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EIU Office of Financial Aid



The purpose of a consortium is to allow financial aid assistance for students to access courses which may not be available at Eastern Illinois University but are needed to fulfill a student's degree requirements.


Consortium agreement: a written agreement between two or more eligible schools.

Home School: the school where the student is enrolled in a degree or certificate program.

Host School: the school where the student is taking part of his or her program requirements through either a consortium or contractual agreement.


  1. The student and their academic advisor must complete and sign the Eastern Illinois University Financial Aid Consortium Agreement and submit it to Host School’s Office of Financial Aid.
  2. Once Host School completes and signs their section and returns it to Eastern Illinois University Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships, financial aid eligibility will be determined. Host School must also confirm the student’s enrollment for the semester requested. A copy of the student’s registration from the host school must be included.
  3. Student’s eligibility for financial aid will be determined by the number of credit hours in which the student has enrolled at both Eastern Illinois University and the Host School. The total enrollment status (i.e. full time, ¾ time, ½ time, or less than ½ time) will be used by the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships ONLY, and it does not apply to other enrollment status matters that may be required by Eastern Illinois University academic colleges and departments.


  2. The consortium agreement will not be processed until after Eastern Illinois University’s published Census date for the semester, which is typically the end of the 10th day of class for fall, spring, and summer terms. A new agreement must be completed each semester.
  3. The student is responsible for the payment of tuition and fee charges incurred at Host School.
  4. During the semester for which the Consortium Agreement is approved, the student is responsible for immediately reporting any changes in enrollment at Host School to Eastern Illinois University, Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships.
  5. It is the student’s responsibility to complete and submit a transcript request to Host School prior to the end of the term in which the student is enrolled asking that a transcript be released to Eastern Illinois University. For students meeting the provisions of the STAR Act: It is the student’s responsibility to complete and submit a reverse transcript request to Eastern Illinois University asking that a transcript be released to the Host School immediately after the program ends.
  6. Failure to submit a final transcript will result in the removal of Host School credit hours from the financial aid records and all previously awarded aid based on those hours will be canceled, and as a result, the student should expect a bill.

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy for Consortium Students

Pursuant to state and federal regulations, the following constitutes Eastern Illinois University’s policy on Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) for consortium students seeking financial aid:

This Consortium Student Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy applies to students with a consortium agreement seeking to establish, maintain, or increase financial aid eligibility. The standards apply to a student's entire degree program including terms in which financial aid was not applied for or disbursed. We reserve the option, on an individual student basis, to put consortium students on Financial Aid Warning status or Suspension status immediately upon evaluation for financial aid if academic history at other colleges indicates a pattern of unsuccessful academic work. All credits must apply towards fulfillment of the student's degree or certificate requirements.

This policy supersedes any previous policies and is effective immediately. Students should contact the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships with questions regarding this policy.

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Contact Information

Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships

Student Services Building East Wing
600 Lincoln Avenue
Charleston, IL 61920
(217) 581-6405
Fax: (217) 581-6422

Office Hours

9 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. M-F

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