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EIU Student Government

Elections Guidelines

The following page hosts the election guidelines attributed to the Student Government Elections. All candidates for positions are expected to be aware of the full extend of the guidelines. To read all rules and regulations, click here.

Candidate Eligibility 

Eligibility & Criteria - EIU Student Executive Officer Positions:

The EIU President, Executive Vice President, Vice President of Student Affairs, and Vice President of Academic Affairs of the EIU Student Body are all required to meet and adhere to the following requirements to run for and retain an executive office: 

  1. Shall have a 2.75 cumulative GPA and be in good academic, judicial, and disciplinary standing with Eastern Illinois University. 
  2. Must be a full-time EIU student currently enrolled at Eastern Illinois University with a minimum of 12 credit hours for undergraduate EIU students and/or 9 credit hours for EIU graduate students. .  
  3. Must commit to attending all regularly scheduled Executive Board meetings, Student Senate meetings (7:00 pm Every Wednesday), office hours and weekly one-on-one meetings with a designated SLO Graduate Advisor.  
  4. Must be able to commit a minimum of 8-10 hours weekly during regular university business/operating hours – 8 am - 4:30 pm to conduct official business associated with a respective office and/or duties during term of office. 
  5. Must be able to commit to a minimum 4 planning meetings, either virtual or in person, over the summer vacation holiday 
  6. Must be able to regularly attend and/or assist with all EIU Student Government sponsored events/programs/projects as required and necessary unless excused in advance. i.e. classes, work, medical, emergencies etc..  

Eligibility & Criteria - EIU Student Senate Positions: 

The position of EIU Student Senator of the EIU Student Government is required to meet and adhere to the following requirements to hold a senate position: 

  1. Shall have a 2.5 cumulative GPA and be in good academic, judicial, and disciplinary standing with Eastern Illinois University 
  2. Must be a full-time EIU student currently enrolled at Eastern Illinois University with a minimum of 12 credit hours for undergraduate EIU students and/or 9 credit hours for EIU graduate students. 
  3. Must attend all regularly scheduled weekly EIU Student Senate Meetings - 7:00 pm Every Wednesday  
  5. Must attend all regularly scheduled weekly committee meetings as pre-determined. 
  6. Must establish and complete a minimum of (2) weekly office hours in order to conduct official business associated with committee and general body meetings. 
  7. Must be able to regularly attend and/or assist with all EIU Student Government sponsored events/programs/projects as required and necessary unless excused in advance. i.e. classes, work, medical, emergencies etc. 

Candidate Platform Essays

  • One-Page Platform Essay (Executive Officer Candidates Only)
  • A Candidate’s Platform Essay is an opportunity for you as candidate to share the skills, abilities and vision you will bring to the position if elected. As a candidate seeking office you should include reasons for running for the office/position, the student/campus  issues you as a candidate would like to address during your term,  potential programs/projects and your qualifications for the position. 
  • Your 1-page Candidate’s Platform Essay should be typewritten no more than 250-300 words. 

The Elections Reform Act Title VI - Eligibility Requirements for Candidates

  1. Candidates must be enrolled in the University during the semester they seek office
  2. A person may not occupy any two or more of the following offices simultaneously:
    1. Student Body Executive Officer
    2. Student Senator
    3. Student Supreme Court Justice
    4. Member of the Student Body Elections Commission
    5. Chairperson or Vice Chairperson of the University Board
    6. Voting Member of the Judicial Board or Student Publications Board
  3. Candidates seeking office as a Student Body Executive Officer must be enrolled in the University a minimum of two semesters prior to seeking office

The Election Reform Act Title IX - Campaigning

  1. Campaign materials may be posted or distributed, and other campaign activities may be carried out, in accordance with University Policy*:
    1. Candidates may not take actions to remedy posting violations aside from reporting the violations to the Commission.
    2. Campaigners must honor "No Campaigning" signs on the door of residence hall rooms. Campaigners may not knock or slip materials under these doors.
    3. Campaigning is prohibited in all Dining Centers.
    4. Candidates are responsible for removing all posted literature within 48 hours following the elections.
    5. No chalking is permitted on University grounds.
    6. No campaigning is permitted in any University computer lab, Booth Library, or the Student Activity Center.
    7. No Campaigning in mailboxes under any circumstances.
    8. There shall be no campaigning that degrades, harms the image of, or damages the reputation of another candidate.
  2. Senators may endorse candidates outside of the office.  The office space includes the Student Activities Center, and all associated meetings of Student Government.  The Student Body President may not endorse a candidate in any way.
  3. Candidates may campaign at RHA meetings.
    1. Candidates may campaign at RHA meetings but RHA must allow ALL candidates to present or NO candidates to present
  4. Social Media pages are allowed, but administrators must be provided to the election commission for for the site.  Within 48 hours that page must be taken down, made private, or changed for another purpose.
    1. Snapchat filters are allowed.
    2. No negative campaigning is allowed on social media.
  5. Faculty and graduate advisors within the SLO may not endorse a candidate.
  6. Individual professors may endorse a candidate, however a department or college may not make a written statement that endorses a candidate.

*Due to the nature of the election, these policies are extend towards social media and other online campaigning activities.

University Posting Policy

  1. No announcements, advertising, signs, or printed matter may be placed on:
    1. The interior or exterior walls, windows or doors of any building
      1. Except in residences as permitted by the Office of University Housing and Dining Policy, individual offices, or on designated posting areas.
    2. Trees
    3. Lampposts
    4. Trash Containers
    5. Fences
    6. Sidewalks
    7. Grounds or Equipment of the University
    8. Parked Vehicles
      1. Unless Candidate has prior written permission from the Campus Scheduling Office
  2. Bulletin boards are maintained by the University for academic use, University Business, or other authorized purposes.  The privilege of using such facilities for the promotion of activities, other events of interest to the University community, or commercial purposes, is provided on a space-available basis, subject to the following limitations and restrictions:
    1. RSOs or off-campus public service organizations may post, with advance approval from the Campus Scheduling Office, items which promote on-campus co-curricular activities or other events of education or public service interest to the University community, provided that unrestricted bulletin boards are used in accordance with this policy.
    2. List of boards available from the Campus Scheduling Office
    3. Postings must include name of the primary sponsoring department, RSO, or other entity permitted to post on campus.
    4. Postings limited to:
      1. One per board
      2. Should not exceed 11" x 27"
      3. Are not to be placed over other current posters
    5. Standard desktop staples, thumb tacks, or push pins are to be used
      1. Tape or commercial staple guns are prohibited
    6. Posted materials will normally be removed within 30 days or after the event
    7. The use and placement of banners sandwich board, or other signs are subject to prior approval by the Campus Scheduling Office
  3. Each Residence Hall has a designed board for public postings and any posting on this board must be approved through the Campus Scheduling Office
    1. After approval, the poster can be placed by the individual receiving the approval.
    2. Only one poster per individual can be placed by the individual receiving the approval.
  4. Advertisements of commercial products, services, or off-campus businesses will be restricted to specified bulletin boards in limited locations, which are available from the Campus Scheduling Office.
    1. Exceptions for prior approval by the Assistant Director, Campus Scheduling, or designee.
    2. University bulletin boards may not be used to publicize events or activities which are unlawful or in violation of the Student Conduct Code
  5. Distribution of non-commercial handout literature is permitted outside of buildings, subject to reasonable time and place, and manner restrictions.
  6. Distribution of commercial handout literature is prohibited on campus without prior permission from the Campus Scheduling Office.

Violations of Elections Guidelines

Any EIU student or Candidate for Office may challenge and file an election protest regarding alleged violations by a candidate's campaign or the election process within 24 hours of the alleged violation and no later than 3 days of the Un-official Election Results, in the MLK Jr. Union-Student Activity Center by 4:00 PM.

  1. Included in the protest must be the following:
    1. The violation(s)
    2. The violator(s)
    3. Citation of the specific rule(s) violated
    4. Date and time of violation
    5. Other relevant circumstances, evidence, or documentation of the violation or protest, and the signature of the protester
  2. Alleged violations of the Election Rules will be subject to further review, investigation, and action by the EIU Student Supreme Court.
  3. Any violation of the Election Commission regulations may also represent a violation of the Student Conduct Code and may be subject to review and referral to Judicial Affairs per University procedure defining said Student Conduct Code Violations.
  4. Defendants may appeal the decision of the EIU Student Supreme Court to the Office of Student Life within 24 hours of an official ruling or decision.
  5. After the protest/violation period has been observed, the Elections Commission will consider certification of the election results and forward its conclusions to the Student Body President and Student Government Advisor within 72 hours.

To read all rules and regulations, click here.

If there are any further questions or clarifications needed, please contact us at

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Student Government

Student Activities Center / Second Floor
MLK Jr. University Union, Room 2070
Eastern Illinois University

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