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EIU Master of Science in Sustainability


The multi-disciplinary Master of Science in Sustainability degree is a science based and technology management focused graduate program.  It is designed to empower and enable students to develop advanced knowledge and skills in order to become effective leaders and managers in the energy sector.  In addition to regular graduate course work across several disciplines, students are enriched with experiences related to sustainability.

Students have the option to enroll in CERE 5953 Sustainability Research in order to enhance understainding of their field. They will continue working at their sustainability research under the guidance of a faculty until the end of the program. During the process, students are expected to either publish or produce a research paper deemed publishable in the related discipline.  At the end of the program, students are also expected to successfully present their findings to a committee of three (3) graduate faculty members. 


Certification of Research Requirement

The guidelines for evaluation include the following:

  1. Is the topic related to sustainability? (10 points)
  2. Has the research been conducted in a meaningful way (including research question, method, data collection, data analysis and reporting)? (30 points)
  3. Has the student been well prepared for his/her presentation? (10 points)
  4. Is the report deemed publishable as required by the course? (30 points)
  5. Has the student presented his/her ideas and findings effectively? (10 points)
  6. Has the student responded to questions related to the research correctly? (10 points)

Total Points 100 (passing grade 70/100)


Suggestions to Work with Faculty:

Students need to work with and communicate to the faculty chair on the research during the entire process.  To help you complete your research work in a timely manner without delays or disappointments, students need to:


  1. Students should have your final draft submitted to the faculty chair in a Microsoft WORD document at least three (3) weeks before planned presentation date. Earlier drafts may be submitted to the faculty director for review. 

  2. Students shall proof-read your paper before any submission.  The papers should be well done with only minor corrections. This is your project so you need to do the work of editing and revising yourself.

  3. The final copy needs to be submitted to all committee members at least two (2) weeks before your presentation.

  4. On the semester when you plan to graduate, it is a good practice to set your presentation date first, as a goal, and work toward that date. For example, if you set your date for April 17, you would need to have your final paper submitted to your committee members at least two (2) weeks before that date, or by April 3.

  5. It is a good idea to have your committee on board with your presentation date 1 month before you plan to present, so they can have it scheduled.

  6. It is best to plan your presentation for at least the next to the last week of the semester since the last week and finals week are very busy for the committee members.

  7. Student should be well prepared for the presentation in advance.  Typically, the presentation will be limited to approximately 20-30 minutes, followed by a Q & A (questions and answers) session with the committee members.  Then, student will be asked to step out of the room to allow the committee to discuss.  Students will be invited back to the room after the committee concludes its discussion and reaches a decision.  This oral presentation process typically lasts for one (1) hour. 

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Contact Information

Dr. Nichole Hugo
Associate Professor &
Graduate Coordinator of Sustainability

600 Lincoln Ave,
Charleston, IL 61920
(217) 581-8595

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