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Videos, Website Bring Honors to EIU Web Team


The University & College Designers Association (UCDA) has presented Eastern Illinois University with an Award of Excellence for each of three separate projects created by the university’s Web team.

Two of 11 recognized videos and one of eight websites receiving honors were produced by EIU’s Center for Academic Technology Support (CATS), according to Ryan Gibson, director of Web services. He was especially proud of the recognition when taking into consideration the size of Eastern compared to other schools receiving awards (Harvard, Northwestern, Auburn, University of Illinois, etc.).

One of EIU’s two award-winning videos featured the university’s Autism Center; it was produced in support of the center’s crowdfunding campaign. The second video – a general recruitment-type production -- was created for use during Eastern’s Admitted Student Day activities in February.

The award-winning website highlights the university’s 2013 Annual Report.

“A cool thing about these projects is that each had undergraduate students on the production teams,” Ryan continued. “At EIU, we talk a lot about hands-on experience. (Our students) now have award-winning videos/websites to include in their portfolio. In our industry, having these types of items in a portfolio gives our students a huge step up against other applicants.”

Although several individuals worked to bring each project to fruition, Gibson expressed his special thanks to Jamie Kemp, graphic designer, and Michael Babcock, videographer, for their contributions.

Babcock’s previously mentioned recruitment piece also recently brought home Award of Distinction honors at the 18th annual Videographer Awards Video Competition. Entered into the Educational Institution category, the EIU entry went up against work from all over the country and was one of eight videos in its classification to garner distinction status.

According to the awards website, this is “one of the oldest and most respected awards programs in the industry” with an aim at “honoring talented individuals and companies in the video production field.”



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Josh Reinhart,
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Eastern Illinois University
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Charleston, IL 61920

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