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EIU Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

Links and Resources

Sexual Assault Counseling and Information Service (SACIS) is a local not-for-profit organization providing crisis and on-going services to victims of sexual assault, sexual abuse and sexual harassment. Counseling services are also available to the victims' significant others (parents/guardians, siblings, spouses, etc.). Services include individual and group counseling, medical and criminal justice advocacy, information and referral, institutional advocacy, public education and professional training.

HOPE of East Central Illinois is a private non-profit agency serving victims of domestic violence through the provisions of Housing, Outreach, Prevention, and Education.

CORD-Community Online Resource Directory is a listing of various diverse area agencies and a detailed explanation of the programs they provide.

National and International Links & Resources

The CWLU Herstory Project is a large and growing site devoted to recording the history of the Chicago Women's Liberation Union (1969-1977) as well as archiving general documents from the second wave of feminism. They also post announcements of new feminist happenings and links to articles about contemporary feminist issues.

Cycles + Sex is an ecosystem of education, tools and personal experiences to teach people about their bodies. 

The Feminist Majority Foundation, which was founded in 1987, is a cutting edge organization dedicated to women's equality, reproductive health, and non-violence. In all spheres, FMF utilizes research and action to empower women economically, socially, and politically.

The Global Fund for Women is a grant-making foundation supporting women's human rights organizations around the world working to address critical issues such as gaining economic independence, increasing girls' access to education and stopping violence against women.

The League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan political organization, encourages the informed and active participation of citizens in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy.

The National Women's Studies Association supports and promotes feminist, womanist teaching, learning, research, and professional and community service at the pre-K through post-secondary levels and serves as a locus of information about the inter-disciplinary field of Women's Studies for those outside the profession.

The National Museum of Women in the Arts brings recognition to the achievements of women artists of all periods and nationalities by exhibiting, preserving, acquiring, and researching art by women and by educating the public concerning their accomplishments.

The National Organization for Women is the largest organization of feminist activists in the United States. NOW has 500,000 contributing members and 550 chapters in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Since its founding in 1966, NOW's goal has been "to take action" to bring about equality for all women. Both the actions NOW takes and its position on the issues are often unorthodox, uncompromising and ahead of their time.

The National Women's History Project is a non-profit organization dedicated to recognizing and celebrating the diverse and historic accomplishments of women by providing information and educational material and programs.

Paola Gianturco is a photographer, author, and advocate for women's rights world-wide. For the past thirteen years, she has worked as a photojournalist, documenting women’s lives in forty countries. She has published four acclaimed photo books which bring together inspiring stories with gorgeous photographs to motivate her readers to engage with, learn from and support women around the world. All of Gianturco’s books are philanthropic projects, for which she donates her royalties to carefully selected nonprofit organizations that relate to each book's content. Paola's most recent book, Women Who Light the Dark, tells the story of local women around the world who are helping one another tackle the problems that darken their lives—including violence, poverty, illiteracy and disease. Gianturco is giving 100% of her author royalties for this book to The Global Fund for Women.

women, ink. "Empowering Women With Knowledge To Transform Communities"

Women for Women International is dedicated to building a world that ensures equality and justice for all. Women for Women International's definition of justice includes economic, political, and social justices that has gender equality at its core. Women for Women International envisions a world where no woman is abused, poor, illiterate or marginalized; where women have full and equal participation in processes that ensure their health, well-being, and economic independence; and where women have the freedom to define their lives, futures, and reach their full potential.

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Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program

Eastern Illinois University
600 Lincoln Avenue
Charleston, IL 61920- 3099

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