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EIU Department of Music

Portfolio Assessment

All students are required to submit a portfolio the semester prior to graduation or student teaching. The portfolio is submitted electronically in the form of a website, and is due towards the end of the final semester in residence on the EIU campus.

The portfolio should consist of the student’s best work, and artifacts in each category should clearly demonstrate attainment of the learning objective. Students are encouraged to be creative and focus the portfolio on individual career goals. The portfolio should not only serve as evidence of meeting departmental learning goals, but should be considered a professional resource for students to use in career advancement. Portfolios are assessed using the Portfolio Evaluation Rubric.


Step One:  Print the appropriate Table of Contents for your degree program and use this document to organize your portfolio website.  Include all items listed on the correct Table of Contents.

Step Two:  Collect and Organize Assessment Artifacts for all Required Student Learning Outcomes. 

  • When given a choice,  select the artifact representing the highest level of achievement. The portfolio should not only serve as evidence of meeting departmental learning goals, but can be considered a professional resource for students to use in career advancement.

Step Three:  Create your Website

  • Create your Website using the Electronic Student Portfolio Guidelines listed below.

Electronic Student Portfolio Guidelines:

  • Create a tab on your website labeled, “Portfolio” for your electronic portfolio
  • On your portfolio page, copy the ENTIRE table of contents (listed below) for your major:
    • Mus, Teacher Licensure
  • Your portfolio page with the table of contents entered should look like:
  • Collect and create all required artifacts/documents
  • Scan and/or save all documents as PDFs and upload any videos to YouTube as an unlisted link. Do not use MuseScore files, Word files, or other types of files.
  • Create links to each artifact in the corresponding location on the Table of Contents. Make sure they open in a separate tab. (Check the box: open in new window in Weebly.)
  • Double check to make sure all links are active, all required artifacts are present and do not require downloading
  • Email the link to your portfolio to Dr. Brown and Dr. Gregorich

Core Student Learning Outcomes for all Majors/Portfolios (updated fall 2022):

  • SLO #1 – Written Music Theory: read music at an advanced level, analyze scores from various stylistic periods, and harmonize melodies and bass lines. as relevant to their degree program.
    • MUS 1502: Unit II exam OR
    • MUS 2502: Unit II exam, if applicable

  • SLO #2 – Aural Skills: Accurately sight-sing and take aural dictation as appropriate to their degree program.
    • MUS 1502: Musical score and recording of sight-singing assignment/unit II exam OR
    • MUS 2502: Musical score and recording of sight-singing assignment/unit II exam, if applicable

  • SLO #3 – Music History: Through score analysis and listening, effectively describe musical elements and expressive devices using advanced technical vocabulary. Identify historical periods, genres, and interdisciplinary connections within a historical context.
    • MUS 3553G: exam OR
    • MUS 3585: exam, if applicable

  • SLO #4 – Applied Instruction: Perform effectively and musically on their primary performance area demonstrating an understanding of relevant repertoire, as appropriate to their degree program.
    • Repertoire record from final semester of applied study
    • Required degree recital programs, if applicable

  • SLO #5 – Piano: Prepare works, as relevant to their degree program
    • MUS 2204: a link to a two-minute (max) solo piano recording OR
    • MUS 2206: a link to two-minute (max) accompaniment recording, if applicable

  • SLO #6 – Technology: perform basic digital audio recording and editing; synthesis sampling and sequencing.
    • MUS 1070: distribution of audio file artifact

  • SLO #7 – Ensemble: Develop skills of collaborative musicianship through participation in ensemble contexts.
    • Concert programs documenting ensemble participation across a minimum of 4 semesters





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Music Department

Doudna Fine Arts Center
600 Lincoln Ave.
Charleston, IL 61920

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