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Sent: 2013-10-31
From: Information Technology Services
To: Employees

Subject: Link-n-LAN

Here is your Fall 2013 issue of Link-n-LAN, Information Technology Services' technology newsletter for faculty and staff at EIU.

Link-n-LAN has been distributed as a PDF link, and this issue continues that format. However, while past issues of the newsletter were self-contained, starting with this issue the newsletter will be in digest form, with a link to each full story. This reflects the launch of the new ITS blog, called "eiuits" on the ITS web page. Now, updates and new articles are being posted on the blog on a regular basis in order to be more current and up to date with time-sensitive information. Please check the blog on the ITS website on a regular basis for news and announcements. Link-n-LAN will continue to be distributed each semester to update faculty and staff about new postings on the "eiuits" blog.


Technology Support
