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Interpersonal Violence Resources and Prevention

University Procedures 

The Dean of Students Office (217-581-3827) is most often the department on campus that handles University procedures and sanctions for sexual assault and interpersonal violence when those involved are students. The Dean of Students Office staff are trained in assisting students through the process of reporting and a hearing if such occurs. Decisions are based on the "preponderance of evidence" which means that the information available points to that it, more likely than not, occurred. 

University Disciplinary Procedures in Cases of Alleged Sex-Based Harassment, Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, and Stalking:

  • The University provides a prompt, fair, and impartial investigation and resolution.
  • The accuser and the accused may have others present during any University disciplinary proceeding, and they may be accompanied by an advisor of their choice at meetings related to the proceeding as well as at the proceeding.
  • The University will provide written documentation to both the accuser and the accused regarding:
    • The outcome of the University disciplinary proceeding
    • The University’s procedures for the accused and the accuser to appeal the results
    • Any change in the results that occur prior to the time the results become final
    • When the results become final

Click here to view the full document on Dean of Students procedures 

The University is authorized to and may reassign the accused person from a class or residence hall while the case is pending.  Such actions are non-punitive and are designed to ensure the safety of the complainant and the integrity of the investigative process.

The University is authorized to and may restrict or ban individuals from participating in campus activities or from being on campus property.  

Possible Disciplinary Actions if Found in Violation of the University’s policies on sex-based harassment, sexual assault, sexual misconduct, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking:

If a student has been found to be in violation of policies on sexual or interpersonal violence/sex based harassment, or if a student has been found in violation for retaliation against anyone involved in the investigation and/or hearing process of such an allegation, they may have any of the following disciplinary actions taken, including but not limited to:

  • written reprimands
  • completion of educational sanctions
  • university disciplinary probation
  • suspensions and expulsions
  • restriction from specific areas or events on campus

The designated Vice President for Student Affairs or the designee is responsible for enforcing disciplinary actions. Even if the conduct is not actionable, the University may take appropriate steps to ensure that potential issues affecting the climate within the workplace or academic setting are appropriately addressed

For EIU Faculty and Staff:

If an employee has been found to have engaged in sexual or interpersonal violence/sex based harassment, or if an employee has been found in violation for retaliation against anyone involved in the investigation and/or hearing process of such an allegation, they may have any of the following disciplinary actions taken, including but not limited to:

  • written reprimands
  • suspensions
  • termination of employment

The designated Vice President for Student Affairs or the designee is responsible for enforcing disciplinary actions. Even if the conduct is not actionable, the University may take appropriate steps to ensure that potential issues affecting the climate within the workplace or academic setting are appropriately addressed

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Contact Information

Jessica Cobert, Confidential Advisor

EIU Counseling Center

Dr. Shawn Peoples, Director of Civil Rights & Diversity/Title IX Coordinator

Office of Civil Rights

Brittany Floyd, Assistant Dean of Students/ Deputy Title IX Coordinator

Dean of Students

Sarah Jacobs, Assistant Director for Residential Life/ Title IX Investigator


Office Hours

M-F 9-4:30pm

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