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EIU Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Admission Requirements

A prospective student may declare pre-licensure nursing major and complete required pre-requisite courses with a C or better. Applicants are accepted in fall of sophomore year and nursing courses begin the following spring semester. Admission to the program is highly competitive and based on space/availability and competitiveness of the applicant pool. Admission following freshman year is based on the following criteria for full consideration:


  • Cumulative prerequisite GPA of 2.75 (based on GPA from all colleges attended)
  • GPA of 2.7 in five courses, Practical Microbiology-BIO1004G, Anatomy and Physiology I- BIO2210, The World of Chemistry-CHM1040G, Mathematics:  A Human Endeavor-MAT1160G, and Pathways: Health and Human Services-NUR1511.
  • Pre-requisite courses completed with a C or better: College Composition I-ENG1001G, Composition II-ENG1002G, Introduction to Speech Communication-CMN1310G, Practical Microbiology-BIO1004G, The World of Chemistry - CHM1040G, Mathematics:  A Human Endeavor - MAT1160G, Medical Terminology- NUR2613, Anatomy and Physiology I- BIO2210, Introduction to Psychology-PSY1879G or Introductory Sociology - SOC1838G, Pathways: Health and Human Services- NUR1511, and Human Development-HSL1800 or Personal Nutrition - NTR2100.
  • A failed pre-requisite course (D, F, WD) may not be repeated more than once to receive a passing grade of C or higher. The highest grade will be used for GPA calculation.
  • Equivalent or higher general education courses will be considered.

The deadline date for all application materials is March 1st for consideration. Please be aware that while applications beyond the freshman year are allowed, doing so will likely result in extended time to completion.

An application to the School of Nursing will be considered complete for review and consideration when all of the following are met:

  • Admission to the university
  • Declared pre-nursing major
  • Completed nursing application 
  • C or better in all pre-requisite courses
  • Minimum GPA requirements
  • All official transcripts submitted from any previous colleges attended
  • Essay submission
  • Reference submission
  • Safety and Technical Standards form completed and submitted to the School of Nursing by the deadline.

Seats will be filled in the nursing program by ranking students based, but not limited to, courses taken, cumulative GPA, and BIO1004G, BIO2210, CHM1040G, MAT1160G, and NUR1511 combined GPA, essay, and references.  Admission to the program is determined by a nursing faculty committee.  Applicants will be notified after July 1st of admission decision. Qualified students not accepted will be placed on a waiting list.  The School of Nursing reserves the right to limit the size of the entering class, therefore, merely applying to the program and meeting or exceeding the stated minimum admission requirement does not guarantee admission into the nursing program.

If accepted into the nursing major students must meet health and safety compliance requirements.

Due by October 1: Proof of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation for Healthcare Providers within 6 months, Completed Immunization Record, Completed History and Physical, and Drug test results within the last 30 days.

**Students admitted into the nursing program are required to purchase a lab coat and uniforms for use in clinical rotations and a stethoscope that meets minimum standards. Students must also have a computer that meets the minimum technical standards to support applications used in the nursing program.

**Re-application is allowed but is limited to one additional time. When re-applying to the program, previous ranking does not apply; all re-applicants will be ranked as new prospective students at the beginning of each application cycle.

Pre-requisite Requirements for Admission to the Major:

  • BIO 1004G-Practical Microbiology. 3 credits
  • BIO 2210-Anatomy and Physiology I. 4 credits
  • BIO 2220-Anatomy and Physiology II. 4 credits
  • CHM 1040G-The World of Chemistry. 4 credits
  • CMN 1310G-Introduction to Speech Communication. 3 credits
  • ENG 1001G-College Composition I: Critical Reading & Source-Based Writing. 3 credits
  • ENG 1002G-College Composition II: Argument & Critical Inquiry. 3 credits
  • HSL 1800-Human Development. 3 credits
  • MAT 1160G-Math: A Human Endeavor. 3 credits
  • NTR 2100-Personal Nutrition. 3 credits
  • NUR 1511-Pathways: Health and Human Services. 1 credit
  • NUR 2613-Medical Terminology. 3 credits
  • PSY 1879G-Introduction to Psychology. 3 credits
  • SOC 1838G-Introductory Sociology. 3 credits


Major Requirements

Four-Year Plan

The major comprises:

  • NUR 2612- Pathophysiologic Concepts I. 2 credits
  • NUR 2712- Therapeutic Pharmacology I. 2 credits
  • NUR 2822- Health Assessment across the Lifespan. 4 credits
  • NUR 2823- Introduction to Health and Illness Concepts in Nursing. 4 credits
  • NUR 3413- Professional Development in Nursing I. 3 credits
  • NUR 3513- Professional Development in Nursing II. 3 credits
  • NUR 3612-Pathophysiologic Concepts II. 2 credits
  • NUR 3712-Therapeutic Pharmacology II. 2 credits
  • NUR 3813- Using Evidence to Guide Practice in Nursing. 3 credits
  • NUR 3833- Concepts of Mental and Behavioral Health. 3 credits
  • NUR 3835- Foundations of Nursing Practice. 5 credits
  • NUR 3836- Management of Health and Illness in Diverse Populations I. 6 credits
  • NUR 4412- Health Systems. 2 credits
  • NUR 4413- Professional Development in Nursing III: Leadership Management. 3 credits
  • NUR 4513- Transition to Professional Practice. 3 credits
  • NUR 4535- Population-based Healthcare in Nursing. 5 credits
  • NUR 4636- Management of Health and Illness in Diverse Populations II. 6 credits
  • NUR 4735- Management of Advanced Concepts in Complex Nursing Practice. 5 credits
  • PUBH 2200G- Health Citizenship. 3 credits
  • PUBH 2800- Health Education Research Methods I. 3 credits

Progression Requirements

Applicants notified of admission must formally accept in writing by July 10th .

Students admitted to the major must complete the following prior to spring semester sophomore year:

  • Background check by August 1 following admission to the major.
  • Complete all remaining required pre-requisite courses with a C or better.  If a student fails to receive a C or better in remaining prerequisite courses, they will not be allowed to continue into nursing courses.
  • Students must maintain a minimum of a C in all nursing courses to progress to the next semester in program sequence. Co-requisites may be taken prior to or during the semester designated, but not after
  • Only one nursing course may be repeated. Failure to pass a nursing course will exempt the student from progressing to the next semester. Students who have failed a course may not register for any other nursing courses until the failed course is offered again, space is available, and the course is successfully completed.
  • A minimum of 2.0 GPA overall must be maintained to continue and graduate
  • Due by October 1: Proof of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation for Healthcare Providers within 6 months, Completed Immunization Record, Completed History and Physical, and Drug test results within last 30 days.

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