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EIU Office of Civil Rights and Diversity

Hiring Procedures and Best Practices for Faculty and Professional Searches (Continuing and Temporary)


Eastern Illinois University provides equality of opportunity in education and employment for all students and employees. Discrimination is prohibited on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, age, sex, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, veteran’s status (as protected by law), or other basis of discrimination precluded by federal and state statutes. Federal affirmative action regulations likewise require proactive efforts to diversify our faculty and staff. The Office of Civil Rights and Diversity conducts annual workforce demographic analyses and sets hiring goals for women and employees of color who are underrepresented in specific job groups for the university’s Affirmative Action Plan. Increasing employment diversity also supports the university’s mission as it “is committed to diversity and inclusion and fosters opportunities for student-faculty scholarship and applied learning experiences within a student-centered campus culture. Throughout their education, students refine their abilities to reason and to communicate clearly so as to become responsible citizens and leaders.”

This guide outlines the recruitment and employment processes for faculty and professional positions. (See also IGP #12 - Employment and Recruitment Procedures for Administrative Positions and IGP #14 - Employment and Recruitment Procedures for Faculty and Academic Support Professional Positions, Continuing and Temporary). It offers suggested best practices to ensure that all of our searches are fair and equitable and create the best possible opportunity to attract diverse applicants.

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Getting Started

Submit the PAR (Form A) to the appropriate hiring agent/supervisor, the Vice President and the President via the online process. 

Before a search for a position can begin, the appropriate paperwork must be completed. The PAR (Form A), which authorizes the search, must be approved by the appropriate line supervisors and the Vice President and President. Form B, the recruitment plan, is developed by the Department Chair and approved the Director of Civil Rights. After the Form B has been approved by OCR, the office will forward the "Applicant Tracking Spreadsheet" to the department. This tool should be completed and submitted to OCR at the Candidate Selection (Form C) stage.

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According to the employment policy, the Department Chair/Dean and the Director of Civil Rights will discuss the composition of the department on a regular basis and recruitment and retention efforts for persons from underrepresented groups. The Department Chair and Dean are responsible for developing a recruitment plan that encourages the formation of a large, diverse, highly qualified applicant pool. Networking within the discipline is important.

The Recruitment Plan (Form B) should address the following items:

Position Description

The position description should describe those duties regarded as essential to the specific position being advertised and also those duties expected of all other comparable administrators in the department. Attach the vacancy announcement to the Form B. This announcement should be the basis for all advertising.

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Recruitment and Advertising Process

The Department Chair shall list the specific recruitment sources to be used, including national, highly visible publications, professional newsletters, electronic postings, and other relevant sites. The Department Chair, with the approval of the Director of Civil Rights, shall identify additional specialized strategies to recruit applications from underrepresented persons for the position, including, but not limited to, directly recruiting potential applicants. The Department Chair is responsible for ensuring that the position announcement appears in the University Newsletter.

If, after the Recruitment Plan has been approved, the department deviates from the approved plan, the Director of Civil Rights shall approve any change.

The vacancy announcement and advertisement must state what is a complete applicant file, and the review or closing date for application. The vacancy announcement shall carry the following statement: "Eastern Illinois University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer -- minority/female/disability/veteran -- committed to achieving a diverse community.” Advertisements with limited space may close with the following: "AA/EOE -- minority/female/disability/veteran."

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Screening Committee

The screening committee plays a very important role in the hiring process. The primary goal of recruiting and hiring highly qualified applicants is better achieved by bringing together individuals who understand the requirements of the position and are committed to the goals of the department. The procedures regarding screening committees are as follows:

The Department Chair must list the members of the screening committee and designates the chairperson of the screening committee in the Recruitment Plan. The Committee Chairperson cannot be a direct report of the position that is being filled nor should it be the Department Chairperson. The Director of Civil Rights, or designee, may serve as an ex-officio member of the screening committee. If, after the Plan is approved, any change occurs in the committee composition, the Department Chair shall notify the Civil Rights Office at the time of the change.

The Department Chair shall describe in the Recruitment Plan the scope and function of the screening committee in reviewing applications, recommending potential candidates, interviewing, and providing commentary on the final candidates to the Department Chair. The chairperson of the committee shall endeavor to achieve a diverse composition.

The committee shall be convened and meet regularly.

The plan shall include a tentative timetable of important dates in the screening process.

Refer to IGP #11 Conflicts of Interest in Employment.

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Employment Process

After approval of the PAR (Form A) and the Form B/Recruitment Plan, the Department Chair or designee shall announce the vacancy and carry out the Recruitment Plan.

The Department Chair is responsible for the employment decision. The Department Chair is responsible for providing guidance and support to the designated Screening Committee Chairperson regarding the entire employment process. At the beginning of the screening process, the Department Chair shall explain to the screening committee its duties as outlined in the Recruitment Plan.


The Department Chair and the Chair of the committee is responsible for ensuring that all application materials are secured. Only persons serving on the screening committee, the Director of Civil Rights, and the appropriate Vice President shall have access to applicants' letters of reference or transcripts. All screening committee deliberations are confidential and may only be shared with those directly involved in the employment decision. Other members of the department may view an applicant's letter of application, resumes, and scholarly/creative materials.

Application Process

All letters of interest and credentials shall be directed to either the Department Chair or the designated screening committee chairperson, as indicated in the Recruitment Plan. The chairperson, or designee, shall acknowledge all letters of interest or ensure that the online system acknowledges applicants.

The Chairperson is responsible for obtaining a complete applicant file as described in the vacancy announcement.

Unless using Interfolio, the Chairperson is responsible for ensuring that all applicants are sent an EEO Survey Link and information about the department, the University, and the community. The EEO Survey Link is available from the Office of Civil Rights.

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Candidate Selection Process

No candidates may be invited for interviews until the Form C is approved by the Dean and the Director of Civil Rights. The Screening Committee shall function according to the charge outlined in the Recruitment Plan and expressed at the organizational meeting.

The Department Chair prepares the Form C and submits it with files to the Dean and then to the Office of Civil Rights for review and approval. Unless indicated otherwise in the Recruitment Plan, the Civil Rights Office will return the Form C and files back to the department.

The Dean reviews the candidates' files, and requests additional information from the chairpersons when appropriate. Upon approval of the Form C, the Dean forwards the Form C and applicant files to the Director of Civil Rights for review. After review of the Form C, the Office of Civil Rights will forward the completed Form C and applicant files to the Department Chair. Or, when otherwise specified in the Recruitment Plan, the Office of Civil Rights will forward the Form C and files to the Vice President for approval. No invitation can be extended to the candidates until Form C has been signed and returned to the department. The completed "Applicant Tracking Spreadsheet" should be forwarded with the files or sent electronically to the Civil Rights office.

The Department Chair, or designee, may then invite candidates to come for interviews. The department should communicate the University's policy on reimbursement of interview expenses, may specify a salary range, rank/title, and information concerning the type of position, and information about the educational requirements for tenure, as appropriate. Salary and rank/title must be approved by the Dean and the Vice President. Appropriate actions will be taken by the Dean and the Director of Civil Rights to ensure that the Recruitment Plan has been followed. Additionally, if the candidate pool is of insufficient quality, size, or diversity, the decision may be made to reopen the screening process, to fill the position temporarily, or to cancel the screening process.

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Interview Process

In order to insure that the appropriate affected constituencies are included in the interview process, the Committee Chairperson, or designee, will establish the interview schedule and must include the Dean, faculty/staff and any others deemed appropriate. Candidates for teaching positions shall make presentations to the faculty or teach sample classes to which faculty and students are invited. The Chair shall establish the appropriate interview schedule for academic support professionals.

The Department Chair or designated Screening Committee member must ensure that the candidates' evaluation forms are distributed at each interview session. Other signed memoranda or communications may also be considered by the committee.

The Department Chair, or the designated Screening Committee Chairperson, following the guidelines of the Recruitment Plan, is responsible for preparing a composite summary of the evaluations of the interview sessions, summary comments from the screening committee, and reference information. This material and all files are forwarded to the Dean with the Form D and the applicant files. The files of the other finalists who interviewed, but were not recommended for employment, should also be forwarded. The University does not tolerate discrimination. Please review the Illegal or Inappropriate Topics List before speaking with references.

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Checking references is a valuable tool in the employment process. The employment policy provides that the Department Chair is responsible for ensuring that the final candidates' references have been appropriately checked, and that the credentials are appropriate for the advertised vacant position. The screening committee may also wish to contact references at other times during the screening process. This is permissible, but please keep in mind that all candidates must be treated as equally as possible. If you are calling off the list provided by the candidates, it is highly recommended that you notify the candidate first.

It is expected that reference checks be conducted in teams whenever possible. This practice helps ensure that accurate notes are taken during these conversations. The same core questions should be posed to each candidate's references. Specific questions germane to each candidate may also be pursued. Please review the Illegal or Inappropriate Topics List before speaking with references.

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Offer of Employment

No offer of employment may be made until the Dean, the Director of Civil Rights, and the Vice President have signed the form D.

After consultation with the department screening committee, the Chairperson shall submit the Form D and the candidates' complete application (including a letter of interest, a current vita, letters of recommendation or reports from telephone references, and transcripts or other evidence of all graduate work for all candidates interviewed), composite summaries of the interview session comments, and summaries of the screening committee's comments to the Dean for approval.

The Dean/Director, upon approval of the department's recommendation, shall forward the Form D and the accompanying materials to the Office of Civil Rights for review.

After reviewing this packet of material and clarifying any issues, the Office of Civil Rights shall forward the Form D and accompanying materials to the Vice President.

The Vice President, upon approval of the recommendation, shall send an offer of appointment with a return date specified. The Dean shall provide the Office of the Vice President with narrative about any special terms negotiated with the prospective faculty member.

The Human Resources Office shall be responsible for collecting the Educational Loan Default Certification and the Statement of Child Support Obligation as required by statue. The Human Resources Office shall also be responsible for ensuring that the I-9 Form is completed on the first day of employment. The employee then has 3 days to provide their supporting documentation and the employer must review the employee’s documents and sign the form within that same 3 day period.

The Vice President's Office shall notify appropriate campus offices of acceptance or rejection of the offer.

The Vice President's Office is responsible for ascertaining the retirement status of current and prospective employees related to coverage by SURS.

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Completing the Employment Process

The Department Chair or designated Screening Committee member shall notify all unsuccessful candidates.

The Department Chair shall submit the request for reimbursement of interview expenses of candidates to the Dean/Director's Office.

The Department Chair shall retain in a secured site for a five-year period all applicant files, screening committee summary comments, and Department Chair notes. The materials of all the newly employed faculty members, or academic support professionals, shall be forwarded to the Vice President's office, as indicated above, with the offer of appointment.

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Temporary Faculty

Before a temporary position may be filled or advertised, a Form A must be approved by the Chairperson/Unit Head, the Dean/Director, and the Vice President.

Whenever feasible and appropriate, temporary positions shall be filled through a national recruitment process. A temporary faculty member who is hired through a national recruitment process may be later appointed into a continuing tenure-track position without conducting a new screening process, on the recommendation of the Department Chairperson, the Dean, the Director of Civil Rights, and the Vice President. A temporary faculty member, who is employed through a national screening process, is not guaranteed a later appointment as a continuing faculty member. There is no requirement for the University to fill a continuing tenure-track position in this manner.

When a national screening process is approved for a temporary position, the procedures prescribed in this policy for filling a continuing faculty position apply.

Advertising for temporary positions may be omitted under certain circumstances, such as, for example, when vacancies are to be filled by persons on the Re-employment Roster or when there is insufficient time to advertise for the position.

A Form D shall be completed for any temporary appointment.

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Contact Information

Office of Civil Rights and Diversity

Eastern Illinois University
1011 Old Main Charleston, IL 61920-3099
(217) 581-5020
Fax: (217) 581-3599

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