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EIU Office of General Counsel


The following are statutes that relate to the Vice President for Student Affairs division.   Each link directs you to a short description of the statute.


 Eastern Illinois University Law

  Smoke detection.
  Police Department, liability insurance.
  Recruiting access.
  Child care services.
  Meningitis vaccine; information.
  Students called to active military service.
  Sexual assault awareness education.
  Disability history and awareness.

Other Statutes (A - Z)

  Board of Higher Education Act -Sports equity in intercollegiate athletics
  Campus Demonstrations Policy Act
  Campus Security Enhancement Act of 2008 - Background investigations
  Campus Security Enhancement Act of 2008 - Task force
  Campus Security Enhancement Act of 2008 - Arrest reports
  Campus Security Enhancement Act of 2008 - NIMS
  Child Welfare Student Loan Forgiveness Program - Establishment of program
  Child Welfare Student Loan Forgiveness Program - Eligibility
  Child Welfare Student Loan Forgiveness Program - Payment schedule; credit; penalty for non-compliance
  College Student Immunization Act - Proof of immunization
  College Student Immunization Act - Report
  Collegiate Athletic Association Compliance Enforcement Procedures Act (National unincorporated associations)
  Collegiate Athletic Association Compliance Enforcement Procedures Act (Membership)
  Collegiate Athletic Association Compliance Enforcement Procedures Act (No penalty on institutions of higher education)
  Collegiate Athletic Association Compliance Enforcement Procedures Act  - Penalties
  Collegiate Athletic Association Compliance Enforcement Procedures Act - Rights in interrogations
  Collegiate Athletic Association Compliance Enforcement Procedures Act - Prohibitions
  Collegiate Athletic Association Compliance Enforcement Procedures Act - Liability
  Collegiate Athletic Association Compliance Enforcement Procedures Act  - Exclusions
  Collegiate Athletic Association Compliance Enforcement Procedures Act - Waiver
  Election Code - Voter registration outreach
  Fire Sprinkler Dormitory Act - Fire sprinkler systems required
  Fire Sprinkler Dormitory Act - Fire sprinkler dormitory revolving loan program
  Health Services Education Grants Act (Fund distribution)
  Health Services Education Grants Act (Grants)
  Higher Education Student Assistance Act (Scholarship Programs)
  Higher Education Veterans Service Act - Survey; coordinator; best practices report; best efforts
  Higher Education Veterans Service Act - Fiscal impact and reporting
  Illinois Cooperative Work Study Program Act - Creation and implementation of program
  Liquor Control Act of 1934 -- Licenses (Special event retailer's not-for-profit license)
  Nursing Education Scholarship Law - Legislative finding and declaration of policy
  Personal Information Protection Act - Notice of breach; state agency
  Personal Information Protection Act - Annual reporting
  Televised University Athletics Act (Advertise for bid for televising games)
  University Religious Observances Act- Policy adoption

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Contact Information

General Counsel/FOIA Officer
Austin Hill

Eastern Illinois University
Blair Hall - Room 2102
600 Lincoln Avenue Charleston, IL 61920
(217) 581-7264

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