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EIU Making Excellence Inclusive



February 20th, 2017 

First Generation Campaign Launch at the Future Panther Admitted Student Day.


November 15, 2016

Recognizing and Responding to MicroaggressionsThis session will define and provide examples of microaggressions. Through interactive dialogue, the session will then assist participants in understanding how microaggressions perpetuate racism, sexism and misogyny, homophobia and transphobia, as well as classism.

November 10, 2016

ICGD and MEI Community Coffee Hour 4:30 Jackson Avenue Coffee House 
image of coffee hour poster

November 2, 2016

Global Ties, Local Lives: The role of immigration in U.S. politics has been at the forefront of the current election campaign. We hear a lot about abstract “foreign threats” to the American society, yet very little about the daily lives of the actual international community living in the U.S. We have gathered six international students and faculty to present an informational session addressing current and enduring questions.

February 2016

Dr. Janice Collins: A New Model for Inclusive Excellence: Active Centralized Empowerment (A.C.E.)

February 2016

Challenging Racial Battle Fatigue: Dr. William A. Smith


April 2015

True Stories: Students with Disabilities in the Classroom

Tried and True: Universal Design in the Classroom

IGCD Community Coffee Hour

Film Screening: Lives Worth Living

March 2015

Safe Zone Training: LGBTQ terminology, the coming out process, heterosexual privilege, facts and myths about the LGBTQ community, the Riddle Homophobia Scale, and ways to engage in quiet activism.

Sylvia Hurtado, Distinguished Professor at UCLA presented a talk entitled: "Diversity in Teaching and Learning: Climate, Practicesd and Outcomes" 

Communication Studies Faculty Rich Jones and Linda Scholtz present terminology workshop: "Speaking the Language of Diversity and inclusion

January 2015

MEI members created and passed a Mission Statement and By-Laws


October 2014             

Visiting Scholar Rachel Griffin Speaks About Inclusive Excellence

May 2014

MEI Conducts Pilot Focus Group Interview

April 2014        

MEI Faculty Forum

March 2014               

MEI Members Attend AAC&U Conference on Diversity

February 2014

MEI Presentation at EIUnity, “Making Excellence Inclusive: Addressing Equity for Academic Achievement”


November 2013

MEI Receives IRB Approval for Research Project Using Student Focus Groups

October 2013

MEI Group Creates Video Featuring Faculty, Staff, and Student Thoughts on Inclusive Excellence:

January – April 2013

MEI Group Meets Bi-Weekly to Discuss Readings and Resources and Analyze Existing Campus Data


November 2012

MEI Group Meets for the First Time

September 2012

Dean Bonnie Irwin Discusses MEI at CAH Faculty Meeting

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Making Excellence Inclusive

College of Arts & Humanities
600 Lincoln Avenue Charleston, IL 61920

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