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EIU Educator Preparation

Teacher Education:
Admission, Retention, and Completion


This page describes the steps each teacher education candidate must take to be admitted to and retained in his/her/their preparation program, as well as to complete all requirements to be eligible for licensure.  Each candidate should familiarize himself/herself/themself with the requirements listed in the EIU Undergraduate Catalog, refer to the resources on this website, and consult with his/her academic advisor to ensure requirements are being met and to avoid delays in program completion and eligibility for teacher licensure.

1. Declaration of Major

A teacher education candidate should declare the appropriate major for the teaching license desired upon admission to EIU.  The list of endorsement areas offered at EIU may be found here.  Information on how to declare or change a major may be found here.

2. Application for University Admission to Teacher Education 

A teacher education candidate should attend an Admission to Teacher Education meeting as early as possible upon attending EIU.  During this meeting, each candidate will complete an Admission to Teacher Education application and establish his/her/their Illinois State Board of Education Educator Licensure Information System account.  To prevent delays in progressing through the program, freshmen should attend this meeting before completing 29 semester hours; transfer and post-baccalaureate students should attend this meeting within 30 days of initial enrollment.  Laptops, tablets, and/or phones should be brought to the meeting so that the University Admission to Teacher Education Application and the Educator Licensure Information Systems forms can be completed.

3. Selection to Teacher Education

Selection to Teacher Education is the point at which EIU notifies the Illinois State Board of Education of a candidate's entry into a preparation program.  A candidate is selected to Teacher Education at the end of the semester in which he/she/they has/have completed the following requirements:

  • Steps 1 and 2, above.
  • Completion of at least 29 semester hours, including transfer hours.
  • Establishment of minimum cumulative 2.65 GPA on 15 semester hours at EIU. Post-baccalaureate candidates must have a cumulative 2.65 GPA or have completed a Master's Degree with a minimum 3.00 GPA.

 4. University Approval to Take Teacher Education Courses

Each EIU teacher education program requires candidates to meet specific requirements in order to take professional education courses. These requirements include:

  • Steps 1 (Declaring a major), 2 (Attending an Admission to Teacher Education meeting), and 3 (Selection).
  • Maintenance of a cumulative 2.65 GPA at EIU; post-baccalaureate students must maintain a 2.65 GPA in undergraduate courses and a 3.00 GPA in courses numbered 4750 and above taken at EIU.
  • Completion of the Criminal History Background Check (EIU does not accept background checks completed for other universities or organizations). Directions for completing the Criminal History Background can be found here.
  • Complete the Speech and Hearing Check.
  • Document a "C" or better in ENG 1001G, ENG 1002G, and CMN 1310G, or their equivalents, totaling at least 9 semester hours.
  • Document a "C" or better in 3 semester hours of college-level mathematics.
  • Document a "C" or better in:
    • ELE 2050 (early childhood, elementary and middle level education majors);
    • SPE 3201 or SPE 3220 (early childhood special education and standard special education majors);
    • KSR 2000 (physical education majors);
    • MUS 2440 (music education majors);
    • ART 2400 (art education majors);
    • CTE 2000 (career and technical education majors);
    • SED 2000 (all other teacher education majors).

 5. Formal Universal Admission to Teacher Education Program

To be formally admitted to a Teacher Education program, each candidate must complete:

  • Steps 1 (Declaring a major), 2 (Attending an Admission to Teacher Education meeting), 3 (Selection), and 4 (University Approval to Teake Teacher Educatio Courses).
  • The following courses with a grade of "C" or higher:
    • ELE 3100 or ELE 3225 (early childhood and elementary education majors);
    • MLE 3110 and MLE 40001 (middle level education majors);
    • SPE 4800 and SPE 4820 (early childhood special education and standard special education majors);
    • SED 3330 and SED 4330 or a departmental teaching methods course (all other teacher education majors).

6. Major Department and University Approval to Student Teach

To be approved to student teach, each candidate must:

  • Complete an electronic Application to Student Teach one year prior to the student teaching semester;
  • Submit departmental approval application to major department following departmental timelines and criteria;
  • Maintain a cumulative 2.65 GPA (some programs may require a higher GPA);
  • Complete courses in major with a minimum 2.65 GPA (some programs may require a higher GPA in the major);
  • Obtain a "C" or better in all courses used to meet graduation requirements;
  • Complete all professional education courses required for the program;
  • Show evidence of recent participation in professional organizations, meetings, and / or appropriate activities with you ages 3-18;
  • Submit portfolio to major department (consult department);
  • Check major department for other program criteria;
  • Complete and submit verification of health records including TB screening, mandated reporter training certificate, and the background check verification required by the student teaching host district(s).

7. Program Completion (Graduation) and Entitlement for Illinois License

To be eligible for entitlement by EIU for an Illinois Professional Educator Licensure, each candidate must:

  • Complete the approved licensure program and graduation requirements with a 2.65 GPA (some programs may require a higher cumulative and / or major GPA);
  • Complete all professional education courses required for the program with a grade of "C" or better;
  • Complete and submit to EIU the Application for Entitlement;
  • Pass the appropriate licensure exam(s) with an overall passing score of 240 (this is required for licensure not graduation).

Questions? Contact College of Education Associate Dean Dr. Christy Hooser (

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