In these current economic times, your donations mean more than ever to the Physics Department at Eastern Illinois University. We are an active department and your gifts help us continue to deliver a first-rate education to our students.
There are many ways to contribute to the Physics Department:
This is our general donation fund that is used to purchase equipment, send undergraduates to conferences, and fund other special opportunities that fall outside our normal general funds.
This fund keeps EIU's Observatory up to date with all the new advances in astronomy and observational techniques.
You may want to help increase the funds available to our undergraduates through scholarships. Our current scholarships are:
Dr. William Butler Physics Scholarship
Jesusa Valdez Kindermann Scholarship
Glenn Q. & Mary Staley Lefler Memorial Fund
Michael A. Scott Memorial Fund
Dr. Henry Tait Physics Scholarship
Irvin L. Sparks Memorial Scholarship
Robert Waddell & Leyla Wadell Prize
If you would like to make an online donation using a credit card, the EIU Office of Philanthropy has all the information you will need. Once you are at the donate page, you can choose Physics under the College of Sciences listing, or if you would like to donate to the Observatory or a particular scholarship, choose Other Gift (Please Specify) and then you may designate what you would like your gift to be used for.
If you would like send a donation by check, please mail it to:
Eastern Illinois University
Office of Philanthropy
600 Lincoln Avenue
Charleston, IL 61920
You may designate where you would like your donation to go on the memo line.
If you need any other information, please contact us at We would love to hear from you!
Physical Sciences Building Room 2131
Eastern Illinois University
600 Lincoln Ave
Charleston, IL 61920
(217) 581-3220