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EIU Counseling Clinic

Personal Counseling

Frequently Asked Questions about Personal Counseling

Counselors at the Counseling Clinic provide an opportunity for students to freely explore any personal problems, struggles, or concerns. At your first appointment, you will be asked to complete some paperwork and a counselor will go over this paperwork with you, gathering information and discussing the issues that led you to schedule an appointment. The counselor will talk to you about the counseling process and how it may be beneficial to your needs. If the Clinic is unable to provide the type of service you need or request, we will refer you to an appropriate outside agency and assist you in obtaining services there.

Don't only "crazy" people go to the Counseling Clinic?

No way. Counseling at our Clinic involves the concerns and problems of normal college students just like yourself. The fact that so many students seek our services reflects just how common these issues are.

Why should I tell a stranger things that I haven't been able to discuss with people closest to me?

The fact that a counselor is not a friend or a family member actually makes it easier for him or her to help you. Unlike friends or family members whose advice is often colored by biases and preconceptions, counselors work to be non-judgmental, objective helpers. Your counselor will be working to understand you, your situation, and your goals.

But isn't it going to be hard for me to talk about what's bothering me with a person I don't even know?

Maybe, especially in the beginning. You may feel anxious or shy, perhaps even a bit self-conscious or weak. Counselors understand that it's normal to feel uncomfortable and cautious during the first meeting, and they try to help by promoting an accepting environment in which you will feel at ease. As you gradually begin to trust your counselor, you'll probably find that you can be more relaxed and open.

But what if I cry or feel angry as I talk about my problems?

It's okay to feel and express intense emotions in counseling; in fact, doing so is often one of the most helpful parts of the process. Your counselor's office is a safe place to talk about how you are feeling. And paying close attention to these feelings can also teach you a lot about yourself.

Who will know what I talk about in my counseling sessions?

Without your consent, no one. Everything you say in counseling is confidential, unless your counselor is required, by law, to break confidentiality to protect you or somebody else from harm. If you have questions about confidentiality or its limits, your counselor will be able to answer them.

How long and how often are counseling sessions?

Counseling sessions are scheduled on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis depending upon the need of the student. Typically sessions are bi-weekly. Sessions are typically 45 minutes long. Due to the small size of our staff and the high demand for services, frequency of sessions may be impacted. The student's need will be considered.

How long are most people in counseling at the Clinic?

Length of treatment varies and can be dependent upon a number of factors. However, our services are typically viewed as brief therapy and students are typically scheduled biweekly (about 8 sessions per semester). Client’s needs are assessed and if the client needs can’t be met at the Counseling Clinic, the counselor will assist with a referral. 

How does the counseling relationship normally end?

Once you feel that the issues that brought you in for counseling are no longer of major concern, you and your counselor will talk about how and when to end counseling. Ideally, the personal awareness that you've gained and the efforts that you've made in establishing a trusting relationship with your counselor should provide an effective model for self-help long after counseling has ended

What will I get out of coming to counseling?

The benefits of counseling can be invaluable: to be truly understood, to experience trust and openness with someone, and to learn how to counsel yourself. Seeing a counselor won't make all of your problems magically disappear. But if you have the desire to understand yourself and to change, then you've just taken a powerful step towards that goal.

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Contact Information

Counseling Clinic

Human Services Bldg. 1st Floor
217-581-3413 Monday - Friday
1-866-567-2400 After Hours Emergency Number

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