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EIU Counseling Clinic

Consultation - Helping You Help Others

If You're Concerned About a Student...

Students often have daily contact with friends, family, resident assistants, advisors, faculty, and staff. Naturally, they confide in those closest to them when they are having difficulties. As a result, these individuals are in an excellent position to provide information and assistance to students in distress, as well as a referral to professional counseling when they appear to be struggling.

The Counseling Clinic provides consultation for students, faculty, staff, friends, and parents who are concerned about the unusual, problematic, or potentially harmful behavior of others. In person or over the phone, a staff member will explore your concerns with you and help to develop ideas for dealing effectively with the situation. We typically offer to reach out to the student of concern and may also aid in finding other resources that may be helpful. 

Tips for Referring a Student

Speak directly to the person about your concerns, preferably in private. People in distress are almost always receptive to an expression of genuine interest, caring, and concern.

Be specific about the behaviors you've observed, that have caused your concern (e.g., falling grades, drinking too much, crying a lot, withdrawing from friends, statements about suicide, etc.). Clearly stating your observations makes it more difficult for the person to deny that a problem exists and also lets the person know that you care enough to notice.

Remember that, except in cases of emergency, the decision whether to accept a referral to counseling rests with the person. If the person refuses the idea of counseling, it's usually best not to push. Suggest that the two of you explore this matter again some time in the future. Don't try to deceive or trick the person into counseling. Attempting to fool the individual will only diminish their trust in you and in the counseling process. Many people have negative preconceptions about counseling based upon stereotypes. Educate the individual on the process of counseling.

Let the person know that counseling is free and voluntary and that they can terminate the process at any time.

Make sure the individual knows that counseling is confidential.

Tell the person that counseling sessions are normally scheduled on a weekly or bi-weekly basis and that a typical session normally lasts for 50 minutes.

Let the individual know that counselors work hard to understand students, to see things from their point of view, and to then collaboratively help them to figure out solutions.

Assure the person that, if an appointment is made with a counselor and things don't work out, they can ask to meet with a different professional with whom they might feel more comfortable.

Assist the person in making an appointment at the Counseling Clinic. If the person is really upset, or if you're worried that they might not follow through, suggest that the individual make an appointment now. If the person is still hesitant, offer to call with them. Some faculty, staff, and friends have even brought students directly to the Counseling Clinic when that level of support has been necessary.

Because people often mistakenly see coming to counseling as a sign of weakness, frame the decision to seek counseling as a mature choice that suggests that the person is not running away from problems.

After the first meeting with a counselor, follow up by asking how things went during the session. If the person is ambivalent about continuing in counseling, some additional encouragement might be helpful. The counseling process is often most difficult at the very beginning, and your encouragement may help to get the person over this initial hurdle.

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Contact Information

Counseling Clinic

Human Services Bldg. 1st Floor
217-581-3413 Monday - Friday
1-866-567-2400 After Hours Emergency Number

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