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EIU Pine Honors College

URSCA Proposal Instructions

You must upload a Word-compatible file (.doc, .docx, .rtf) or pdf responding to the questions below. Documents not in this format will not be accepted. Because you are being evaluated by faculty from diverse fields, please avoid jargon in your response. Respond to all questions as clearly as possible. Your faculty sponsor should review this document before you upload it. The document should be in 12-point font with 1-inch margins, and should not exceed three pages. You may include images or additional appendices if needed.


Please name the file as follows: Your last name_Proposal_MonthYr.docx

For example: Smith_Proposal_Sept13.docx

In your document, please use your name and project title as a header. Paste the questions into the document, and respond to each. For research projects use questions R1 – R5. For creative activities, use questions C1-C5.


R1: Briefly describe your proposed research project (e.g., purpose, hypothesis, research goals).

R2: Describe the method to be used in the proposed research project including an evaluation of the data. Include a project timeline.

R3: How will this research contribute to the existing knowledge in the field of study?

R4: What background and skills qualify you to successfully complete this project? How does this project develop/strengthen your professional skills?

R5: Indicate a budget for the project. Specify a plan for the dissemination of the results from this project. (Note: NCUR travel is funded separately from this award, so please do not include that as a category of expenditure.)


C1. Briefly summarize your intentions in this creative activity. Include a statement of what artistic or other type of ‘discoveries’ are expected from this project.

C2. What steps will you take to implement and complete this project? Include a project timeline with approximate dates during which you will carry out part of the project.

C3. Place this creative activity in the context of current and historical trends within the creative discipline.

C4. What background and skills qualify you to successfully complete this project? How does this project develop/strengthen your professional skills?

C5. Please give a budget for the project. Indicate a specific plan for disseminating the results of this project. (Note: NCUR travel is funded separately from this award, so please do not include that as a category of expenditure.)

Faculty Sponsor Information

Faculty sponsors will be asked the following questions in the email they receive from AcademicWorks.

Information to Note

A reflection (guidelines) must be submitted to the Dean of the Pine Honors College by the end of the semester in which it was awarded: for example, if your award is for Spring semester research, the Summary Reflection must be submitted by the last day of classes that spring semester. If the research, scholarship, or creative activity is still not completed at this time, please submit an interim progress report addressing as many of the required topics as possible. Failure to submit a Summary Reflection may result in the refusal of future awards and may result in a hold being placed on your records. The Summary Reflection is required in order to maintain an account of past recipients and to identify the actual use of award monies.

While the Pine Honors College has been able to internally fund undergraduate students, there are also external funding agencies, such as the National Science Foundation, which offer other opportunities to the students. For example, the NSF-sponsored Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) offers opportunities that range from paid research positions to internships.

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Contact Information

Sandra and Jack Pine Honors College

Pemberton Hall South
600 Lincoln Avenue
Charleston, IL 61920
(217) 581-2017
(888) 440-4664
Fax: (217) 581-7222

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