Like every degree program, the Department of Special Education asks its majors to complete a specific set of course requirements. This page can serve as your guide to those requirements, providing a four-year plan and course checklist to outline what it takes to graduate with a Special Education degree.
Candidates proceed through the program as they accomplish a given set of requirements. Candidates must meet University Admission to Teacher Education requirements and pass a batter of State of Illinois certification tests.
Candidates must earn āCāsā or above in every course used to meet graduation requirements. In additional, candidates must earn a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.65 and a minimum grade point in major course work of 2.65.
All candidates must complete 16 volunteer and 30 service learning hours. In addition, candidates are expected to participate in other varied activities:
Eastern Illinois University
1212 Buzzard Building
Charleston, IL 61920