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Sent: 2012-03-23
From: President Bill Perry
To: Employees

Subject: Vice President evaluation

As Dr. William Weber nears the end of his third year of service to EIU as Vice President for Business Affairs, it is timely and consistent with Internal Governing Policy 31, Section 2, to conduct a three-year performance review for Dr. Weber. The three-year review is in addition to annual reviews of performance, which I have conducted each year for all vice presidents. The three-year review serves as part of this year's performance review and provides a longer term perspective on performance.

An integral part of the three-year review process is the use of the Administrative Feedback Instrument as provided in IGP 31. The constituent groups listed below are asked to submit the Administrative Feedback Instrument. Participation is encouraged but is voluntary. Details on confidential submission of completed forms to me follow at the end of this email.


Campus Constituent Respondent Groups

The constituent respondent groups for Vice President for Business Affairs Dr. William Weber are

* Members of Civil Service Council, Faculty Senate, Staff Senate, and the Council on University Planning and Budget (CUPB)
* Members of the Strategic Planning Steering Committee
* Directors and Assistant/Associate Directors in the Division of Business Affairs
* Vice Presidents
* Division of Business Affairs direct reports to Dr. Weber


Confidential Submission of Administrative Feedback Instrument

If you are a member of one of the respondent groups and wish to submit your evaluation, please do the following:

* Print a copy of the Administrative Feedback Instrument. The instrument is located on the web at You may also get to this web page by first accessing IGP 31 at and then clicking on "Administrative Performance Appraisal Instrument."
* Fill out the form. If additional space is needed, you may attach additional pages. Either sign the form, or place the completed form in an envelope with your signature on it. Place your form, or signed envelope containing your form, in an envelope marked "Confidential" and addressed to "President, Eastern Illinois University." Please deliver the envelope to the president's office in any manner you wish.
* Submit your form by the close of business on Wednesday, April 18, 2012.


Process and Handling of Evaluation Forms

* I will open the envelopes in the presence of University General Counsel in the president's office.
* I will summarize the information and use it in my performance evaluation of the vice president, consistent with IGP 31.
* I will not share the completed forms with the vice president being evaluated or any other individual.


Feedback to Constituent Groups

* I will provide a report to the constituent respondent groups before the end of the fiscal year.


If you are a member of a constituent group, I encourage you to participate in this process. Thank you for your work in supporting EIU's mission.


Bill Perry


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