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EIU Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Major Instrumentation in the Chemistry and Biochemistry Department

X-Ray Crystallography
Elemental Analysis
Laser Spectroscopy
Gas Chromatography & GC/MS
Liquid Chromatography
Additional Resources




  • 400 MHz - Bruker Avance III FT-NMR spectrometer for solutions and solids with 5 mm & 10 mm broadband probes, a solids (CP-MAS) probe, and a variable temperature module.
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X-Ray Crystallography

  • Siemens P4 single-crystal diffractometer
  • Bruker P4 with APEXII upgrade
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  • Nicolet Avatar 360 FT-IR E.S.P.


  • Shimadzu UV-160 UV-Vis spectrophotometer
  • Ocean Optics CCD Array UV-Vis spectrophotometers (8)
  • Cary 100 UV-Visible Spectrometer
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  • Edinburgh Instrument FS5 fluorescence spectrometer with lifetime measurements capability.
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Elemental Analysis

  • Perkin-Elmer 2380 atomic absorption spectrophotometer
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Laser Spectroscopy

  • Coherant Innova 70 argon ion laser
  • Laser Science, Inc. VSL-337ND-S Laser with Hitachi-Perkin Elmer Model 139 UV-Vis spectrophotometer detector
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Gas Chromatography & GC/MS

  • Shimadzu QP2020SE GC with MS & FID detectors and autosampler
  • GOW-MAC Series 400 Isothermal GCs
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Liquid Chromatography

  • Hitachi 5310 HPLC system with 5430 diode array, 5440 fluorescence detector, and 300S evaporative light scattering detector
  • CombiFlash Nextgen 300+ automated flash chromatography system
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  • EG&G Model 303A Static Mercury Drop Electrode
  • EG&G Model 264A Polarographic Analyzer/Stripping Voltammeter
  • EG&G Model 616 Rotating Disc Electrode
  • EG&G Model 263A Potentiostat/Galvanostat 
  • CHI Instruments 660C potentiostat/galvanostat
  • CHI Instruments 731E bipotentiostat
  • Ntegra Prima scanning probe microscope for combined AFM and STM, electrochemical STM (ESTM), and scanning thermal microscopy (SThM)
  • Werner Instrument DP-314 Differential 4-Channel Amplifier
  • CH RRDE-3A rotating disk apparatus with HCH electrochem workstation
  • Metrohm Autolab 302 Potentiostat
  • Princeton Applied Research 263A Potentiostat/Galvonstat
  • Tetronix TDS 684A and 694C 4 channel oscilloscopes
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  • ACTstation x330 and x250s with Synology 2-Bay NAS Diskstation
  • Tempest 2150 Linux workstation (with dual Opteron 285 dual-core CPU's, 16GB RAM) running Gaussian 03 and GaussView
  • 10-PC Chemistry and BiochemistryStudent Computer Lab with Two HP Laserprinters, Scanner, Microsoft Office, ChemOffice (ChemDraw & Chem3D), SciFinder Scholar & Spartan 2004'
  • Molecular Modeling Software
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  • Beckman Avanti J-30 High Performance Centrifuge with JA-30.50 & JL-A-16.250 Rotors
  • Thermo Electron IEC Multi High Performance Benchtop Centrifuge with 4x250mL Swinging Bucket Rotor, 8x50mL Fixed-Angle Rotor and 48x1.5mL Fixed-Angle Rotor
  • Beckman Microfuge II Centrifuge
  • Eppendorf 5415 C Microcentrifuge
  • Cold Room
  • Fisher Scientific Isotemp Basic Ultralow -85°C Freezer
  • MilliPore Milli-Q Water Purification System
  • New Brunswick Scientific Classic Series C76 Water Bath Shaker
  • Lab-Line Imperial III Incubator
  • Laminar Flow Hood
  • Gel Electrophoresis (Vertical & Horizontal) and Gel Dryer
  • BioRad Chromatography EconoPump & BioFrac Fraction Collector
  • GE Healthcare ÄKTAPurifier 10 FPLC with Monitor UV-900 & Frac-950
  • BioRad MiniJ Thermocycler
  • BioRad 2D Gel Electrophoresis
  • SynGene Gel Documentation System
  • Synergy H1 plate reader
  • Azure 280 Multi-Model Imaging System
  • Pipetmax 268 Robotic Pipettor System
  • QuantStudio7 Flex PCR
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Additional Resources  

  • M-Braun drybox I
  • VTI Labstar Super 1200/780 dry box
  • TGA Q60 thermogravimetic analyzer
  • Newport Qe-PV-SI Quantum Efficiency/IPCE Measurement System
  • Laurell Model WS-400-6NPP-LITE spin coater
  • MakerBot Replicator 3D printer
  • CEM MARS 5 (Microwave Accelerated Reaction System)
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Contact Information

Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry Chair:
Dr. Edward M. Treadwell

600 Lincoln Avenue, Charleston IL 61920 Physical Science, Room 3150

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