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EIU Office of General Counsel

Freedom of Information Act

FOIA Requests 2014


Type of Records Sought       
Approved, Denied, Approved in Part
14-1 Daniels Police Dept. Information Request No Record
14-2 Berkowitz Football Coach Contract Request Approved
14-3  Soto  Kim Dameron's Contract Request  Approved 
14-4  Jarmon  Student Government Budget & Expense Reports Request  Approved 
14-5 Cuikshank  Employee & Officer Information Request  Approved 
14-6 Soto  Balck & Spoonhour Contracts Request  Approved 
14-7 Sanders  Post Office Addresses of EIU board of Trustees Request  App. part/ Den. part
14-8 Student 1990 Battery arrest Record Request Approved
14-9 Foley Athletic Dept. Expense Report/ Coach Contracts Request Approved
14-10 Soto Salaries of Head Coaches Request Approved
14-11 Catezone & Soto Salary information Request Approved
14-12 Catezone & Soto Soccer Coach Salary Request Approved 
14-13 Hirko Support Budgets & FTE 2005-2011 Request Approved 
14-14 Gropper Spoonhour's Contract Request Approved 
14-15 Student Traffic Offense Police Report Request Approved
14-16 Beasley Reference BHO 15057- compare Quotes Request Approved
14-17  Cruikshank Contract: Noel- Levitz & EIU Request Approved 
14-18 Cohen Documents for athletic dept. staff Request Approved
14-19 Cruikshank Contract MTVu & EIU Request Approved 
14-20 Student Report; Office of Civil Rights & Diversity Request Denied
14-21 Craft Public Directory Information Request Den. Part/ App. Part
14-22 Adams Financial Aid & Tuition Information Request


Smith Charleston Traffic Tickets Request Den. Part/ App. Part
14-24 Binder Pricing for trash can liners  Request Approved
14-25  Cruikshank Babers contract through 2018  Request Approved
14-26  Sweney Internal Communication, completed coursework & University policies  Request Denied
14-27 Jarmon  Admissions Budget & Registration Enrollment Management Request App. Part/ No Record
14-28  Sanders Trover Offer Letter Request Approved
14-29  Catezone 2013 NCAA Financials Request Approved
14-30  Smith Pepsi Agreement 1998-2018 Request Approved
14-31 Student Police Report  Request Approved
14-32  Wilson Employees as of 12/31/13  Request Approved
14-33  McCraney Confidentiality Agreements of EIU since 1/1/12  Request Approved 
14-34  Chapman Salary List FY14  Request Approved 
14-35  Cohen Men's basketball contracts 2014-2015 Request Approved 
14-36  Wright List of all employees & salaries  Request Approved 
14-37  Sports Editor DEN  McGill Contract Request Approved 
14-38 Beasley- Charleston Lumber Reference BH 015151 Request Approved 
14-39 Soto Athletic contracts & Schmitz Nicholson contracts Request Approved 
14-40 Smith Copies of all Charleston traffic tickets 8/1/12-10/1/12 Request Approved 
14-41 Adkins Contracts- EIU pays city of Charleston for Services  Request withdrawn 
14-42 Habing- Previous winning bid pricing & info for EIU bread Request Approved
14-43 Nestler- AFSCME Counsel Tree Surgeon details- pay, job description, employee names Request Approved 
14-44 Mazza Copies of EIU Agreement & EIU Foundation Request Approved 
14-45 Hopkins- Chicago Tribune EIU Athletic  Reports from 2008-2014, Bowl Expenses Request  Approved
14-46 Swing Fire Protection monies paid Request Approved 
14-47 Abowd Emails, EIU Football Programs, video-game tape Request App. Part/ Den.  Part 
14-48 Soto Copies of contracts EIU vs. tennis court construction Request Approved
14-49 Waymire Copies of contracts online legal search Request No Record
14-50 Aldo- Sports Editor Copies of contracts tennis court construction Request Approved 
14-51 Kraft Copies of contracts, invoices, dispatch service Request
14-52 Abowd Defensive cuts from 2007 game against Purdue Request No Record
14-53 Clayton Rental/ Lease contracts of copier machine company Request Approved 
14-54 Kory EIU unassigned time for research & creativity Request Approved 
14-55 Ramusson Alphabetical list of all EIU Students Request App. Part/ Den. Part 
14-56 Amanieh Student records of proof of immunity Request App. Part/ Den. Part
14-57 Des Marais EIU student emails Request Approved 
14-58 Hill Public spending- Capitals & Expenditures Request App. Part/ Den. Part 
14-59 Amanieh Student immunization info/ Religious objections Request Approved/ Denied in part
14-60 Cohen Mens basketball contracts for non- conference games Request Approved 
14-61 Amanieh Summary report for the immunization status Request Denied 
14-62 Greenberg Copy of contracts for Basketball, football coaches, Athletic Department salaries.  Request Approved
14-63 Unerstall  Caontracts/Yearly salaries of EIU employees Request Approved
14-64 Andrzejewski Copies of "any & all" vendor payee payments Request App. part/ Den. part
14-65 Davis Non-alcoholic beverage agreements between EIU and non-alcoholic companies.  Request Approved
14-66 Cami Head basketball coach's contract at EIU Request Approved
14-67 Rigali EIU 2013 Audit Request Approved
14-68 Fritz Electronic list of tenured faculty records and research from 2012-2014 Request Approved
14-69  Amanieh Travel Exception approval forms submitted by higher Education Travel Control board from 2013- present.  Request  Approved
14-70 Collins Purchase order dated 1/01/2008 to current. (6 items of information requested) Request Approved
14-71  Cohen Any contract or written agreement in force between the EIU athletic department and third parties regarding 8 categories.  Request Approved
14-72 Student Under age drinking ticket  Request No Record
14-73  Hayes  List of graduates in May '14 who live in here district. Zip codes added.  Request  Approved 
14-74 Student Police records, arrest records, and any university action taken for instances in 2005. Request App./Denied in part
14-75 Lanier, Valerie Request for names, gender, Major, email, term for all students attending EIU in the Fall of 2014 Request App./ Denied in part
14-76 Alum Police report of a 1994 sexual assault Request App/Den. in part
14-77 Student Records of donations to EIU  Request No Record
14-78 Johnson Contract for athletic Director Tom Michael Request Approved
14-79   Stanchak Contract of Jay Spoonhour, Head Men's Basketball Coach Request Approved 
14-80  Cohen Documents for the athletic department staff: Current employment contract, most recent outside income form, most recent income associated with Sports Camps for any employee. Request  Approved 
14-81 Stockdale Under grad students & graduate atsudents who have no applied for '14-'15 graduation. Request Approved
14-82 Hoffman Coach Demerons total compensation package Request Approved
14-83 Skiba-Chi Tribune EIU's request for proposals, Proposals submitted by Government Affairs, Signed contracts, Any money paid the firm, Any reports generated by the firm for EIU Request App./ Denied in part
14-84 Skiba- Chi Tribune Contact/Contact Renewal letters for the following fiscal years 2003, 2006, 2008, 2012
App./ Denied in part
14-85  Berkowitz  Any payment made to EIU from or on behalf of head coach D. Babers Request  Approved
14-86 Currier Requesting all communications (emails etc..) from Jan.1, 2013 to present between the VF corp and/or JanSport, EIUMr. Rich, EIU President Perry. Request  Approved 
14-87  Schuring  Any contracts between EIU and Korn Ferry International in the past 5 years regarding provision of executive search services. Request   Approved
14-88  Wang Copies of communications from July 1, 2011 to present between Nike Inc., Kit Morris and EIU Athletics director Michael and Bonnstetter; assistant Athletic Director; Emails to/from president Perry was have the words "Nike," " Sponsorship agreement,""Exclusive Agreement," "code of conduct," and/or "sweatshop."  Request  Approved
14-89 Lukasevich Does EIU Transcripts state if a student earned a degree?  Request Approved
14-90 Baumbach Copy of EIU men's basketball coach Jay Spoonhour. Request Approved
14-91 Green Copies of EIU men and women's basketball coaches contracts: Spoonhour, Schmitz, Dameron and Head women's basketball coach Debbie Black.  Request Approved
14-92  Cummings  Requested/received proposals, approval notices, and signed works for the Tunnel lighting projects recently awarded to Bodine Electric and Anderson Electric.  Request  Approved
14-93  Cummings Certified Payroll Reports, performed by Anderson electric on the Phase 2 Tunnel lighting project (PN 016118)  Request  No Records
14-94  Cohen Copies of any contract or written agreement in force for non-conference Men's basketball games listed, contracts between the University's Department of Athletics for non-conference Women's basketball listed, and also copies of documents listed from the Athletic Department.   Request Approved 
14-95 Goodman Excel spreadsheet of current students email addresses, name, major, and year in school.  Request Approved
14-96 Lynch Names and email addresses of professors within the school of education, along with all senior education majors at your university.  Request Approved
14-97 Cohen

Requesting alll Athletic department employees most recent outside income form. 

 Request Approved


Requesting the following contracts between EIU and third parties. 1) Current Concessions Contract 2) Current Ticketing Contract.  Request Approved
14-99 Barr  Requesting permanent addresses for all participants of 2015 graduation or all student on senior status.   Request  Denied

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Contact Information

General Counsel/FOIA Officer
Austin Hill

Eastern Illinois University
Blair Hall - Room 2102
600 Lincoln Avenue Charleston, IL 61920
(217) 581-7264

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