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EIU Television & Video Production Major

Study Abroad

Study Abroad

Faculty-led Summer Study Abroad

The Department of Communication Studies offers a faculty-led study abroad trip to Ireland, Northern Ireland, and Scotland.  This study abroad experience provides 22 days in country with 12 hours of pre-departure preparation. The Summer 2019 trip was held from May 8 through May 31, 2019. 

Students completing this experience will receive academic credit for the following classes:

  • CMN 3790 (3 credit hours) - Intercultural Communication Abroad

    This course provides an overview of culture and communication on regional, national, and international levels. We will examine ways in which cultures respond differently in a variety of contexts, and how culture influences perceptions and communication. We will learn guidelines for effective intercultural communication in an immersive experience in Ireland, Northern Ireland & Scotland.

  • EIU 4110G (3 credit hours) - Frontiers of Communication

    While we are abroad we will study of several controversial forms of communication, including animal communication, paranormal communication, as well as the nature and manipulation of rumor, gossip, and "grapevine" systems. (Note: Majors in Communication Studies cannot take this course as their Senior Seminar. It will count as upper division elective credit in their major only. PR and TV Production majors MAY take this course for credit in Senior Seminar.)

For more information, contact Ms. AJ Walsh at or Buzzard 2409.

Study Abroad

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do I have to be a Communication major to go on this program?

A: Absolutely not! All majors are welcome and encouraged! Past programs have anywhere from a 50/50 to 60/40 split between majors and non-majors. Everyone, regardless of major, can benefit from learning more about communicating across cultures!

Q: Can I still go if I don't have the best GPA?

A: Your GPA is just a number—and it tells me one thing. What tells me more is your commitment to making study abroad dreams a reality and making experiential learning a priority! Talk to me about how to get started on your application.

Q: Why does it happen so soon after Spring Term?

A: I try to schedule our study abroad experience as closely to the end of Spring term as possible so you still get a summer. This means you can still work or have an internship, or just relax and enjoy your summer! In fact, the papers/projects for the coursework won't be due for several weeks AFTER you return. This gives you time to process your experience and to be able to "unpack" it! You get your study abroad AND your summer!

Q: What is the deal with the pre-departure meetings?

A: I want my students, many of whom are traveling out of the country for the first time, to feel as confident as possible once they arrive. We will have four 3-hour meetings (don't worry—alums of my program will tell you that the time flies by!) in which we talk about the courses, expectations, and get our feet wet with the material, as well as what and how to pack, and how to get the most of out of your experience! We also spend time getting to know each other and bonding—because we'll be living together for three weeks!

Financial Assistance

The Office of Study Abroad offers financial assistance for students.

Study Abroad

Semester and Year-long Programs

Contact the Office of Study Abroad in 1207 Blair Hall or at or 217-581-7267.

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