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EIU Office of Belonging, Access & Engagement


Inclusion in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Math

To apply to become an iSTEM Peer Mentor, fill out the online application.

Peer Mentoring Program

iSTEM brings together students from underrepresented groups in the natural sciences, social sciences, technology, engineering, mathematics and computer science fields. Faculty and peers serve as mentors and are committed to encouraging and empowering these students to be successful in STEM disciplines. You’ve likely heard it before, but succeeding in school, just like succeeding at work and even in life, is a lot easier when you have a network of people to support you.

The peer mentoring program offers freshmen, sophomores, and transfer students the necessary support they may need during the critical early years of their college career in a STEM major. Participants in the program (mentees) will be paired with an upper-classman mentor that has exceled at EIU in a similar discipline.

Peer mentors help their mentees navigate the challenges unique to STEM students and provide guidance both personally and academically. This is different than a tutoring program, which your peer mentor can help you find if you need it. Our main goal is to increase student success by connecting new students, upper-class peers, and faculty mentors to build a supportive network that helps STEM students in their academic and professional development.

Do you need a Peer Mentor?

As new college students begin their studies in STEM fields it is an exciting time, but it can also be overwhelming.  iSTEM peer mentors have been in your shoes and will be able to help guide you through the transition from high school to college or community college to a 4-year university.  Your peer mentor will assist you in becoming acclimated to EIU and introduce you to campus resources that promote student success for STEM majors. Mentorship events and social activities solidify bonds amongst mentors, mentees, and other iSTEM students to create a learning community to support each other in their academic and career goals.

To REQUEST an iSTEM Peer Mentor, fill out the online application. - Accepting Fall  Mentee Requests Soon

Want to be an iSTEM Peer Mentor?

Peer mentors play an integral role in aiding new students with a successful transition to EIU and are involved in creating an inclusive environment for underrepresented students within the STEM majors. Peer mentors serve as a positive role model and a resource to promote STEM student success. By serving as an iSTEM peer mentor, students will develop important leadership and professional skills. As a peer mentor, you will find that helping others is a rewarding experience through developing social connections and seeing others succeed.


  • Must be a STEM Major
  • Should have Sophomore, Junior, or Senior status
  • Minimum 3.0 GPA in STEM courses related to their major
  • Successful experiences in STEM courses
  • Be in and maintain good academic and disciplinary standing with the University
  • Have a desire to help underrepresented populations within the STEM majors
  • Have strong interpersonal communication skills
  • Must be able to attend all training sessions and mentor meetings
  • Must provide a faculty member name as a reference
  • Two semester commitment

To APPLY to BE an iSTEM Peer Mentor, fill out the online application. Apply Now!


Contact Dr. Eden Effert-Fanta at

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Contact Information

J. William Blue, M.S.
Executive Director.
Senior Diversity & Inclusion Officer

1170 Blair Hall

Office Hours

Monday - Friday, 8 am - 4:30 pm

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