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EIU Graduate Assessment

Instructions for Faculty Turning in Assessment Reports


On an annual basis, the Graduate School collects, reviews, and provides feedback on graduate assessment reports. Each graduate program will use the response from the Graduate Program Assessment Coordinator as a guide for making improvements as necessary.


Assessment reports should follow the Program Assessment Form template. The Word doc version of the form is here.


Submit assessment reports by October 15th to the Graduate Program Assessment Coordinator, Dr. Nikki Hillier, at


For graduate programs seeking an exception to the annual assessment reports, such that the program feels a reporting cycle every two years better serves the program, the graduate coordinator and/or department chair, must request an exception from the Dean of the Graduate School. To receive an exception, the graduate program must demonstrate that the following standards have been met:

a) Sustained a record of assessment over the previous two years through the Graduate School
b) Provided evidence of robust direct and indirect assessment measures of Council on Graduate Studies learning goals
c) Provided evidence of how the program has used assessment data to evaluate the graduate program and where appropriate has used assessment findings to strengthen the program
d) Received positive responses from the Graduate Assessment Coordinator

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