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EIU College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Student Award Opportunities


Graduate Student Investigator (GSI) Awards

The Graduate Student Investigator Award (GSI) program was developed by the former Dean of the College of Sciences to support graduate research and to provide a forum for the presentation of superior graduate student research. The GSI program is open to students who are pursuing a degree program within the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences.

This award is announced and disbursed in the Spring semester.

Students can apply for a GSI award on the EIU scholarship website, Academic Works. The application requests the name and email address of the faculty mentor for the research project who must provide a letter of recommendation.

Applications due Friday, March 1, 2024.

2024 GSI Winners

  • Sofiane Aiche - Biological Sciences
  • Tera Johnson-Swartz - English

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Scholars in Undergraduate Research at Eastern (SURE) Awards

The SURE program fosters undergraduate research participation in the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences. Undergraduate involvement in research with mentoring professors is a rewarding experience for students. The goal of the SURE program is to facilitate research activities and provide a forum for the presentation of undergraduate research.

The SURE awards are given to undergraduate students in their junior or senior years. Students are encouraged to present their research in a professional setting (a local or state conference, student association/club meeting or classes).

This award is announced and disbursed in the Spring semester.

Students can apply for a SURE award on the EIU scholarship website, Academic Works. The application requests the name and email address of the faculty mentor for the research project who must provide a letter of recommendation.

Applications due Friday, March 1, 2024.

2024 SURE Winners

  • Karolina Guzek - Political Science
  • Lyric Johnson - Biological Sciences
  • Taylor Meritt - Political Science
  • Noah Riggs - Political Science

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Social Science Writing Award

The Departments of Economics, Geology-Geography, History, Political Science, Psychology, and Sociology-Anthropology-Criminology of Eastern Illinois University invite students to participate in the Annual Social Science Writing Awards competition. Regardless of major, undergraduate students who write research papers as a regular assignment in all social science courses may submit them for recognition.

The Selection Committee requires double-spaced, typed papers that consistently follow a recognized style of documentation and prefers papers between eight and thirty pages. Include two cover sheets: one with the student's name, paper title, course number and semester taken for which the paper was originally written; the second with the paper title only. Winning papers will have the following qualities:

  • Precise and Effective Use of Language
  • Well-defined and Logically Developed Thesis
  • Creative Topic Development
  • Relevant, Superior Documentation
  • Strong Command of the Subject – Including Current Points of View
  • Cogent Synthesis and Conclusions

This award is announced and disbursed in the Spring semester.

Students can apply for the Social Science Writing Award competition on the EIU scholarship website, Academic Works.

Applications due Friday, March 1, 2024.

2024 SSWA Winners

  • Brittney Williams-Poke - History - 1st Place
  • Rebecca Moore - Sociology - 2nd Place
  • Paige Thing - Political Science - 3rd Place

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Creative Works Award

The School of Arts (Departments of Art + Design, Music, and Theatre), the Departments of English and World Languages and Cultures, and the Tarble Arts Center invite undergraduate students to participate in the annual Creative Works Awards competition.  Regardless of major, undergraduate students who engage in creative works in the Arts and Humanities may submit them for recognition.

A complete nomination packet includes an online nomination from a faculty member noting the significance and quality of the work; an online written abstract of the project not to exceed 300 words which describes the project and its significance, plus a one-page resume by the nominee, and a copy of the project. The copy may be submitted as a text file if the project is a written document; as an image or images if the project is artwork; or as a media/video file if the project is a recital, performance, or presentation.  The abstract must include the title of the project, the name of the degree program, and the name of the author.

This award is announced and disbursed in the Spring semester.

Students can apply for the Creative Works Award competition on the EIU scholarship website, Academic Works.

Applications due Friday, March 1, 2024.

2024 CWA Winners

  • Audrey Burns - Art + Design
  • Chevvy Edwards - English
  • Rachael Perino - Art + Design
  • Jackson Probst - Music
  • Matthew Williamson - School of Communication & Journalism

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CLAS Student Advisory Board Student Assistance Award

Financial need is a consideration for this award.  The recipient may be eligible to apply for and receive the award again provided the student continues to meet the criteria stated.

  • The award is offered to students who have overcome or are facing some type of hardship that has impacted their college career.
  • The recipient must be a full-time student, accepted to Eastern Illinois University.
  • The recipient must have a declared major in the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences (or in the former College of Sciences) with a 2.5 GPA, and have at least sophomore status.

This award is announced and disbursed in the Spring semester.

Students can apply for this award on the EIU scholarship website, Academic Works.

Applications due Friday, March 1, 2024.

2024 Winner:

  • Peyton Hayes - School of Communication & Journalism

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Students can apply for scholarships on the EIU Academic Works website. The deadline for all CLAS scholarships is March 15, 2024. Awards are announced in the spring and paid out to recipients in Fall 2023.

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College of Liberal Arts & Sciences

Eastern Illinois University
2210 Doudna Fine Arts Center

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