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EIU Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships

2018-2019 Academic Year

Electronic signatures are currently not accepted for our institutional forms (listed on this page). All signatures MUST be handwritten.  If you are connected to a printer, you may type in other information and print the form. Some information cannot be handled in this way, such as signature/date lines, and any information provided by or requiring the signature of another person.

All forms are .pdf documents. Get the latest free Adobe Reader here.

WEBTIV - Student Disbursement Authorization

X2BA - Second Baccalaureate Degree

XAFIP - Additional Financial Income, Parent

XAFIS - Additional Financial Income, Student

XAVP - Asset Verification, Parent

XAVS - Asset Verification, Student

XCD - Number in College, Dependent

XCI - Number in College, Independent

XDIS - Disability Acknowledgement

XDISAC - Continuation of Disability Acknowledgement

XDORS - Department of Rehabilitation Release

XHD - Household Verification, Dependent

XHI - Household Verification, Independent

XHIO - Household Verify, Other Than Child Or Spouse

XHL - Homeless

XHSC - Verification of High School Completion Status

XIDN - Identity and Statement of Educational Purpose (To Be Signed With Notary)

XILD - State of Legal Residence, Dependent

XILI - State of Legal Residence, Independent

XNPI - No Parent Information Verification

XPBT - Post Baccalaureate Teaching Verification

XPMT - Parent's Marital and Tax Filing Status

XROI19 - Release of Confidential Student Record Information

XSMT - Student Marital and Tax Filing Status

XVET - Veteran Status Verification

XW2P - Parent Income Verification

XW2S - Student Income Verification

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Contact Information

Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships

Student Services Building East Wing
600 Lincoln Avenue
Charleston, IL 61920
(217) 581-6405
Fax: (217) 581-6422

Office Hours

9 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. M-F

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