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Interpersonal Violence Resources and Prevention

Myth/Fact Quiz

1. T or F Most sexual assaults are committed by strangers.

False: 80% of sexual assaults are committed by someone the individual knows – A friend, acquaintance, partner or family member.

2. T or F In a recent survey, almost one-fourth of college females said they had been the victim of a sexual assault, or attempted sexual assault, during their college years.

True: Based on college surveys across the country, 1 in 4 college women indicate have been the victim of a sexual assault, or attempted sexual assault during her college years.

3. T or F Many women claim they were assaulted to protect their reputations or to seek revenge on someone.

False: The incidence of "false reporting" is estimated at 2%. Reporting a sexual assault is not easy, and most sexual assaults are not reported. The false report rate is no greater than the false report rate for any other felony.

4. T or F When a woman engages in other sexual acts, she implicitly demonstrates a desire to have intercourse.

False: Consent cannot be assumed, one must obtain consent for sex. People engage in other sex acts (kissing, making out, etc.) because that is what they want to do. It is dangerous to assume that any level of intimacy indicates a desire for sex.

5. T or F Women often provoke sexual assault by their own behavior, wearing low-cut or tight clothing, going out alone, staying out late, being drunk, flirting, etc.

False: People cannot be held responsible for another person’s behavior. The perpetrator is solely responsible for his/her own actions. You cannot blame the victim for the perpetrator’s behavior.

6. T or F Most acquaintance sexual assaults on college campuses involve alcohol.

True: 75% of acquaintance sexual assaults on college campuses involve alcohol. Alcohol impairs judgment and makes it more difficult to avoid dangerous situations. Limiting alcohol intake enhances personal safety – for many reasons.  However, alcohol or drug use does not mean the victim of a sexual assault is to blame in any way for the assault..

7. T or F Having sex with someone who is intoxicated is considered sexual assault.

True: It could be, depending on the circumstances.  Consent is deemed incapable of being given if the person's physical and/or mental control is markedly diminished as the result of alcohol, other drugs, illness, injury or any other reason.  It is the effect alcohol has on a person that impacts one's ability to consent, not the use of alcohol. 

8. T or F You can tell if a person wants to have sex with you by their behavior and body language.

False: Relying on body language or other cues is dangerous. The best method is to ask the other person--every time.

9. T or F People say "no" to sex, but they really mean, "yes"; they just don't want to appear "easy."

False: "No" means "no"; one cannot assume that a person is playing "hard to get," that puts everyone in a very vulnerable position.

10. T or F If she/he didn’t struggle or fight back, it was not sexual assault.

False: Submission is not consent; lack of a "no" does not mean, "yes." There are many reasons why it may not be "safe" or possible for a person to physically resist or fight back.

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Jessica Milburn, Confidential Advisor

EIU Counseling Center

Dr. Shawn Peoples, Title IX Coordinator

Office of Civil Rights

Brittany Floyd, Associate Director of Student Accountability & Support / Deputy Title IX Coordinator

Office of Student Accountability & Support

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