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EIU business office

Establishing a New FOAPAL

The online New FOAPAL Request Form is used by university employees to request and gain access to the university financial system organizations and funds for the purpose of performing specified accounting tasks with university monies budgeted to these organizations and funds.

Before requesting a new organization, please review your current organizations to determine if the purpose of the new organization may fit the purpose of an existing organization.

  1. Sign in using your EIU net ID and password, and complete the new FOAPAL request form, providing accurate and thorough information so that the security for the organization may be assigned properly. This allows access to individuals associated with the organization. Purchasing, Business Office, Budget, Payroll and Internal Auditing will refer to this document for authorization for signatures and transactions.
  2. After completing the form and adding a list of additional users (if desired), check the electronic signature box at the bottom and submit form. It will then be routed to the appropriate persons for approval.
  3. When completed, an e-mail notification of the activation of the new organization and organization number and delegated signatures is sent to the requestor, financial manager, and authorized users. Please review the e-mail for accuracy and report any changes to Elizabeth Reeder, 217-581-7819.

For further questions, contact Elizabeth Reeder (581-7819) in the Business Office

Changing FOAPAL Information

FAAQS Changes, such as Delegated Signature, Requisition creator, Payroll Signature, OfficeMax Supplies, UPS Labels, P-Card or Inquiry may be made for any FOAPAL on a university organization.

Click here to change Banner FOAPAL access.

The Financial Manager responsible for the organization/fund must approve the request, thus giving his/her permission for the employee to access the organization/fund. The request itself is passed to the appropriate people in the Business Office, whose responsibilities are to:

  • Grant employee access to organizations/funds in the Banner Finance Module.
  • Keep track of P-Card and OfficeMax transactions.
  • Verify signatures on requisitions, invoices approvals and payroll documents.

Process Guides for FAAQS/FOAPAL Changes are available for reference at the Business Affairs Applications site. For additional help or questions, contact Elizabeth Reeder or Lakshmikara "Raju" Padmaraju in the Business Office.

Changing Financial Managers

The Current Financial Manager will log into Business Affairs Applications to submit a Financial Manager Change Request. The request will route to the appropriate people, including the Current Financial Manager and New Financial Manager, for approval. It will then route to the Business Office for processing.

A change is not official until all required approvals are completed and Business Office personnel grant the access requested. The Financial Manager will receive an email when it is completed.

A Process Guide for Financial Manager Changes is available for reference at the Business Affairs Applications site. For additional help or questions, contact Elizabeth Reeder or Lakshmikara "Raju" Padmaraju in the Business Office.

Closing a University FOAPAL

To close a university fund or organization, send an e-mail or memo to Mike Hutchinson, in the Business Office. If funds still exist in the fund or organization, use the memo or e-mail to explain where you would like the remaining funds transferred. The Business Office will freeze the fund or organization from all activity and the financial manager's name will be removed. The fund or organization should no longer appear with the financial manager's organizations. Questions may be directed to Mike Hutchinson, 217-581-7753.

An agency (Cash Basis = 9-xxxxx) fund may be closed if the fund has shown no activity for two years. The financial manager will be notified to discuss where the remaining funds (if any) are to be transferred.

Departmental Deposit Forms

When a new FOAPAL is established that requires deposits, a deposit form will be sent to the financial manager by the Bursar’s Office. For correct posting, do not make any changes to the deposit form. If changes are needed, please contact either Mike Hutchinson or Amanda Harmon.

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Student Accounts

1131 Old Main
Eastern Illinois University
600 Lincoln Ave.
Charleston, IL 61920
Fax: 217-581-6371

Business Office

1131 Old Main
Eastern Illinois University
600 Lincoln Ave.
Charleston, IL 61920
Fax: 217-581-6371

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