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Sent: 2014-04-08
From: Blair Lord, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Subject: Eastern's NCA Self-Study Report Feedback

A draft of Eastern’s 2014 North Central Association (NCA) Self-Study report is now available as a downloadable PDF on Eastern’s NCA web site (  We hope that all members of the EIU campus community will read the report carefully to help identify any instances of incomplete, missing, or inaccurate information, as well as identify strengths in the report, by April 28, 2014.

There are multiple ways to provide feedback on the report.

1)     Enter your comments in the online form linked from Eastern’s NCA web site. Your name and email address are required in case we need clarification about any comments you provide. Your comments will be sent to Jeff Stowell (, NCA co-chair, and forwarded to the respective subcommittee co-chairs.

2)     Attend the final NCA Seminar 7:30 to 9:00 a.m. Friday, April 18, 2014, in the Martin Luther King University 7th Street Underground Loft.  During the seminar, a table will be setup for each of the five criteria where participants can provide specific feedback to the subcommittee co-chairs.

Thank you for taking the time to read and comment on sections of the 2014 NCA self-study report. Your input is extremely valuable to the Steering Committee and will play an important role in finalizing the report prior to the NCA evaluation team’s site visit October 20-22, 2014.



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