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EIU Counseling Clinic

Reporting Relationship/Sexual Violence
& Sexual Harassment 

Eastern Illinois University is committed to providing the safest campus possible for our students, faculty, and staff. Its policies prohibit relationship violence (including sexual assault, interpersonal violence, and stalking) and sexual harassment. 

Support Services 

Reporting Options 

You have the right to file a complaint with the police and/or with the university.  The complainant controls with & where to file a complaint.  (In rare circumstances, the university may be required to proceed without cooperation of the complainant, if failing to do so would put the campus community at risk.) Once a report is received a staff member will follow up within 12 hours.  

With Law Enforcement:
With the University:


No retaliation may be taken against any university student or employee who seeks redress under these policies.  The confidentiality of information presented by all parties will be observed except in those instances when it interferes with the ability of the university to investigate the complainant’s allegations and take necessary corrective actions.  

Students are also encouraged to contact Jessica Cobert (formerly Milburn), Confidential Advisor, EIU Counseling Clinic, 217-581-3413. She is located in the Human Services Building. She can provide support and advocacy, and can discuss options with students.  

Even if you are unsure that what you are experiencing is relationship violence or sexual assault, please seek assistance. See back side for complainant’s rights and summary of the University’s complaint procedures.

Complainant’s Rights

  • Right to report, or not report, the alleged incident to the higher education institution, law enforcement, or both.
  • Right to privacy and which reporting methods are confidential.
  • Right to request and receive assistance from campus authorities in notifying law enforcement.
  • Ability to request interim protective measures and accommodations, including without limitation reassignment of the respondent’s academic schedule or on campus housing, while a case is pending.
  • Ability to seek an order of protection or no contact order in State court.
  • Upon the complainant's request, the higher education institution can provide assistance in accessing and navigating campus and local health and mental health services, counseling, and advocacy services.

Summary of University’s Complaint Resolution Procedures 

Student Accountability & Support: The Office of Student Accountability & Support enforces the requirements of the Student Code of Conduct and, through its panel or administratively, issues sanctions for violations of the code including violations of the sexual misconduct provision.  The Director is also a Title IX Deputy Coordinator.  Once a complaint is received, the Office of Student Accountability & Support will collect information and determine whether to proceed administratively or whether to send the matter to a panel hearing (the more likely outcome).  The panel will review applicable evidence or documentation, as well as hear from involved parties.  The panel uses the “preponderance of the evidence” standard in making their decision.  Both the complainant and the respondent have an opportunity to appeal the decision of the panel to the Vice President for Student Affairs.  

Office of Civil Rights & Diversity: The Office of Civil Rights and Diversity investigates complaints of sexual harassment when the respondent is an employee, according to the university’s sexual harassment complaint policy (IGP 175.2).  Sexual assault and other forms of sexual misconduct also fit under the umbrella of sexual harassment. This office reviews and investigates allegations of sexual assault to the extent that such an act would violate the sexual harassment policy and/or Title IX policy. 

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Contact Information

Counseling Clinic

Human Services Bldg. 1st Floor
217-581-3413 Monday - Friday
1-866-567-2400 After Hours Emergency Number

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