidence that they are capable of conformance to university residential standards as contained in the housing handbook and/or living unit regulations. Students that are sanctioned on Housing Probation may not be eligible to serve as a member of their living unit governance council/committee, living unit intramural team, Residence Hall Association (RHA), nor are they eligible for National Residence Hall Honorary or RHA recognition while serving on housing probation.

Other appropriate restrictions or conditions on housing activities and privileges during the probationary period may be imposed, including but not limited to periodic conferences with professional staff members, imposed reassignment, and denial of privileges associated with the living unit.

Any significant violation of the Student Conduct Code while on Housing Probation will normally result in removal from university housing.

Changes to and Removal from University Housing—Students may be relocated to other housing units, restricted from some housing and dining facilities, or removed from university housing for disciplinary reasons. Students who are restricted from all or some housing and dining facilities will be held to financial obligations in accordance with the housing contract. Such changes or removal may be temporary until the incident has been resolved or may be permanent. 

A student who has not completed the required on-campus residency in accordance with university policy may be suspended from the University if removed from on-campus housing.

University Disciplinary Probation—A status imposed for behavior of such nature as to place the student near removal from the university community. A student on university disciplinary probation is not in good standing with the university. They may not be eligible to serve on any student-faculty board or university governance committee, as an officer of the student body or as a member of the Student Senate or University Student Standards Board.

Other conditions may be imposed, including but not limited to satisfactory completion of educational assignments or programs, mandated standards of class attendance and/or academic achievement, expulsion from on-campus housing, restriction from buildings or facilities, or from participation in university activities, study abroad programs, student employment or other appropriate stipulations.

Any significant violation of the Student Conduct Code while on university disciplinary probation will likely result in suspension or expulsion. Scholarships, grant awards or other discretionary financial aid awarded by the university may be canceled or suspended due to probationary status.

Separation from the UniversitySuspension is the disciplinary separation of the student from the university for a minimum specified period of time less than five years. Expulsion is a permanent disciplinary separation of the student from the university. Conditions for readmission of suspended students may be specified. A suspended or expelled student is restricted from being present on the campus and from all university events and activities.


Implementation may be held in abeyance pending the outcome of an appeal at the Dean of Students' discretion. Registration for subsequent terms or the conferral of the degree may be withheld until sanctions have been concluded and any conditions imposed by the university have been fulfilled. The imposition of a suspension or expulsion may be tabled by the Dean of Students pending satisfactory completion of the academic term, or of a satisfactory period of disciplinary probation.


Disciplinary records

Student disciplinary records will be destroyed after seven years from the time of the last entry, except in cases involving separation from the university, restrictions on reenrollment, or if the Dean of Students or their designee determines there is a continuing interest in retaining the record. Disciplinary sanctions shall not be made part of the student's permanent academic record, except in the case of separation from the institution, where a suspension will be noted on the transcript with “Administrative Suspension” and an expulsion will be noted on the transcript with “Administrative Expulsion.” A suspended or expelled student may, following the specified minimum period of separation, request the removal of the sanction from the permanent record, which shall be at the discretion of the Vice President for Student Affairs.



For more information:

Dean of Students Office

MLK, Jr. University Union, Lower Level

(217) 581-3827

Fax: (217) 581-6489

Mailing address:

Eastern Illinois University

600 Lincoln Avenue

Charleston IL 61920-3099


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