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EIU Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I transfer from a community college and start nursing at Eastern?

No. You must be a student at EIU to apply for the nursing program.


If I come to Eastern for Nursing am I automatically in the Nursing Program?

No. You must take a year of required prerequisites and apply to get into the program in year 2.


Can I transfer courses from other colleges?

Yes. The student must send official transcripts. They will be evaluated by an advisor to determine if courses are acceptable.


Does EIU have a direct entry option to the program for high school students?

No. EIU does not have a direct entry option.


If I have taken a health occupations course or I am a certified nurse’s aide can I be exempt from taking the NUR 1511 Pathways: Health and Human Services class or get credit for other nursing coursework?

No. There are no substitutions for the traditional nursing program coursework. The NUR 1511 Pathways: Health and Human Services course is specific to Eastern Illinois University and is a required prerequisite for application to the program.

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