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EIU College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Curriculum Committee

The Curriculum Committee for the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLASCC) is composed of one faculty member from each academic department in the College, one student representing the Arts and Humanities disciplines, and one student representing the Sciences disciplines.  Terms of service are determined by the constituent departments.

The CLASCC reviews all curriculum proposals and/or changes proposed by the academic units.

All proposals submitted to CLASCC shall be completed and follow the format approved by Council on Academic Affairs (CAA), Council on Graduate Studies (CGS) and/or Council on Teacher Education (COTE). All proposals and/or changes approved by the academic department should be forwarded by the department chairperson to the CLASCC chair.

For academic year 2024-2025, proposals should be sent electronically to CLASCC chair Dr. Linda Ghent, with copies to Associate Dean Dr. Mike Cornebise, and Associate Dean Dr. Christopher Mitchell,




Curriculum Committee Links


Membership List

Current Proposal and Executive Action Tracking

Important Dates

CLASCC Meeting Schedule


Current Agenda

Historical CLASCC Proposal and Executive Action Tracking

Minutes of Previous Meetings


Forms and Samples


CAA Assurance of Student Learning Guide

EIU Waiver Form

New Course Proposal Form

Technology-Delivered Course Policy




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Contact Information

College of Liberal Arts & Sciences

Eastern Illinois University
2210 Doudna Fine Arts Center

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