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Sent: 2015-02-02
From: Jennifer J. Monkmen (
To: Monkman Research, Various Recipients

Subject: College Student Borrowing Survey participate for a chance to win

Hello EIU Student,

You are invited to participate in a research study that focuses on freshman student’s knowledge of financial aid. The purpose of the study is gain knowledge of college freshman awareness of their financial choices on their future, specifically their overall financial knowledge, and what role their parents play in their financial literacy development.

This survey is being conducted as part of an assignment for the course CSA 5950, Thesis and Research, as a requirement for the Masters of Science Program in College Student Affairs at Eastern Illinois University. Dr. Dena Kniess is the course instructor and I Jennifer Monkman, am the Principal Investigator on the project.

This survey should take 15 to 20 minutes to complete. The decision to participate is completely voluntary. You have the right to terminate your participation at any time without penalty. There are no foreseeable risks to your participation in this.

Your participation in this research will be kept confidential. Information from this research project will be shared with administrators on campus. Because your participation in the study is critical, if you complete the survey you will have the opportunity to enter your email into a drawing to win a Starbucks gift card valued at $25. Your decision to participate, decline, or withdraw from participation will have no effect on your current or future relations with Eastern Illinois University.

By clicking the link, you agree to participate voluntarily in all aspects of this study, understand that you have the option of removing yourself from this study at any time. Here is the link to the survey:

If you have any questions about the research, feel free to contact Jennifer Monkman by email at or Dena Kniess (Faculty Supervisor) at

If you have any questions or concerns about the treatment of human participants in this study, you may call or write:


Institutional Review Board
Eastern Illinois University
600 Lincoln Ave.
Charleston, IL   61920
Telephone: (217) 581-8576

Thank you,

Jennifer Monkman


Technology Support
