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EIU Department of Dean of Students



The hazing policy applies to ALL students, student groups, and organizations at Eastern Illinois University.


Eastern Illinois University is committed to providing the safest campus possible for our students, faculty and staff. Hazing, subtle hazing, harassment or violence is prohibited and will not be tolerated. The University continually endeavors to prevent Hazing by providing training and educational materials to all students and employees, and by thoroughly investigating complaints of harassment. Hazing is a crime and complaints will receive serious and immediate action.



Confidential Report Form

If you have recently witnessed or made aware that hazing has taken place, please submit a report to the EIU Dean of Students Office at the following link.

You may also contact the Dean of Students Office with any questions at 217-581-3827 or by email at

If someone is in immediate danger or is being harmed it is appropriate to immediately call 911.

If you would like to file a police report, you may also contact:

EIU Police (217) 581-3213

Charleston Police (217) 348-5221



· Hazing is commonly associated with fraternities, sororities, and athletic teams. A quick internet search will reveal that hazing occurs in almost every type of group from cheerleading, band, performing arts, athletics, and other student organizations.

· 55% of college students involved in student organizations has experienced hazing, but only 1 in 10 label it as hazing. (Allan, E.J. & Madden, M., 2008)

· 74% is the percentage of student-athletes who experience at least one form of hazing while in college. The most frequently reported hazing behavior among student-athletes is participating in drinking games. (Allan, E.J. & Madden, M., 2008)

· 71% is the percentage of students who witnessed hazing and indicated that alcohol was involved in some way. (US Center for Bystander Intervention, 2020)



Any act or situation on or off campus, initiated, planned, sanctioned, or joined in by one or more persons associated with an athletic team or student organization, causing embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule to, or which involves participation in a Code violation or an illegal act by, or which causes or places in danger of causing physical or mental harm to, any member or any student affiliated with their organization.


ILLINOIS HAZING LAW (a) A person commits hazing who knowingly requires the performance of any act by a student or other person in a school, college, university, or other educational institution of this State, for the purpose of induction or admission into any group, organization, or society associated or connected with that institution if: (1) the act is not sanctioned or authorized by that educational institution; and (2) the act results in bodily harm to any person.

(a) Sentence. Hazing is a Class A misdemeanor, except hazing that results in death or great bodily harm is a Class 4 felony.


Subtle Hazing Harassment Hazing Violent Hazing
Blind-folding Uncomfortable Clothing Shoving
Unnecessary Memorization  Yelling Pushing
Cleaning Personal Servitude Forced Consumption of Food or Liquid
Purchasing Items  Pranks Kidnapping
Exercise Embarrassing Clothing    Tackling
Sleep Deprivation Demeaning  Paddling


Signature Notebooks

Intimidation  Total or Partial Nudity
   Interrogation of any kind  




Bystander Steps for Action

5 Steps to Bystander Intervention:

1. Notice the Event and take immediate and helpful action

2. Interpret the Event as a Problem or Emergency

3. Assume Personal Responsibility

4. Know How to help

5. Implement the help


Frequently the bystanders have either been victimized or have witnessed hazing. Therefore, they are in some way responsible for the continuation of the tradition. Due to the "code of silence" which usually accompanies the initiation process, the bystanders have chosen not to break the code, not to report the hazing. As bystanders, they have the power to influence the events; should they feel that hazardous hazing is wrong, they may try to intervene, tempering the violence of the perpetrators. If, however, they feel that the violence is justified, or if they enjoy identifying with the aggressors, they may increase the levels of violence.

The identity of the bystanders may not be defined until the moment the hazing begins, for one never knows how individuals may act during times of stress. This group is the one which is least threatened and therefore has the potential to maintain some level of emotional stability.

The bystanders may be the most important group in the development of direction and magnitude of a hazing event. According to the theory of the perfect storm, the bystanders hold the cards, in terms of being able to take control of the situation, should they want to. Unlike other professionals, I do not believe that the individual bystander, acting alone, can stop the action (except by reporting it to appropriate authorities).


Impact on students that have been hazed

Death is the consequence that is most often reported by the media. Although death is the worst possible outcome, hazing can lead to less severe, but still life-altering consequences.

One study has shown that 71% of those who are hazed suffer from negative consequences including:

· Physical, emotional, and/or mental instability,

· Sleep deprivation,

· Loss of sense of control and empowerment,

· A decline in grades and coursework.

· Relationships with friends, significant others and family suffer.

· Post-traumatic stress syndrome.

· Loss of respect for and interest in being part of the organization.

· Erosion of trust within the group members.

· Illness or hospitalization with additional effects on family and friends.


Impact on organizations that haze

Student organizations will be held accountable by the university. Athletic teams can be suspended, forfeit matches or the season, or have player removed from the team. Marching bands have been suspended. Fraternities and sororities can be suspended, banned, or shut down completely.


In addition, organizations may experience:


· The loss of reputation within the campus community as well as locally and nationally.

· The loss of recognition for the organization, team, or club and/or other privileges revoked.

· Civil damages.

· The organization’s officers may be held responsible.

· A gradual erosion of the true meaning and values of the organization.

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