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EIU Campus Recreation

Student Recreation Center - Policies

Student Recreation Center Facility Usage

  • All participants utilize the Student Recreation Center at their own risk.
  • All participants must present their valid Panther Card, Rec Center card or Guest ID.  IDs presented that do not belong to the user will be confiscated.
  • All participants, who are current EIU students, and forget their Panther Card, can show a physical picture ID (Driver's License) for entry ONE time only.  
  • All participants must be 18 or older.
  • Non-marking, closed-toed athletic shoes must be worn in all activity areas.  No boots, sandals, or heeled shoes.
  • Shirts covering the torso and non-denim shorts or pants are required.
  • Water is permitted in activity areas, but all other food or drink must remain in the lobby.
  • No pets, other than service animals, may enter the facility.
  • Personal stereos with headphones are permitted.  No radios, CD or MP3 players, or computers with external speakers may be used.
  • Guests must be accompanied by a sponsor.  Guest passes may be purchased at the Campus Recreation office.
  • Campus Recreation is not responsible for lost or stolen articles.  All valuable and personal property should be secured in a locker.  Personal property will not be allowed in any activity area.
  • The use of University facilities is a privilege and participants are expected to be good citizens and respect the rights of others.  Responsible conduct is expected and required.  Individuals who engage in unacceptable or unsafe behavior may have their access to facilities revoked or suspended and/or be subject to University disciplinary action.
  • Alcoholic beverages and use of tobacco products are not permitted.

SRC Apparel Policy SCR aparel guidelines

  • Shirts must cover the torso.
  • Sleeveless shirts must cover shoulders to waist and may not be cut further down than the elbow.
  • Non-denim shorts or pants are required.
  • Tank tops and spandex shorts may be worn if accompanied by a towel to be used to cover all upholstery where the back/chest/legs touch equipment and mats.
  • Sports bras must be covered by a shirt. 

Fitness Area Usage

  • Non-marking, close-toed athletics shoes, shirts covering the torso, and non-denim shorts or pants are required at all times.
  • Please control weight stacks.  No dropping weights.
  • Please leave pins at machines.
  • Please wipe down machines after use.
  • 20 minute time limit on all cardio equipment when others are waiting.
  • Personal iPods and MP3 players with headphones are permitted.  No stereos or sound systems with external speakers.
  • Please secure all personal belongings in a locker.  Bags and personal belongings may not be carried in the Fitness Area.
  • Water only.  All other food and drink must remain in the lobby.

Weight Room Usage

  • Non-marking, closed-toed athletic shoes, shirts covering the torso, and non-denim shorts or pants are required at all times.
  • Water only.  All other food and drink must stay in the lobby.
  • All equipment must be returned to the appropriate storage locations after use.  Please re-rack your weights.
  • Please clean equipment after use.
  • Weight room equipment must remain in the weight room.
  • Furniture or equipment from other areas may not be brought into the weight room.
  • Weights may not be leaned against the walls, pillars or mirrors.
  • Personal belongings must be secured in lockers and may not be brought into the weight room.
  • Spotters are recommended.
  • Collars are required when using all free weight bars.
  • Weights may not be dropped.
  • Chalk is prohibited.
  • Participants shall use extreme caution in moving equipment and weights to avoid potential injury to themselves or others.
  • Campus Recreation staff will not provide exercise instruction, prescription or spotting to participants.
  • Please direct all maintenance needs to the Campus Recreation office.

Aerobics Room

  • Group Fitness classes have priority at all times.
  • Non-marking, close-toed shoes are required at all times.  No boots, sandals, or shoes with heels.
  • Fitness equipment may not leave the Aerobics Room.
  • Participants are encouraged to bring their own towels.
  • Permission is required from Campus Recreation staff for activities other than group fitness and dance practice.
  • Martial Arts weapons are prohibited.
  • Please refrain from touching and leaning on the mirrors.
    • Proper Group Fitness etiquette:
    • Be on time for the class you are attending.
    • If you must leave early, please stay toward the back.
    • If you are more than 5 minutes late please join the next class.
    • Please do not be disruptive during class.
    • Please return equipment to its proper storage area after class.
    • Please untie bands after class.
    • Please dispose of trash in appropriate receptacles.
    • Personal belongings must be stored in lockers.
    • Please let the instructor know of any hazards to participants such as spills or broken equipment.

Jogging Track

  • Please observe and follow the daily direction:
    • Clockwise: Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday
    • Counter-clockwise: Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday
  • Walkers please use the inside lane.
  • Runners please use the outside lane.
  • Distance:
    • Inside lane = 9.5 laps per mile
    • Middle = 9 laps per mile
    • Outside lane = 8.5 laps per mile
    • Spectators may not watch activities in the gym below from the track.

Cycling Studio

  • Cycling classes have priority at all times.
  • Equipment may not leave the cycling studio.
  • Please clean bikes after use.
  • Participants may not use cycling equipment without supervision by a group fitness instructor.
  • Please register for cycling classes online by visiting
  • The Cycling Studio is available daily for space reservation.  Reservations may start no earlier than ½ hour after the end of the last group fitness class of the day. 
  • Cycling Class policies:
    • Please allow 10 minutes prior to the start of class to set up your bike.
    • Please notify the instructor of any special physical considerations you have
    • Towels and water bottles are highly recommended.
    • Bike shorts/padded shorts are recommended.
    • Stiff-soled shoes are recommended.  The bikes are equipped with Shimano pedals that accept all SPD style cleats.
    • Participants may not enter a class after it has begun.

Circuit Express

The Circuit Express is designed to give you a full body workout in approximately 30 minutes.  It is comprised of stationary bikes to provide warm-up activity, 10 strength machines and a stretching mat.  Please perform only 1 set of 10 repetitions, then move on to the next machine.

Warm-up: Please start with 5 minutes of cardio activity.

The strength machines use resistance band technology that allows you to push a button to select your level of resistance.  To use these machines:

  • Select your resistance by pressing the buttons labeled with numbers.  Keep in mind you must press all the buttons you would like.  For example, to work out at a resistance of 3 please press buttons 1, 2 and 3.
  • Select a resistance at which you can perform 10 repetitions using moderate effort.
  • If you would like a more intense workout, you may repeat the entire circuit.

Cool-down: Please take 5 minutes to stretch and walk around the track after you complete the circuit.

Please do not jump directly in front of others as the circuit is designed to be done in sequence.  Please keep moving.  A second set, more than 10 repetitions or sitting disrupts the flow of those following protocol.

Please clean each machine after use.

Martial Arts Area

  • Shoes are optional, but may only be removed once in the martial arts area.  Closed-toed shoes are mandatory in all other areas of the SRC.
  • Bags must be left in lockers in the lobby.  Personal belongings may not be carried into the martial arts area.
  • Patrons may not use the martial arts area with open wounds or sores that may come into contact with the bags.
  • Absolutely no contact sparring.
  • No community gloves.  Please bring your own gloves.
  • The speed bag may be checked out at the Campus Recreation office.

Dance Studio

  • All participants using the dance studio must check in at Access Control prior to entering the Dance Studio.
  • Non-marking, closed-toed athletic shoes are required.  No boots, sandals or heeled shoes.
  • Fitness equipment may not leave the Dance Studio.
  • Permission is required from SRC staff for activities other than group fitness classes or dance.
  • Martial Arts weapons are prohibited.
  • Please refrain from touching and leaning on the mirrors.
  • Proper Group Fitness etiquette:
  • Be on time for the class you are attending.
  • If you must leave early, please stay toward the back.
  • If you are more than 5 minutes late please join the next class.
  • Please do not be disruptive during class.
  • Please return equipment to its proper storage area after class.
  • Please untie bands after class.
  • Please dispose of trash in appropriate receptacles.
  • Personal belongings must be stored in lockers.
  • Please let the instructor know of any hazards to participants such as spills or broken equipment.
  • Kinesiology classes have priority before 4pm.  Group fitness classes have priority 4-8pm.

Multipurpose Courts 1-6

  • Non-marking, closed-toed athletic shoes are required at all times.  No boots, sandals or shoes with heels.
  • Football, baseball, softball, rugby and any sport using a bat and/or hard ball is prohibited inside the SRC.
  • Wiffleball, dodgeball and indoor soccer may only be played on Court 6.
  • Absolutely no dunking.
  • Indoor balls only, please.
  • Informal challenge rules:
  • A challenge for next game is issued verbally by waiting players.  No one presently in a game may call “next game.”
  • Only one player needs to be present to issue a challenge.
  • Losing player(s) are not eligible for the next game unless other player(s) are not available.
  • Upon winning three consecutive games, the winning team or individual must exit the playing area if others are waiting to play.
  • The courts are lined for the following: basketball, volleyball and badminton.

Free Day Use Lockers

Lockers are available for free and we encourage all patrons to lock up their personal belongings.  Campus Recreation is not responsible for lost or stolen items.  If you forget your locker combination an SRC staff member will assist you in unlocking the locker.  For security and safety reasons, all lockers must be cleared out by closing each evening or a $5.00 retrieval fee will be assessed.

To use lockers:

  • Place personal belongings in the locker and close the door.
  • Ensure white arrow is in the 12 o’clock unlocked position.
  • Spin the dials to set a 4 digit number combination of your choosing.
  • Turn the white arrow to the 3 o’clock locked position.  Your locker is now locked.
  • Spin the dials to scramble the combination.

To unlock your locker:

  • Spin the dials to your previously set combination.
  • Turn the white arrow to the 12 o’clock unlocked position.
  • Leave the locker in the unlocked position and scramble your combination for the next user.

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Contact Information

Campus Recreation

Eastern Illinois University
Student Recreation Center
600 Lincoln Avenue Charleston, IL 61920

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