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EIU College of Health and Human Services

CHHS Curriculum Committee

The CHHS Curriculum Committee reviews all curriculum proposals and/or program changes proposed by the academic units of the college. All curricular proposals/changes must be in compliance with university academic rules and policies.

The committee is composed of faculty members from each academic unit and one student member. Faculty serve three-year terms except for the perpetual one-year term served by the Military Science representative. The student member serves a one-year term.

Links to CHHS-CC Information

AY 2024-2025 Membership

  • Lynne Cameron (Chair) - Communication Disorders and Sciences (2025)
  • Richard Clapp - Nursing (2026)
  • Major William Comstock - Military Science (1-year term)
  • Nikki Hillier (Vice Chair) - Public Health and Nutrition (2026)
  • Kathleen O'Rourke - Human Services (2027)
  • Stacey Ruholl - Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation (2027)
  • Vacant - Student Representation (1-year term)

Ex-officio Members

  • John Storsved, CHHS Dean
  • Jill Bowers, CHHS Associate Dean
  • Janet Fopay (recorder), CHHS Assistant to the Dean

All proposals submitted to the CHHS Curriculum Committee must follow the format approved by Council on Academic Affairs (CAA), Council on Graduate Studies (CGS) and/or Council on Teacher Education (COTE).

Agenda items should be sent to Janet Fopay ( no less than seven business days prior to each meeting.

The committee meets once per month (September to April), and as needed. Meeting dates and times are determined on a semester-by-semester basis and announced to all academic units in the college at the start of each semester.

Links to EIU Curriculum Councils and Information

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Contact Information

College of Health and Human Services

Eastern Illinois University
1034 Klehm Hall

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