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EIU Business Office

Expense Codes

Account codes are required for each transaction entered into the finance system. To ensure proper classification, a correct account code must be given. Direct any questions to Accounts Payable, 217-581-5313.

For agency organizations, 900xxx, please use the account code 78999 for all expenses.

Repairs, Maintenance and Rentals
Professional Services
Other Contractual
Improvement and Equipment
Capital Expenditures
For All Agency Accounts


Banner Account No. Commodity Code Description
71302 071120 Printing Internal External
71304 071265 Supplies - Office and Library
71308 071225 Supplies - Education and Instructional Materials
71310 071255 Supplies - Mechanical
71332 071245 Industrial and Shop Materials
71341 071345 Utility - Coal
71342 071350 Utility - Fuel Oil
71345 071360 Gas and Oil for Off-Road Equipment
71350 071260 Supplies - Medical, Scientific and Lab
71351 071220 Dining - Non-Edibles
71352 071250 Supplies - Linen
71360 071230 Supplies - Food
71365 075035 Plaques and Awards
71370 071385 Wearing Apparel
71391 071240 Supplies - Household, Laundry
71392 071235 Supplies - Forage/Farm/Garden
71394 071042 Equipment Not Exceeding $100
71395 071044 Tools Not Exceeding $100
71396 071048 Equipment Not Exceeding $100 (Medical)
71397 071046 Equipment Not Exceeding $100 (House)
71398 071050 Equipment Not Exceeding $100 (Other)
71399 071025 Commodities (Other)
71893 071370 R&M - Automotive Equipment
71894 071375 Parts and Fittings - Automotive Equipment
71896 071365 Gasoline, Oil and Antifreeze
71899 071380 Automotive Expenses (Not Elsewhere)

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Banner Account No. Commodity Code Description
71291 071305 Travel - Employee In-State
71292 071310 Travel - Employee Out-of-State
71293 071315 Travel - Vendor In-State
71294 071320 Travel - Vendor Out-of-State

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Repairs, Maintenance and Rentals

Banner Account No. Commodity Code Description
71221 071165 Repair and Maintenance - Furniture/Office Equipment
71223 071185 Repair and Maintenance - Real Property
71224 071175 Repair and Maintenance - Mach./Mech. Equipment
71225 071160 Repair and Maintenance - EDP Equipment
71229 071180 Repair and Maintenance - Other
71230 071170 Repair and Maintenance - In-House
71233 071155 Rental - Real Property
71234 071145 Rental - Machinery and Equipment
71235 071140 Rental - EDP Equipment
71237 071135 Rental - Audio Visual
71239 071150 Rental - Other
71248 071190 Building and Grounds Maintenance

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Professional Services

Banner Account No. Commodity Code Description
71240 071210 Statistical and Tabulation Services
71245 071125 Prof/Artist Services
71246 071075 Hospital and Medical Service Provider
71249 071110 Moving Expenses - Employees
71250 071111 Moving Expenses - Vendors
71278 071095 Interview Expenses
71283 071200 Software Maintenance
71284 071205 Computer Software
71286 071325 Travel - Non-Employee

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Banner Account No.Commodity CodeDescription
71274 071131 Registration Fees Paid to Vendors
71275 071215 Subscriptions
71276 071130 Registration Fees Paid to Employees
71277 071040 Association Dues

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Banner Account No. Commodity Code Description
71302 071120 Printing Internal External

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Banner Account No. Commodity Code Description
71243 071020 Book Binding and Processing
71261 071115 Postage - UPS Freight
71273 071010 Advertising

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Other Contractual

Banner Account No. Commodity Code Description
71214 071330 Garbage Removal
71215 071328 Cable TV
71226 071100 Laundry Services
71227 071080 Installment Interest
71228 071081 Installment Principal
71242 071015 Auditing and Management Service
71244 071105 Legal Services
71251 071355 Utility - Gas
71252 071335 Utility - Electric
71253 071340 Utility - Water
71257 071090 Fire Protection
71271 071085 Insurance and Surety Bonds
71285 071270 Operating Tax License Fee
71289 071030 Contractual Services - Other

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Banner Account No. Commodity Code Description
71710 071280 Telephone - Repair and Maintenance
71721 071285 Rental, Telephone Services
71730 071290 Parts and Supplies for Telephone
71750 071295 Telephone, Data, Radio and Other
71795 071275 Telephone Services
71799 071300 Telecom Services - Not Elsewhere

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Improvement and Equipment

Banner Account No. Commodity Code Description
71401 071060 Perm. Improvement greater than $5,000, but less than $25,000
71410 071052 Office Equipment greater than $100, but less than $5,000
71412 071054 Instruct. Equipment greater than $100, but less than $5,000
71415 071056 Computer Equipment greater than $100, but less than $5,000
71416 071058 Communications Network greater than $100, but less than $5,000
71430 071062 Household Equipment greater than $100, but less than $5,000
71440 071064 Mach./Impl./Tools greater than $100, but less than $5,000
71450 071066 Scientific Instruments greater than $100, but less than $5,000
71461 071068 Training Materials greater than $100, but less than $5,000
71499 071070 Other Equipment greater than $100, but less than $5,000

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Capital Expenditures

Banner Account No. Commodity Code Description
71501 073070 Perm. Improv. greater than /$25,000
71510 073010 Office Equipments greater than $5,000
71512 073012 Instructional Equipment greater than $5,000
71515 073015 Computer Equipment greater than $5,000
71516 073055 Communication Network Equipment greater than $5,000
71521 073060 Passenger Automobiles
71522 073065 Motor Vehicles other than Automobiles
71530 073020 Household Equipment and Furnishings greater than $5,000
71540 073025 Machinery, Implements and Major Tools greater than $5,000
71550 073030 Scientific Instruments greater than $5,000
71560 073040 Library Books
71561 073050 Training Materials greater than $5,000
71562 073045 Textbooks
71599 073035 Other Equipment greater than $5,000

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Banner Account No. Commodity Code Description
77110 072010 Food Purchase Resale
77120 072015 Other Resale Purchase
77130 072020 Non-Alcoholic Beverage
77132 072025 Newspapers and Magazines
77133 072030 Paper Book Purchases
77135 072035 Novelty Purchases
77136 072040 Sundry Purchases
77137 072045 Educational Office Supplies
77138 072050 Stamps Postage Meter
77139 072055 Stationary Card Purchase
77140 072060 Soft Goods Purchases
77141 072065 Gasoline Purchases
77143 072070 Alcohol Purchases
77144 072075 Sup. Purchase Resale
77145 072080 Bus Ticket Resale
77146 072085 P.C. Purchase Resale

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For All Agency Accounts

Banner Account No.Commodity CodeDescription
78999   USE FOR ALL 831100 ORGS

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Contact Information

Student Accounts

1131 Old Main
Eastern Illinois University
600 Lincoln Ave.
Charleston, IL 61920
Fax: 217-581-6371

Business Office

1131 Old Main
Eastern Illinois University
600 Lincoln Ave.
Charleston, IL 61920
Fax: 217-581-6371

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