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EIU Office of Internal Auditing

#12 - Employment and Recruitment Procedures for Administrative Positions

Approved: October 12, 2023

Monitor: President


Hiring Manager = Direct line supervisor for vacant position; may not be chairperson of the screening committee

Supervisor = Hiring Manager's direct line supervisor

Chairperson of the Screening Committee = Designated by the Hiring Manager

Form A = Personnel Authorization Request (PAR)

Form B = Recruitment Plan and Position Description

EEO Survey = Applicant information survey (electronic) provided by the Office of Civil Rights and Diversity

Applicant = A person who submits materials for a specific position

Candidate = A person listed on Form C

Form C = Candidate Selection Form

Form D = Request to Offer Appointment

Search Waiver Request Form = Used when requesting to fill a position outside of the external recruiting process due to special circumstances


Before a vacant position can be advertised or filled, both Forms A and B must be approved. Form A must be submitted via the online PAR system and approved by all the appropriate line supervisors, the Vice President and the President. Form B is completed by the hiring manager and approved by the Dean/Director and the Civil Rights Director. Advertising for a position should not occur until both Forms A and B have been approved.

Guidelines for employing Academic Department Chairpersons are described in a separate policy.


The Hiring Manager and the Civil Rights Director shall discuss the composition of the unit’s administrative employees and its recruitment and retention efforts for persons from underrepresented groups. The Hiring Manager is responsible for developing a recruitment plan that encourages the formation of a large, diverse, highly qualified applicant pool. For assistant coach positions only, the recruitment plan should also address whether virtual interviews will be utilized. (All other positions are required to have on-campus interviews.) Before the advertising and screening process can begin, the appropriate Supervisor and the Civil Rights Director must approve the Recruitment Plan.

Normally a Vice President or the President is not required to approve a Form B unless the position is a direct report to that administrator. The Department Head, the Hiring Manager, the Dean/Director and the Civil Rights Director must approve the Form B.

The Recruitment Plan shall address at the minimum the following items:

Position Description

The position description should describe those duties regarded as essential to the specific position being advertised, and also those duties expected of all other comparable administrators in the department/unit. Upload the position description to the Form B. This description should be the basis for the vacancy announcement and all advertising.

Recruitment and Advertising Process

In most instances, an administrative position shall be filled through an external recruiting process to ensure an inclusive and competitive process. Filling vacancies through this process ensures that the University maintains compliance with federal and state AA/EEO requirements.

  1. The Hiring Manager shall list the specific recruitment sources to be used. The Hiring Manager with the approval of the Civil Rights Director shall identify additional specialized strategies to recruit applications from underrepresented persons for the position.
  2. If after the Recruitment Plan has been approved, the Hiring Manager or the Screening Committee Chairperson deviates from the approved plan, the Civil Rights Director shall approve any change.
  3. The vacancy review date or closing date for announcement and advertisement should state what constitutes a complete applicant file. The vacancy announcement shall carry the following statement: Eastern Illinois University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer - minority/female/disability/veteran - committed to achieving a diverse community. Advertisements with limited space may close with the following: EEO/AA.
  4. In some special circumstances (e.g., budgetary restriction or internal restructuring) positions may be filled with an internal screening process. If an internal recruitment process is contemplated, the appropriate Vice President and the Civil Rights Director must approve a recruitment rationale. If an internal recruitment process is contemplated for a presidential direct report, the President and the Civil Rights Director must approve a recruitment rationale.

The Recruitment Rationale shall address the reasons for using the internal recruitment process, describe the composition of the screening committee, and describe the interview and selection process. This Rationale shall be routed for approval through the appropriate Vice President, the Civil Rights Director, or the President before an internal selection process may be acted upon.

Recruiting for Supporting Administrative Roles

Vice Presidents may request approval from the President to implement an internal recruitment process for non-negotiated administrative support roles in situations where an acting, interim, or temporary appointment has been in place for an extended period of time. Eligible positions include roles with the term assistant or associate in the title.

The process requires the Vice President to complete a search waiver in order to:

  • Obtain approval from the President; and
  • Provide the rationale to the Civil Rights Director
  • If an internal recruitment process is used, the hiring manager is required to:

    1. Establish a screening committee;
    2. Issue a call for nominations and applications with the position description via the University Newsletter, Human Resources, and, where appropriate, electronic mail. The call for nominations and applications is required to outline the application process and anticipated timeline; and
    3. Adhere to the expectations outlined in the "Employment Process" outlined below.

Screening Committee

Screening Committees play an integral role in identifying, recruiting and evaluating candidates. The Chairperson of a screening committee shall not be the one who directly reports to the position being filled nor should it be the Department Head/Director or Hiring Manager. The Civil Rights Director or designee can serve on all administrative screening committees and may be a voting member of the committee.

  1. The Hiring Manager shall list the unit or group composition of the screening committee, and designate the chairperson of the screening committee in the recruitment plan. If, after the plan is approved, any change occurs in the committee composition, the Hiring Manager shall notify the Civil Rights Office at the time of the change.
  2. The Hiring Manager shall describe in the Recruitment Plan the scope and function of the screening committee in reviewing applications, recommending potential candidates, interviewing, and providing commentary on the final candidates to the Hiring Manager.
  3. The committee shall convene and meet on a regular basis.
  4. The plan shall include a tentative timetable of important dates in the screening process.
    1. Vice Presidencies and Other Presidential Direct Reports
      The President shall appoint members of the screening committees for these positions. These screening committees shall have appropriate university-wide representation including faculty, administrators, civil service staff, and students. Particular attention must be paid to achieving a diverse composition including gender and race/ethnicity. If a non-employee is asked to serve on a screening committee, the President’s Office shall provide the individual with information about service.
    2. All Other Administrative Positions
      The appropriate Supervisor or designated Hiring Manager shall appoint the members of screening committees for these positions. Particular attention must be paid to achieving a diverse composition including gender and race/ethnicity. If a non-employee is asked to serve on a screening committee, the individual shall be provided with information about service. Unless approved otherwise, screening committees should have at least 4 members, including the chairperson and one member from outside of the hiring unit. Student participation is encouraged when appropriate.
  5. All screening committee members and hiring managers must complete training on equitable and inclusive hiring practices. The training is effective for a period of 2 years.


After approval of PAR Form A and the Form B/Recruitment Plan, the Hiring Manager shall announce the vacancy and carry out the Recruitment Plan.

The Hiring Manager and the appropriate Supervisor are responsible for the employment decision. The Hiring Manager is responsible for providing guidance and support to the designated Screening Committee Chairperson regarding the entire employment process. At the beginning of the screening process, the Hiring Manager shall explain to the committee its duties as outlined in the Recruitment Plan.

The Hiring Manager and the Screening Committee Chairperson are responsible for ensuring that all application materials are secured. Unless otherwise authorized by the President, only persons directly involved in the employment process shall have access to all applications and supplementary materials. All screening committee information and materials are confidential, and may only be discussed with others directly involved in the employment process.

Application Process

All letters of interest and credentials shall be directed to either the Hiring Manager or the Screening Committee Chairperson as prescribed in the Recruitment Plan.

The Hiring Manager or the designated Screening Committee Chairperson shall be responsible for obtaining a complete applicant file as described in the vacancy announcement.

The Hiring Manager or the designated Screening Committee Chairperson shall be responsible for sending each applicant an EEO survey (unless using an electronic system), and directing the applicant to information about the department/unit, the University, and the community.

Candidate Selection Process

The Screening Committee shall function according to the charge outlined in the Recruitment Plan and expressed at the organizational meeting. No candidates may be invited for interviews until the Form C is submitted by the Screening Committee Chair via the online PAR system and approved by the Office of Civil Rights and the appropriate Hiring Manager, Department Head, Dean/Director, r and Vice President/President (if applicable) as designated in the Recruitment Plan.

Appropriate actions shall be taken by the Civil Rights Director and/or the Hiring Manager to ensure that the Recruitment Plan has been followed. And, in addition, if the candidate pool is of insufficient quality, size, or diversity, the decision may be made either to re-open the screening process, to fill the position temporarily, or to cancel the screening process.

The Screening Committee Chairperson or the Hiring Manager/Supervisor shall invite candidates for interviews. Invitations may address such topics as reimbursement for interview expenses, required documentation pertaining to employment eligibility as required by federal guidelines, information about the positions and a request for unofficial transcripts to be submitted.

Candidate Interview Process

The Hiring Manager shall approve the interview schedule. All administrative positions shall include appropriate times in the interview schedules for the members of the units most directly affected by the positions to interview candidates. All vice-presidential positions and other presidential direct report positions shall include appropriate times for members of the University community to interview candidates.

The Hiring Manager or the designated Screening Committee Chairperson shall ensure that the candidates’ evaluation forms are distributed at interview sessions. Other signed memoranda or communications may also be considered by the committee.

The Screening Committee Chairperson, following the guidelines in the Recruitment Plan and the Hiring Manager’s charge to the committee, shall collect a composite summary of the data from the interview sessions, summary comments from the screening committee, and reference information. For all administrative positions, the materials listed above and all candidates’ files shall be forwarded directly to the Hiring Manager. The Hiring Manager, the Supervisor, the appropriate Vice President, the President, and the Office of Civil Rights may review the final candidates’ files, as part of the employment process.

The Hiring Manager is responsible for ensuring that the final candidates’ references have been appropriately checked, and that the credentials are appropriate for the advertised position vacancy. The selected candidate will be required to submit official transcripts.


No offer of employment may be made until the appropriate Vice President or the President and the Civil Rights Director have signed the Form D.

After consultation with the screening committee, the Hiring Manager shall complete the Form D in the PAR system and forward it together with the candidate's complete application file to the Office of Civil Rights. Upon review of the Form D and materials, the Office of Civil Rights will approve the Form D and it will be routed to the Division Vice President or President for approval.

Once the Division Vice President approves the Form D, it will route to the President for signature.

The President shall send an offer of appointment with i) return date specified, ii) if applicable, requirement to submit official transcript, iii) if applicable, statement that employment is contingent upon favorable results of background check, and iv) explain that the new employee shall complete an Employment Eligibility Form (i-9) as required (Section 1 must be completed on the first day of employment and Sections 2 and 3 must be completed by the end of the third day of employment).


The Hiring Manager or designee shall notify all unsuccessful candidates and complete all remaining paperwork associated with the search and interviews.

All newly hired employees shall be required to complete the State of Illinois Ethics Training and the Preventing Harassment & Discrimination Training within 30 days of employment.

The Chairperson/Unit Head shall ensure all applicant files (i.e., required documents for consideration), screening committee summary comments (i.e., strengths and weaknesses of candidates as sent to hiring supervisor) and Chairperson/Unit Head notes (i.e., reference notes) are in the search file and submitted to the Office of Civil Rights at the conclusion of the search process. Search files will be kept in a secured location for three years and in accordance with the Records Retention Policy.


If a Hiring Manager is contemplating filling an administrative position with a temporary appointment, a search waiver shall be completed which explains the reasons for filling the vacancy with a temporary appointment, describes how the affected constituencies will be consulted regarding the person to be named in the position, and states when the national search is projected to begin to fill the vacancy. An appropriate length of time shall be set aside for constituents to forward comments to the Hiring Manager or Senior Line Supervisor. This waiver must be approved by the Civil Rights Director and the Division Vice President before the Hiring Manager may proceed with actions to name an acting/interim administrator. Except in unusual circumstances where a search cannot commence within 2 years of the prior incumbent's separation from the university an extension may be approved; however, appointments established under this policy shall not ordinarily exceed 2 years.

If a Hiring Manager is contemplating reassigning an administrative position or expanding the duties and scope of an administrative position, a rationale shall be prepared which explains the reasons for this action and describes how the affected constituencies will be consulted regarding these changes. An appropriate length of time shall be set aside for constituents to forward comments to the Hiring Manager or Senior Line Supervisor. The rationale must be approved by the Civil Rights Director and the Division Vice President before the Hiring Manager may proceed with actions to reassign the administrative position or expand the duties of an administrative position.

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