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EIU business office

Types, Definitions, Accountants Responsible

Banner Finance is the official accounting system used by Eastern Illinois University. The university receives funding from various sources, most of which is specified for certain types of expenditures. To enable the financial manager of these funds to monitor and report on the activity of the funds, the accounting system must maintain separate records of each source of funds, and the expenditures from each source.

An organization is defined as a functional unit established for a specific purpose, with one individual (financial manager) having primary responsibility for its activity. A financial manager may have responsibility for one or more funds or organizations. The table shows the fund/organization types, funding source and accountants responsible for any questions regarding the specific organizations.

Organization NumberOrganization TypeDefinition/Funding SourceAccountant ResponsiblePhone/Email
1xxxxx Appropriated State tax revenues/tuition to be spent within the fiscal year. Mike Hutchinson 217-581-7753,
2xxxxx Designated Funds (Local) Funds generated by the department (i.e., ticket sales, memberships, student fees). Daylea Ethridge 217-581-7737,
3xxxxx Revenue Bond Bond and business-type activity. Mike Hutchinson 217-581-7753,
5xxxxx College Work Study Federal government. Financial Aid & Teresa Jones 217-581-7510
Grants Various granting agencies. Ramey Martin 217-581-7741,
Gifts Various donors. Daylea Ethridge 217-581-7737,
6xxxxx Foundation/Alumni Association University-related organization activity. Kaitlyn Haas 217-581-6454,
7xxxxx Income Fund Reserves Equipment replacement. Daylea Ethridge 217-581-7737,
Plant Reserve Equipment replacement. Daylea Ethridge 217-581-7737,
Bond Reserve Repair, replacement and construction reserves (for bonds only). Mike Hutchinson 217-581-7753,
831100 Agency Clubs, Greek organizations, etc. Must have a university sponsor. Daylea Ethridge 217-581-7737,

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Contact Information

Student Accounts

1131 Old Main
Eastern Illinois University
600 Lincoln Ave.
Charleston, IL 61920
Fax: 217-581-6371

Business Office

1131 Old Main
Eastern Illinois University
600 Lincoln Ave.
Charleston, IL 61920
Fax: 217-581-6371

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